قاووق يحذر من أن لبنان "لا يحتمل رئيسا يعادي المقاومة ويستعجل التصادم مع سوريا"

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أكد نائب رئيس المجلس التنفيذي في حزب الله الشيخ نبيل قاووق "العمل على ايصال رئيس قوي الى رئاسة الجمهورية تخشاه اسرائيل ويشكل وصوله قوة ومنعة بوجهها وبوجه التكفيريين"، محذرا من ان لبنان لا يحتمل رئيسا يناصب العداء للمقاومة ويستعجل التصادم مع سوريا.

وقال قاووق خلال احتفال تكريمي الاحد: "لبنان على أبواب استحقاق وطني كبير معني به كل لبناني، وحزب الله معني جدا بمسار هذا الاستحقاق الرئاسي وليس من موقع المتفرج أو الحيادي".

وعليه، أكد "نعمل من أجل إيصال رئيس قوي إلى سدة رئاسة الجمهورية تخشاه اسرائيل ولا تريد وصوله إلى قصر بعبدا"، معتبرا أن "الرئيس القوي هو الأقوى وطنيا وهو الذي يشكل وصوله رسالة قوة ومنعة بوجه إسرائيل والتكفيريين".

وإذ أوضح أن "المعيار الأول لترشيح الرئيس القوي يكمن في التزامه الثوابت الوطنية وتعزيز قوة لبنان أمام الخطر الإسرائيلي والتكفيري"، داعيا "الذين يراهنون على وصول رئيس إلى سدة الرئاسة يناصب العداء للمقاومة ويستعجل التصادم مع سوريا إلى الكف عن هذه الرهانات".

وأضاف: " لبنان لا يتحمل رئيسا كذلك وليس هو الساحة المناسبة لاملاءات والتزامات خارجية".

وأشار قاووق في كلمته الى ان " اسرائيل راهنت على القرارات الدولية لإضعاف المقاومة وفشلت، وراهنت على فريق 14 آذار الذي كان ولا يزال يستهدف سلاح المقاومة وفشلت".

وأردف: " فريق 14 آذار على مدى تسع سنوات وهم يصوبون على المقاومة ولم ينتجوا سوى الحسرة والخيبة".

وخلص الى القول: "بعد كل هذه الرهانات الخاسرة لهم فإن المقاومة اليوم هي في ذروة قوتها وفي أحلى أيامها سياسيا وعسكريا وشعبيا".

ويأتي هذا الموقف لقاووق في ظل جلسة انتخابية في 23 نيسان الجاري دعا اليها رئيس مجلس النواب نبيه بري، لانتخاب رئيس جديد للجمهورية خلفا للرئيس ميشال سليمان الذي تنتهي ولايته في 25 أيار.


التعليقات 41
Thumb lebanon_first 17:05 ,2014 نيسان 20

Ya qaouk. Your loyalty to syria which is greater than your loyalty to lebanon is your greatest liability. If you did not support Assad's and accept Assad's machiavelic schemes into lebanon, you would have had way more support from Lebanon lovers.

Thumb cedre 17:51 ,2014 نيسان 20

southern and co binary propaganda :
'In ME only two options :
1- Assad, HizbIran & Khamenei ie the farsi rule
2- takfiris & zionists'

Thumb Elemental 19:07 ,2014 نيسان 20

Happy Easter,still pushing your agenda even on this day? Show some respect. I would really be happy if one day, one time you guys used a better argument, than Zionists/Takfiri/KSA/M14 propaganda to justify your pro-Iran/Syrian place in Lebanese society. If you can break beyond these 4 cards you always play I'd first of be impressed you could break beyond your programming and think, secondly you'll need to do better than use those points strictly, just pointing that out.

Missing ArabDemocrat.com 19:28 ,2014 نيسان 20

Basically, we get a president of our liking or else. Welcome to the Mullah-occupied Lebanon.

Thumb general_puppet 20:19 ,2014 نيسان 20

Yeah Crusher, we all know that the terrorist militia is saving the world from the evil israeli/takfiri/US/West threat... next time you visit Nasrallah's rat hole be sure to give our thanks to him and his masters Assad Jr and the current Ayatollah... also make sure you check under your bed tonight there might be Zionist cannibals hiding there.

