رعد يطلب ان يكون الرئيس الجديد "حاضنا للمقاومة": من يحمل برنامج حرب أهلية عليه ان يعرف ذلك
Read this story in English
لفت رئيس كتلة الوفاء للمقاومة النائب محمد رعد ان الاستحقاق الرئاسي لما كان ليكون لولا فضل المقاومة، مشدد في هذا الاطار على ضرورة ان يكون الرئيس الجديد "حاضنا للمقاومة"، لافتا الى أنه على "من يترشح أن يختزن هذه الحقيقة خصوصا لمن يحمل برنامج حرب أهلية جديدة".
وقال رعد احتفال تأبيني اقامه حزب الله في بلدة دير الزهراني: "إننا اليوم أمام استحقاق رئاسي يجرى في بلد قد حرِّرت أرضه من إحتلال صهيوني مدعوم من قوى دولية عظمى وكبرى كانت تريده أن يسحق ويدمر المقاومة في لبنان وان يسقط خيار الحرية والعزة والكرامة لدى المواطنين اللبنانيين".
وعليه، أكد ان "من حق شعبنا وممثليه أن يختاروا الرئيس الذي يحفظ إنجازات المقاومة ويصون وحدة اللبنانيين ويحافظ على السيادة الوطنية والإستقلال".
وإذ رأى ان "هذا الإستحقاق ما كان ليتم التداول به لولا فضل المقاومة ومجاهديها وشهدائها"، لفت رعد الى انه "لا يجوز أن يأتي رئيس تتجافى عقليته وخياراته عما أنجزته المقاومة".
وشدد على "ضرورة أن يكون الرئيس المقبل حاضنا للمقاومة، واعيا لدورها وأهميتها ليس من باب الحب المثالي لها، ولكن حرصا على السيادة الوطنية التي تكون مهددة على الدوام بدون مقاومة".
واضاف رعد غامزا من قناة رئيس حزب القوات اللبنانية سمير جعجع : "ان على من يترشح لموقع الرئاسة أن يختزن هذه الحقيقة أمام من يترشح وهو يحمل برنامج حرب أهلية جديدة"، معتبرا أن "الجميع لا يجدون لهذا موقعا على خارطة الرئاسة".
وحتى الآن لم يعلن سوى جعجع ترشحه للرئاسة، الذي تظهر الاجواء ان تيار المستقبل يتنبى ترشيحه، في ظل عدم اعلان قوى 14 آذار مرشحها.
وفيما يتحفظ نواب حزب الله على ترشح جعجع مشددين جميعا على ضرورة ان يكون الرئيس الجديد حاضنا للمقاومة وحام لها، يجري "حزب القوات" سلسلة لقاءات واتصالات مع القادة اللبنانيين لاطلاعهم على برنامج جعجع السياسي، وسط معلومات عن ان "القوات" ستطلب موعدا من حزب الله لاطلاعه على البرنامج ايضا.
يشار في هذا السياق الى ان في 23 نيسان تبدأ جلسة انتخاب رئيس جديد للجمهورية خلفا للرئيس الحالي ميشال سليمان الذي تنتهي ولايته في 25 أيار.
من جهة اخرى ، أكد رعد "مسؤولية الجميع في تعزيز تماسك الشعب الذي تحمل الكثير"، قائلا "إن الدولة معنية أن تحفظ هذا التماسك وأن تعطي للضعيف حقه وأن تحمل الميسورين بعض الأعباء من أجل أن تنصف المستضعفين".
وأكمل "وحدة المجتمع هي إحدى المسؤوليات الأخلاقية التي ينبغي أن تقدم بها الدولة المشروع الذي نوقش لإنصاف المستضعفين من ذوي الدخل المحدود من الموظفين الإداريين والتربويين والعسكريين"، معتبرا أن "هذا المشروع ينصف إلى حد ما هؤلاء"،.
وتابع: "أننا في غمرة الإستحقاق الرئاسي، وإذا لم ينصف هؤلاء قبل الخامس عشر من أيار، لا يعود ممكنا إنصافهم حتى ينتخب رئيس جديد"، موضحا ان "المجلس النيابي عندما يدخل في هذا التاريخ يتحول إلى هيئة ناخبة لا شأن له بالتشريع".

crusher or full-disclosure or mystic please don't spam the forum today.

