الجربا يتصل بجعجع: الشعب السوري سيكون مسرورا بوصولكم الى قصر بعبدا
Read this story in Englishأعرب رئيس الائتلاف الوطني السوري المعارض احمد الجربا عن ان "الشعب السوري يكون مسرورا" في حل وصول رئيس حزب القوات اللبنانية الى الكرسي الرئاسي، وذلك في اتصال أجراه الجربا بجعجع، متمنيا له النجاح.
وأشار المكتب الإعلامي لجعجع في بيان له السبت، الى أن الجربا اتصل بجعجع وتمنّى له النجاح بالانتخابات الرئاسية التي يخوضُها.
وقال له إن "الشعب السوري سوف يكون مرتاحاً ومسروراً بوصولكم الى قصر بعبدا".
و شكر جعجع في البيان الجربا على عاطفته النبيلة، مؤكدا له "أننا قلباً وقالباً مع الشعب السوري في نضاله من أجل قيام دولة مدنية، ديمقراطية، تعددية وحديثة في سوريا".
وتمنّى رئيس حزب القوات لشعب سوريا "الأبي وللمجلس الوطني السوري كلّ النجاح في نضالهم لتحقيق ما يصبون إليه في أقرب وقت ممكن بالرغم من كل الصعوبات التي يواجهونها".
ويترشح جعجع الى الانتخابات الرئاسية وسط اجماع من قبل فريق الرابع عشر من آذار حتى اللحظة. اذ صوت 48 نائبا له في الجلسة الانتخابية التي عقدت الثلثاء المنصرم، فيما أكد في حديث سابق له استمراره في الترشح "حتى النهاية".
هذا وبحث جعجع في موضوع الاستحقاق الرئاسي مع سفير الولايات المتحدة الاميركية في لبنان دايفيد هيل، حيث وشددا على وضرورة حصول الانتخابات الرئاسية ضمن مواعيدها الدستورية.
ر.أ.ز/ م.ن
(1). Mr. Ahmed Jarba, for God's sake, mind your business Syrian meddling, be it from your foe Bachar Al Assad, or what you claim to be a so-called Syrian opposition of which you don't even represent and even less, control. Geagea is a Lebanese matter for us to decide without your poking your nose, neither you, nor your foe Al Assad. Mr. Jarba, matter of fact is that there is no Syrian opposition, that was gone, vanished into thin air way back in time, what you've got now is an array of mad dogs now better known as Takfiris. They have no affinity to what you term as the Syrian revolution, theirs is pure hogwash and sheer madness. We all started by believing in your noble struggle, but now it's in the past.
(2). Mr. Jarba. What you now have is a regime determined to square it off with you guys, when you guys are only concerned with lining your pockets, at the detriment of the well-being of the Syrian people. FYI, if Geagea wins, know it that he has his job already cut out for him, and it pertains to Lebanon, not Syria. Now buzz off will you? And that means you, Al Assad and everything known as Syrian, euft wloh shou hal laz2et.
JB, irrespective of where we stand in this, what you said is definitely the best path forward, for everyone for us.
Not only his past is tainted, but he has achieved nothing since he was out of prison.
I believe we need to throw all our politicians out. We need new blood. We need to finish with the Ottoman mentality of "Za3emet". We need qualified people with excellent credentials and clean history.
I wonder how did jarba get geagea's phone number ?? Maybe there is some kind of a terrorist white pages ??
Jarba told Geagea in a telephone conversation that “the Syrian people support him for presidency and would be glad if he reached the Baabda Palace.”
LOL! More like the Al Qaeda heart-eaters support Geagea for presidency.
Fal ya7kom al ikhwan!
Now that the first round is done and the 2/3 majority vote is no longer required, to be elected a simple majority, or 65 of the 128 members is required. Currently March 8 has 68 votes and March 14 has 60. The difference, that which made March 14 the minority party was the switch of Jumblatt's 7 seats from M14 to M8. For Geagea to get elected, he will need M14 + PSP with only 2 votes to spare. In the last vote, Geagea had 48
For an M8 candidate to win election, Jumblatt would have to cast his votes for the Hezbollah/Aoun backed candidate. Aoun is the only M8 guy and Jumblatt will never vote for the "Tsunami".
In the last vote, Geagea had 48 so he will need to find 17 more. Jumblatt only gives 7 and Jumblatt will not give his 7 unless it is decisive, that is, unless he can maximize his bargaining power in giving his 7. Geagea will therefore need to convince all of the M14 to come to his camp. And he is short right now. It is a challenge but one that he is willing to take and possibly fail. Politics in Lebanon is maturing nicely with these developments.
Jarba, for the love of God, keep the hell out of our politics. With all due respect notwithstanding...