Thumb gebran_sons 23:26 ,2014 نيسان 20

Lebanon can not tolerate Hizbollah bankrupting Lebanon after bankrupting the Shia community transforming them into another North Korea. The economic direct and indirect cost of this terrorist organization created, funded and indoctrinated by Iranian radicals is in the hundreds of billions. Instead of the anticipated 6 to 10 percent growth we had negative growth thanks of these Basij. Thousands of businesses have went bankrupt. Practically all multinationals with their good paying jobs have left Lebanon to no return. Hizbollah with its puppets has suffocated the Cedar Revolution hope and caused misery that will plague Lebanon for generations. This is poison to our freedom and democracy and they must pay for the misery and economic ruin they left behind. No hope for Lebanon with this cancer in our midst, these angels of darkness.

Thumb Marc 00:22 ,2014 نيسان 21

Another thing is that there is a story that Syrian Regime are disenchanted with HA and there are reports stating that the three Manar crew were killed by the Regime. Also, HA fighters are not trusting the regime soldiers.... Perhaps HA should pull out of Syria and support Geagea for President.

Thumb zahle1 05:57 ,2014 نيسان 21

Cedre I agree with you on this. If you are not with them 100 pct then you are zionist takfiri. I do believe that takfiri are as big of a threat to our existence as anything. I just don't believe if you are against HA weapons than you are takfiri Zionist...

Missing idris_gray 15:32 ,2014 نيسان 21

lol @ samy...you hit the nail on the head. These clowns are so paranoid and self important to think everybody is out to get their powerful "resistance." It's mind-boggling all these people who actually believe that the "takfiri-US-Zionist" alliance is consumed with some obsession with Syria. As if Syria is a powerful country that is a threat to anyone! Syria is nothing! If the US really wanted to destroy Syria's government it could be done in 1 week just like it did in Iraq.

Thumb popeye 17:15 ,2014 نيسان 20

popeye to qaouk: Lebanon cannot tolerate anti-state, pro-syria president. The terror party is the biggest impediment to lebanon's health and future.

Thumb Elemental 21:12 ,2014 نيسان 20

Happy Easter to you too my good sir.

Thumb beiruti 18:02 ,2014 نيسان 20

Lebanon does not equal Hezbollah, so when you say, "Lebanon Can't Tolerate 'Anti-Resistance, Anti-Syria' President", you mean, "Hezbollah cannot tolerate an 'Anti-Resistance, Anti-Syria' President". But Qaouq, Lebanon is not Hezbollah and Hezbollah is not Lebanon. The equation does not work. Qaouq is not a Deputy in Parliament, yet, when he speaks for Hezbollah, the Speaker of Parliament quakes. This is what is wrong with Lebanon. Those with the guns rule those who hold political office.
Lebanon, Lebanon cannot tolerate a president who is not anti-"resistance" and who is not pro-Lebanon.

Thumb scorpyonn 04:13 ,2014 نيسان 21

I am so sick of tolerating those Shiite clerics and their medieval Iranian agendas in Lebanon. Sick sick sick of it

Thumb primesuspect 18:08 ,2014 نيسان 20

Hola everybody, I wish you all a happy Easter Sunday. I haven't been around in two months since maduro had my entire neighborhood disconnected. We'll take him down just like U will with this Farsi terrorista.
Take care guys and gals, and be strong!

Thumb general_puppet 20:34 ,2014 نيسان 20

"warmonger"... you are a true cartoon character :-)

Thumb Elemental 18:19 ,2014 نيسان 20

Happy Easter all,

Qaouq Says Lebanon Can't Tolerate 'Anti-Resistance, Anti-Syria' President, which is what the Ayatollah ordered him to say. Again, since they are not Lebanese, their words are null and void. Please keep this up it's rather entertaining. Lebanon is a LEBANESE state, not governed by Iran or Syria. It's one thing to have diplomatic ties, it's another to let Lebanon be bossed around.

Thumb Elemental 18:35 ,2014 نيسان 20

PS why say this now? Purposely saying this on Easter...shame.

Thumb Elemental 18:34 ,2014 نيسان 20

Pretty much, Happy Easter.

Thumb Elemental 18:58 ,2014 نيسان 20

Crusher, grow up, you assume I'm Israeli? Please state your family's village locations in Lebanon for past 5 Generations, I know I can ;) can you? Happy Easter :)

Thumb Elemental 18:59 ,2014 نيسان 20

Crusher, secondly even on Easter you have to be that low? Bravo, shows me the caliber of human being you are, but you're forgiven.

Thumb Elemental 19:13 ,2014 نيسان 20

One more thing, today is the day he resurrected, get your dates right...shows me how in touch you are with your Christian allies huh?