Crusher, I will repeat my question... why is an Assad stooge on a Lebanese web site?
You, mystic and Josephini have no shame, at least the rest of the M8 cheerleaders praise Assad from the privacy of their closets.

another direct threat from teddybear! LOL
just vote the president you want and if the results do not suit what you gonna do? make a war again against lebanese? LOL

That'd be quite a contradiction: Anybody who becomes aware of the role of this sham "resistance" would want anything but to embrace it. What "achievements" are you talking about? That you forced Israel to get out of South Lebanon by the gun, when intelligent Lebanese would have achieved the same through negotiations? Had you not been shooting and bombing them since 1990, we could have sat down at a negotiation table with them and ended this perpetual state of war. Go back to Iran you fearmongering warmonger!

I am answering to your reply below you stated that Jordanians are a minority in their country
aren't we the same if not worse off???

Call them what they are Flimflan and Iranian terrorist militia... and what they are saving in Syria is Assad's grip on power.

you seem to forget we have 2 million Syrians and hundreds of thousands of Egyptians bengla deshi, sri lankans etc.... don't they count??

Let me reiterate, no such thing as "The Resistance" at least not in the sense the Sasquatch here is trying to peddle. That became very clear to everyone when hassin admitted his "Islamic Resistance" went to kill and die in Bosnia. They were fighting along side Al Qaeda and Takfiri forces killing Orthodox Christians, maybe it was not because they hated Orthodox Christians per se but that was the mission assigned to them by their leaders the Iranian Revolutionary guards.
Hezbollah or the Islamic Resistance in Lebanon instantly became the Islamic Resistance in Bosnia, same fighters, same flag, same doctrine nothing to do with Lebanon. It later became Islamic Resistance in Iraq, in Syria, in Egypt, in Thailand, in Argentina etc. They are mercenaries or more accurately part of Iran's foreign legionnaires, they are deployed in support of Khomeini's doctrine of spreading a global Islamic rule.

Thumbs up for Lebanon's Army and ISF, and ONLY the Army and ISF, which should be the only ones with proper weapons and authority, not implants by a foreign nation.

Hezbollah does help its people and creates social welfare within its followers and is only able to do so if it stays armed to receive the hundreds of millions from Iran. But the Lebanese Shia that do follow HA are duped through many factors: Islamism, Lack of government support, Shia vs Sunni religious tension and so-on. One must keep in mind that HA must keep its weapons not because its Lebanese resistance,because its far from it. HA will always be a Iranian proxy and if it doesn't have to worry about Israel it will worry about the sunna. Unfortunately this religious tension has conquered Lebanon and we as a people,from any religion,have lost all regard to nationalism. Without any foreign intervention christians and non-muslims will eventually lose power. Who ever the president to be is, he should be against HA to the fullest, if not personal then politically. Lebanese must prove they do not want lebanon to be Iran or ksa in sense of government and we do not want civil war.

I believe the way Islamist have developed the thought of Jihad through the years can be seen as "if your not with me your against me". Shia are considered to infidel in the eyes of the Sunni; Afghan-Arabs and militants that have developed Islamic Jihad to mean war. What the Sunni Radicals face is a far-enemy near-enemy dilemma. So eventually when they take action it will involve war with the Shia. Being that HA and most of the Shia community in Lebanon falls under the umbrella of HA, the fear of a inter-religious war can always be a threat Iranians and their proxy groups.

Oh I never meant that Lebanese Sunna or Shia have the mentality I was previously mentioning. I was suggesting that on the broader scheme,that HA affiliation with Iran has attention of Sunni Radicals. I completely agree with you on that point and in no way did I mean Sunni's of Lebanon would attempt anything on the Lebanese Shia.

And the Dr, will be appreciated as long as things are running smooth and is a March 14th hero. once they aren't,everyone will remember the war lord and will go against him in every way.

“the next president must embrace the resistance"... go back to Iran you filthy Thug.
The Iranian militia is going all out with their usual BS propaganda. They want things to stay as they are, no state, no Lebanese authority with Assad & the Ayatollah pulling the strings.

@Raad : You don't tell the president who he should or should not embrace.
You are threatening the next president publicly by saying so.
The fake Islamic Resistance in Lebanon must embrace the next president or be eliminated !
You answer to him and not the other way around.
In fact, the next president's ultimate role is to give lebanon it's sovereignty back with a clear plan to disarm your party of Kalashikovs and turn it into a real political party.

@Raad :
1- Stop calling it the resistance ! Your name is the Islamic Resistance in Lebanon. Don't hide or be ashamed of your awful purpose !
2- You did not liberate our land. Israel let go of it ! You have no merit at all for freeing our lands !
3- The president as you say is representative of the people and therefore of the people's will. Hezbollah is not representative of the people. In fact, it's barely representative of the Shiia, a growing number of which despise your hateful terrorist organisation !
4- You answer to the president, not the other way around !