الجيش الإسرائيلي يطلق النار على 4 مزارعين في سهل الخيام الجنوبية
Read this story in Englishأطلق الجيش الإسرائيلي النار السبت على مزارعين لبنانيين في الجنوب من دون وقوع إصابات.
وأعلن الجيش اللبناني في بيان مساء السبت أنه "عند الساعة 17.30 من بعد ظهر اليوم، قامت قوات العدو الإسرائيلي بإطلاق النار باتجاه أربعة مزارعين في سهل الخيام دون وقوع إصابات".
وعلى أثر ذلك حضرت دورية تابعة للجيش إلى المكان واتخذت الإجراءات اللازمة، بحسب البيان.
وكانت قد أقدمت دورية إسرائيلية ظهر الخميس الفائت على خطف راعيين وثلاث نساء بعد خرق الخط الأرزق في مزرعة بسطرة قرب مزارع شبعا ثم أفرجت عنهم ليلا.
وكثير من الأحيان ما تقوم القوات الإسرائيلية بخطف رعاة في المنطقة الحدودية، ويتم استجوابهم ثم الافراج عنهم في وقت لاحق بعد وساطة من القوات الدولية التابعة للأمم المتحدة.
وتعمل هذه القوات على معالجة حوادث مماثلة للتي حصلت اليوم.
I have a suggestion for you guys
In the spirit of Easter may I suggest you guys behave and take a break of your foul language, behave, and post respectful and civilized comments?
Someone who has understood that this useless war is bad for Arabs:
About 12 months ago Hassan Nasrallah gave an interview in which he mocked the Israelis in ability to intercept communication as HA used local dialects and language only familiar with the south. Ever since we have witnessed an increase of Israelis kidnapping farmers goat herders etc and then releasing them quickly. I suspect they too had watched that interview and may be gathering intel in an attempt to intercept communications.
FD I really don't think anyone believes the Israeli threat is not real is some way,shape or form. But to which extent is the real arguement. Given it is a seperate nation with clear UN paramaeters drawn up between us and them, it is much more effective to police this and promote these paramaters under the guise of the Lebanese State authority than that of HA. This rouge approach contrary to any government policy is what gives Israel the justification it needs in the eyes of the international community to be an agressor. If on the other hand HA was under state authority and within the whole mandate of the LAF such aggressions by Israel cannot be justified and if they occur will incurr the wrath of the whole population and combined military might. This is the arguement that is playing out at the moment.
in fact we are under no illusions that the threat from syria and iran and ksa and usa etc.. are just as real but having a divided armed force cearly makes us weak enough for these players to manipulate us as is the case right now. The political platform nowadays has changed and so must our military aparatus, we simply cannot afford any rouge elements in the country. HA and the LAF are NOT mutualy inclusive they must be one.