Thumb Elemental 20:02 ,2014 نيسان 20

You didn't answer my question Crusher, you just redirected and whined alot, thank you for proving my point :)

Thumb Elemental 22:35 ,2014 نيسان 20

I'm officially dealing with a child, therefore your words yet again will count for nothing, just bitter uneducated hatred from you, so sad...

Thumb Elemental 22:42 ,2014 نيسان 20

Even your very logo is Western, so you got that wrong and even the day's of Christs death and resurrection wrong...yeah...

Thumb beiruti 18:35 ,2014 نيسان 20

If the Lebanese president is to be "made in Lebanon" as all parties keep saying, including Berri and Nasrallah, Qaouq is an outlier with this Iranian/Syrian Demand. Lebanon is not Syria or Iran either.

Thumb Bandoul 19:22 ,2014 نيسان 20

Happy Easter everyone. Christ is Risen!

Missing thatisit 18:43 ,2014 نيسان 20

Sadly we lebanese pride ourself that that we are the only democracy in the arab world - but are we?
I personally don't think so - there is no such thing as democracy in lebanon and there will never be one unless a genetic modification and a short social and educational evolutionary process takes place. What we have in Lebanon is a social variation in how we people live their lives ( openness and some free press) which we confuse with democracy.

Back to shiish qaoouq, HA has become a party that if a chinese man farted for eating too much Tofu, they blame it on zionists. They have become slaves to this modus operandi and that is how they will be operating for the foreseeable future.

Lebanon is doomed unless a very effective centrist leader emerges and takes away what the M14/M8 has taken as a hostage for a long time.

Default-user-icon Trueself (ضيف) 18:46 ,2014 نيسان 20

when is this meaningless squabble going to stop. We need to put Lebanon first and work together on the economic front, not who would destroy what and who would resist what. The resistance as its stands is mainly against the Lebanese not Israel. Whoever thinks otherwise is either blind or stupid. HA wants to dominate Lebanon; if not already dominating it. We need to live together free from arms except in the army's hands and start building a country not spoken about but meaningless nut heads religious personalities from all sides irrespective but by educated people who would make this country go back to economic wealth and provide jobs. HA glorifies wars and arms which is certainly not what Lebanon needs.

Thumb jabal10452 18:49 ,2014 نيسان 20

Anyone surprised by this announcement? It is in line with HA's so-called politics of "resistance". The exciting part is what surprises lay in wait in parliament next week.

Missing hajjradwan 19:21 ,2014 نيسان 20

I'm sorry nabil, no such thing as "The Resistance" that became clear to everyone when hassin admitted your Iranian mercenaries fought and died in Bosnia.

Thumb general_puppet 20:06 ,2014 نيسان 20

“those betting on the election of an anti-resistance and anti-Syria president” to “cease these bets,” underscoring that “Lebanon does not tolerate such a president and it is not the right arena for foreign dictates and obligations.”.... filthy dog go serve your Master Assad in Syria.

It is amazing how a bunch of Terrorist and Traitors are allowed to take over a country. Assad made sure to disarm all Lebanese militia's but kept the Glorious Iranian militia armed and in place to do his bidding.

Thumb Elemental 20:17 ,2014 نيسان 20

Happy Easter.

Missing agenor 20:18 ,2014 نيسان 20

People that live by the sword will only see the sword. There are so many more important matters than the petty things this guy is talking about. The Lebanese economy is in shambles, the young are immigrating, the old have no insurance, healthcare is a big fiasco and thus guy only sees his toy weapons and how to pick the next fight.

Missing -karim-- 21:00 ,2014 نيسان 20

Actually, Lebanon can't tolerate a pro-Saudi President.

Thumb kanaanljdid 21:37 ,2014 نيسان 20

IRAN can't tolerate. But Lebanon can, and maybe would better heik.

Thumb Elemental 22:16 ,2014 نيسان 20

Christians have always been second class people to them, it's so obvious.

Thumb Elemental 02:36 ,2014 نيسان 21

I like how you actually admit it, Happy Easter FD :)

Thumb habib 05:49 ,2014 نيسان 21


Thumb Maxx 10:46 ,2014 نيسان 21

What Lebanon can't tolerate is this anti-Lebanon "resistance".

Missing peace 14:51 ,2014 نيسان 21

LOL so what if an antiresistance president is elected? you ll take to the streets as brave "resistants" you are? or you ll abide by lebanese people's wishes?
i bet you d rather destroy Lebanon as brave "patriots" you are! LOL

Thumb shab 20:33 ,2014 نيسان 21

Filthy murdering militia