"عبوة" انطلياس تربط القضية حكماً بقوانين الارهاب الدولية
Read this story in Englishتوافر أكثر من معطى يؤكد أن انفجار انطلياس نتج من عبوة وليس من قنبلة يدوية، وعليه فإن الادعاء على خلفية قانون الارهاب اللبناني يربط القضية حكماً بقوانين الارهاب الدولية.
وأوضحت مصادر قانونية لصحيفة "النهار" إن الادعاء على خلفية قانون الارهاب اللبناني يربط القضية حكماً بقوانين الارهاب الدولية التي صادق عليها لبنان، مما يعني انه بعد تكوين اتهام خلال مسار التحقيق سيكون على السلطات اللبنانية ابلاغ المرجعيات الدولية هذا الملف ولو كان ذا صفة محلية لكونه مصنفاً ارهابياً.
وأفادت "النهار" أن التحقيق انصرف الى بيان الاتصالات الهاتفية التي كان أجراها القتيلان بواسطة جهازيهما الخليويين، فيما ثبت ان الانفجار نتج من عبوة محشوة كرات حديداً.
وكان مفوض الحكومة لدى المحكمة العسكرية القاضي صقر صقر قد إدعى الجمعة على مجهولين بالاشتراك مع المتوفيين حسان نصار واحسان ضيا على تجهيز عبوة وتفجيرها في مرآب للسيارات في انطلياس امس الخميس واحداث اضرار مادية وتخريب في السيارات والممتلكات وجرح عدد من الاشخاص.
وأحال الادعاء إلى قاضي التحقيق العسكري المناوب.
في المقابل، جدد وزير الداخلية مروان شربل القول مساء أمس الجمعة بان "انفجار انطلياس ناجم عن قنبلة يدوية زنتها 150 غراما مزودة بكرات حديدية"، مشيرا في حديث لـ"LBC" الى ان "التحقيقات ترجح ان المستهدف شخص ثالث على خلاف مع الضحيتين".
ووقع الانفجار داخل موقف للسيارات في منطقة انطلياس صباح الخميس مما أدى الى قتل شخصين هما حسان نايف نصار واحسان علي ضيا، تردد انهما كانا يحاولان زرع عبوّة متوسطة في سيارة داخل الموقف.
don't condemn these guys! they are lovely people. a guy owed them a bit of money. so they simply wanted to blow him up. what's wrong with that?
if that's the case, then this is worse than a political assassination! when people plant bombs to settle financial disputes (although how they will get their money when the person who owes them the money is minced meat is beyond me), then we have simply sunken to new lows.
Marcus I sooo agree with u! All his comments about the incident are very illogical and irrational. He even did not give proof for why it isn't what we all can see crystal clear!
Forensic studies will show that this bomb is similar to many used in previous assassinations. But of course don't expect any hezballah follower to accept any logic that show their culpability. The only logic they know is that they are the honorable resistance victims of conspiracies. Whenever they are in a bad situation you hear their leaders talking about conspiracies. In Lassa, there is a conspiracy aimed at stealing their lands. July 2006 war was a conspiracy. Their implication in Hariri murder is a conspiracy. The hezb is just a poor victim, stealing cars in the last 20 years to survive, building within public and private lands, stealing electricity, and assassinating from time to time as self-defense.
Look at the picture and use your brains people. A bomb leaves damage. Where are the signs of a bomb in the pictures?
When is it going to be ENOUGH???
One incident after another by the same perpetrators and our government is asleep at the wheel !!!
How much money would we save, and probably pay toward our national debt, if our entire government is FIRED today.
As it is, they are not able to protect me or even provide me with basic services.
Think about it, do we really need these clowns???
@Robert B
See? you are driving yourself to the conspiracy theories without noticing. It's like a reflexe you have to reject reality. You want a simple picture displayed by naharnet to proove to your brain that the used device was not a bomb? But of course your brain will reject the researches made by the specialists who are of course conspirators?
Tayeb ok, it was not a bomb, it is a simple grenade. What your brain concludes now? Try to be objective. 2 militants from a particular sect tried to murder people in the middle of Antelias. Is it acceptable under any explanation? Is it permitted to justify their act? Does it allow me to kill innocents ?
CSI ado and his picture evidence, priceless. Next we are gonna learn that no one, or two, died and that it was all a figment of your imagination aimed at tarnishing the resistance's spotless image by the evil M14 forces.
this minister is clown , he has no idea what's going on . they tell him what to say and he says it , he does not have to make sense , he is a minister .
what is Aoun has to say about this one . his silence is deafening isn't ?
you're right RobertB, there was no bomb. one of the guys must've cracked an incredibly funny joke. and the other exploded with laughter.
they were blown to bits you idiot.
Forensic studies will show that this bomb is similar to many used in previous assassinations.
Mr/Ms Truth,
What Studies you are talking about!!! Can you share this valuable information Mr Forensic.....I am not supporting any party in Lebanon but i support logic and common sense...Like your ilk you have no idea of what the forensic studies will reveal therefore i suggest you do remain silent until the real truth is revealed….Whatever you are writing is hearsay and personal no logic opinion…Which I highly disregard
To Robert B,
You are right this particular picture does not show any signs of widespread destruction. You probably did not see the TV pictures.
The reason why the bomb did not make a lot of destruction is because the idiot was carrying it in his hand when it exploded. It was not on the ground or under a car.
However most of the cars all round had their windows smashed with pellets and projectiles from the bomb. There are other pictures to show that.
The minister still needs to explain to us why two guys from Dahyie came to Antelias to settle their financial dispute together in the middle of a parking lot after both have gone down from the car and went to the back of it to collect the bomb.
I would have thought criminals like those settle scores with guns .... not bombs that tear them into pieces !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Please do not insult our intelligence...
One more thing.
What if that bomb was intended to be put in a nearby place in Antelias and exploded remotely causing dozens of casualties.
Can you imagine for a moment what "they" would have said?
It is Israel who did it. Somebody is trying to sow discord between the Lebanese. Now at least we know the identity of those who are trying now to play such games, and who probably did it for the last decade or so.
The times were the criminals are getting away with their crimes without punishment are gone.
The end is near...
That's all these Idiots know how to do Well, Place bombs & kill True March 14 Lebanese. They closed Downtown for 1 1/2 years, caused us many Lives & Billions of $$ in the 2006 war, that they LOST, went down to the streets in 2008 & killed 100 people... and they still think the Lebanese believe them !!! They are nothing but a bunch of Iranian Mercenary Thugs, The Number One Enemy of Lebanon.
It was a bomb set by Hariri's Al Qaeda - Akkar and Tripoli Brigades as a prelude of what we might see here at home now that their plots in Syria has failed miserably and cheikh Imbecile's back is pinned against the wall with no hope in sight for him, his mafia and his Christian Sunni clappers? This is what we call the friends and tools of the US, fighters of terrorism (BIG LIE).
Estoppolis , you are obviously a Wahhabi Salafi you want to take credit for the hard work of the two Chiites saint who died almost executing a very important mission . SHN himself gave the orders .
Sorry to disappoint all you guys but it is now proven that it was actually a hand grenade. These people went terrorist although all you guys want everyone else to think so they went even in Hezbollah they were business men, car dealers they just walked out of a bank but all you people are to ignorant to realize that
Hezbollah Modus operandi is different. There is definitely something very suspicious about this explosion, but the time and place are very strange. Personal or terrorist wise, in both cases I think Hezbollah are smarter than sending two armatures to cause a blast in that area. In all cases, we all know the week security status in Lebanon. Look at the shooting on Franghyeh house in North ; what about security in that area?