لقاء بين "المستقبل" و"القوات" الاثنين لتبني ترشيح جعجع للرئاسة

Read this story in English W460

يتوقع ان يعلن "تيار المستقبل" خلال الساعات الـ48 المقبلة تأييده لترشح رئيس "حزب القوات اللبنانية سمير جعجع لرئاسة الجمهورية، وسط معلومات عن لقاء بين القوات والمستقبل يوم غد الاثنين.

وقالت صحيفة "النهار" أن تأييد الترشح يأتي نتيجة لقاءات عقدت على خطين، الاول بين "القوات" و"المستقبل" والثاني بين "القوات" و"الكتائب".

وأوضحت ان مدير مكتب رئيس "تيار المستقبل" سعد الحريري، نادر الحريري التقى جعجع في معراب وتركز البحث على الآلية الفضلى للإعلان الرسمي عن موقف "المستقبل" الحريص في الوقت نفسه على وحدة قوى "14 آذار".

كما اشارت الى لقاء ثان عقد في معراب، حين زارها القياديين في "حزب الكتائب" الوزير السابق سليم الصايغ وجوزف أبو خليل، حيث استمر اللقاء ثلاث ساعات.

يُشار الى ان نادر الحريري اجرى سلسلة لقاءات مع المسؤولين اللبنانيين حول الملف الرئاسي، وتوجه بعدها الى الرياض حيث اطلع سعد الحريري على هذه التطورات.

لاحقا، أفادت كل من الـ MTV والـ LBCI عن "لقاء سيجمع بين القوات والمستقبل غدا الاثنين.

وذكرت القناة عينها، ان "رئيس الحكومة الاسبق سعد الحريري يتصل بجعجع ويقول له هذا اول اتصال لتهنئة مرشحنا لرئاسة الجمهورية لمناسبة عيد الفصح".

ويجري "حزب القوات اللبنانية"، سلسلة لقاءات واتصالات مع القادة اللبنانيين لاطلاعهم على برنامج جعجع السياسي في حال انتخابه رئيساً للجمهورية، الذي كان قد أعلنه الاربعاء الفائت، في ظل عدم اتفاق قوى 14 آذار على مرشحها التوافقي للرئ.اسة

يُشار الى ان وزير الخارجية جبران باسيل كان قد ابلغ نادر الحريري ان رئيس "التيار الوطني الحر" النائب ميشال عون لن يترشح للانتخابات الرئاسية في حال تبنى "المستقبل" ترشيح جعجع.

ج.ش. م.ن

التعليقات 34
Missing -karim-- 09:06 ,2014 نيسان 20

What's Geagea's presidential platform? How to be a slave to the Saudis?

Thumb habib 09:14 ,2014 نيسان 20

Dr geagea Allah ye7mik

Thumb geha 09:24 ,2014 نيسان 20


instead of asking why they are late, kindly advise us why your m8 has not even advised who is running for those elections :)

Thumb general_puppet 09:36 ,2014 نيسان 20

geha... phoenix is not the wolf. The wolf is a nut and there is nothing more to him. I do not agree with all of phoenix's comments but he is fare and rational.

Thumb ex-fpm 09:45 ,2014 نيسان 20

wolf is the roar and he lives in Australia. He posts at odd hours and cannot be from Lebanon.

Thumb general_puppet 10:03 ,2014 نيسان 20

I don't think so, the self proclaimed roar and king of the jungle is a first class Primadonna. The_roar only makes comments that are inflated, pretentious & pompous, wolfy's scribble can only be described as irrational nonsense.

Thumb geha 10:44 ,2014 نيسان 20

check out the language: it is the same. especially the insults, and the way he approaches you :)

he played well his hand, so either he is a master of deceit, or, he is schiso. while using the avatar of phoenix, he tries to be reasonable, (then again, lately he lost it), then under the wolf avatar, he is aggressive.

but under both: the same language :)

Thumb geha 10:45 ,2014 نيسان 20

even the same way of replying under another thread :) have you noticed that? both avatars do the same mistakes :)

Thumb popeye 09:33 ,2014 نيسان 20

TROLLS: try to disrupt, destroy or change newsgroups/forums to fit their own agenda. They often use such techniques as:
* flooding by excessive posting * threatening people
* attacking regulars in a group * spreading rumors
* attempting to divide and conquer * violating forum policies
* making themselves the saviour of the forum * posting under many aliases
* trying to impress others with their knowledge * disguising their headers

TROLLS often have serious personal issues that lead them to try to control others.

The best way to deal with TROLLS is to IGNORE them.

N.B: All of the above apply to flamethrower and Co.

Thumb popeye 09:35 ,2014 نيسان 20


Thumb lebanon_first 09:43 ,2014 نيسان 20

This candidacy will fail because Amal, HA and cpl will never never vote for Geagea.

Aoun's candidacy will probably fail after that.

We will end up with qahwaji probably who is not a bad choice. Hurry buy lands in Jezzine before the infrastructure works start.

Aoun will put as a condition to nominate Chamber Roukoz as army chief, which is a good thing,

Thumb lebanon_first 09:45 ,2014 نيسان 20


Thumb ex-fpm 09:43 ,2014 نيسان 20

This is a pro M14 democracy forum and those who share those views and post here do not need to be paid drones as you claim. It is those who are anti the spirit of this forum who come here to post are paid. Makes sense no?

Missing coolmec 10:06 ,2014 نيسان 20

Lebanon first
I hope to God Khawaji will never be considered to the presidential post let alone be elected. He is worthless and he will be a bad president and Lebanon's gradual slide into the abyss will continue.
You guys are insane. There are so many qualified Lebanese to become president why do you guys have to chose from the existing leaders who have a dismal record at best?

Thumb lebanon_first 11:03 ,2014 نيسان 20

Coolmec. I am not saying he is ideal. But "au pays des aveugles les Borgnes sont rois"

I personally would favor a nonpolitical CEO of a Lebanese industrial company from the jbeil or kesrwan hinterland who turned his company in an export powerhouse. And there are quite a few. But Berri will not accept. M8 want a syrian stooge. The least bad person thatM8 would accept is kahwaji.

By the way why is he so bad in ur opinion?

Missing coolmec 11:39 ,2014 نيسان 20

Hi Lebanon first
I agree with you I also favor a CEO type of president to redress our economy which is in dire traits. We need a CEO to bext utilizr our great potential. As of now the Lebanese potential is being exploited by foreign powers be it the gulf region, Europe, Latin America, the USA and Africa. just imagine what only 20% of these expatriates will do to our economy. Unfortunately these expatriates together with the tourism potential for the millions of Lebanese overseas is a great catakyst to jump start our otherwise moribund economy. That with expertise in foreign affairs to regain our respectable place in world forum. Unfortunately I feel Kahwaji lacks the necessary skills to accomplish that. He is no Fouad Chehab who was a military but also an astute politician. Again Kahwaji lacks that. If he is chosen it will not be it will not be for his skills or ability to lead the nation but by consensus. A consensus president cannot be successful

Missing coolmec 11:46 ,2014 نيسان 20

Lebanon first
sorry for my typos bro
Let me also add that I have nothing against Kahwaji and I have no political association be it M8 or M14 or whatever M you want. As far as I am concerned I put both groups in the same bag I support Lebanon and its people. I live overseas but visitng Beirut now. My god the minute I landed at the airport I saw the Lebanese citizen he gave me the impression he is carrying like a ton of weight on his shoulders, broken no smile, impoverished and living in misery. This is a far cry from the Lebanon I know and the Lebanese people who were jovial smile on their face, hospitable friendly etc
As such I feel very strongly we need to turn the page and allow our potential to blossom and to do that we need to get rid of our leaders who have polarized our society

Missing coolmec 11:48 ,2014 نيسان 20

Lebanon first
allow me to ask you a question
why are you looking for a president from our existing leadership? why chose one of those? why not look at the educated non sectarian progressive Lebanese. trust me there are plenty of qualified Lebanese beyond the current leadership

Thumb lebanon_first 14:47 ,2014 نيسان 20


I hear you. Ideally, we would choose a president from civil society, or from the private sector, who proved his worth in measurable achievements.
In my book, most zaims we have now (leaders), do not have the set of skills to make a good civil servant let alone a good president.

If they would work in my firm, most would not make it through middle manager. Some, like Berri would not make it past office boy.

Thumb lebanon_first 14:47 ,2014 نيسان 20


I hear you. Ideally, we would choose a president from civil society, or from the private sector, who proved his worth in measurable achievements.
In my book, most zaims we have now (leaders), do not have the set of skills to make a good civil servant let alone a good president.

If they would work in my firm, most would not make it through middle manager. Some, like Berri would not make it past office boy.

Thumb EagleDawn 10:11 ,2014 نيسان 20

another stellar post

Thumb Loubnani 11:16 ,2014 نيسان 20

It surprises me how little many of you know about history and how brainwashed you can be defending your so called leaders. They are all and will always be an embarrassment to humanity. Failures in their accomplishments but spectacular in taming the gullible masses. You all deserve such so called leaders. Lebanon will never be a progressive modern country if we don't all change in our thinking.
Maybe one day

Missing coolmec 11:50 ,2014 نيسان 20

Right on Loubnani
I agree with you 1000%
Please read my above comments addressed to Lebanon first.
Thank you

Thumb Loubnani 22:48 ,2014 نيسان 20

I read your comment coolmec and I agree with you totally. We fail as a nation because we allow It to fail nothing more and nothing less. We see people cheer for the Syrian people's aspiration to a true democracy and we fail to understand that we have the worst possible form of democracy if we can call it that in Lebanon. Shameful since we all consider ourselves educated individuals but still lack common sense...

Thumb Loubnani 22:51 ,2014 نيسان 20

Each to his own jamesbond-2 I stopped caring to be honest. These people aspire to a different vision of Lebanon than mine it seems. They are entitled to their opinion as I am to mine. All the best mate

Thumb lebnanfirst 11:23 ,2014 نيسان 20

President Souleiman and Mr. Geagea are, IMHO, the only two politicians currently spearheading the commendable drive towards democracy in our beloved Lebanon. Chateaux bas to both of you gentlemen.

Thumb lebnanfirst 11:24 ,2014 نيسان 20

Read Chapeaux not Chateaux. Hate when that happens.

Thumb lebanon_first 11:31 ,2014 نيسان 20

I know. The autocorrect function of naharnet, done in Ukraine btw, does not know the intricacies of the french language.
Happy easter lebnanfirst :)

Thumb Loubnani 11:49 ,2014 نيسان 20

Happy Easter to you all and your families. God bless

Thumb Loubnani 22:52 ,2014 نيسان 20

They must have found it offensive in some way! Either way God bless

Missing coolmec 11:51 ,2014 نيسان 20

By the way Lebanon first
Happy Easter to you and to all of you guys
eat drink and be merry...lol

Thumb lebanon_first 16:46 ,2014 نيسان 20

same. cristos anestis.

Default-user-icon Simon Hokayem (ضيف) 18:50 ,2014 نيسان 20

Smart ...

Thumb thepatriot 20:27 ,2014 نيسان 20

Pfffff FT ... always the same comments, always the same words... mais qu'est ce que t'es lourd mon vieux... et inutile....