رعد: سلاحنا نوجهه للعدو فقط مهما أوذينا في الداخل

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أكد رئيس كتلة "الوفاء للمقاومة" النائب محمد رعد، أن "أولوية المقاومة هي أن يبقى سلاحها موجها نحو العدو الإسرائيلي، مهما أوذينا في الداخل خاصة".

ورأى رعد خلال رعايته حفل إفطار أقامه مجمع الإمام الحسين في اقليم التفاح ، أن "الإنسان المنتصر تبقى حساسيته تجاه الإيذاء التي تصله من الآخرين حساسية بالغة المستوى"، مشددا على أنهم (حزب الله) "مصممون أن نتجاوز حساسياتنا في الداخل، لكن سلاحنا نوجهه فقط لعدونا الإسرائيلي الذي هو عدو الأمة والإنسان".

وشدد على أن "أينما تسلل العدو الإسرائيلي في المس بسلاحنا، هذا السلاح سيتوجه إليه تلقائيا لأن هذا السلاح له حساسية مرهفة تجاه الإسرائيلي".

وأضاف:"هذا العدو الإسرائيلي الذي هزمناه في العام 2006 من غير المسموح أن يعطى فرصة لا راهنا ولا مستقبلا من أجل أن يحاول العدوان على لبنان مرة أخرى".

كما جزم رعد أن "يجب أن يعرف العدو أن زمن حروبه العدوانية على لبنان قد انتهى".

وخلص الى القول: "اليوم لم تعد الحرب تعد بالأيام، بل حربا تقرر مصير المنطقة والعدو الإسرائيلي يفهم هذا المعنى".

التعليقات 23
Default-user-icon Hajj Momo Thunder (ضيف) 19:45 ,2011 آب 14

We'll keep our guns pointed at Israeli enemy and like the greatest resister of all times and geography expert brother Yasser Arafat famously said the road to Jerusalem passes through Jounieh, and that were we will point our guns.

I know some smart ass will ask the answer is Antelias is on the way to Jounieh.

Thumb benzona 19:48 ,2011 آب 14

Israel isn't the enemy. You and Ahmadinejad are. The Iranian people aren't our enemy neither, just you filthy 'leaders'..

Default-user-icon مواطن لبناني (ضيف) 20:06 ,2011 آب 14

عنجد بكذبوا الكذبة وبصدقوها والمفروض نحنا كمان نصدق كذبن، ما حدا من الشعب اللبناني شاف سلاح حزب ال..... ب بيروت وخاصة ب 7 ايار وغيرها كتير من المواقف ، ليش حدا فيه بلبنان يختلف مع صبي صغير من جماعة الحزب !!!!!!!!!!!! دائما السلاح والسيارات السودة موجودة

Thumb will_rogers 20:10 ,2011 آب 14

Blah...Blah..Blah My child didn't take a dump this morning !!! It's Israel's Fault. Bunch of Liars, Terrorists . You DID NOT win the 2006 war, you cost Lebanon at least 1,200 lives and about $ 13 Billion Dollars. If you do the math Israel had kicked your ass. And you are not here to protect Lebanon, nobody asked to, you are simply and clearly excuting your Iranian & Syrian Masters wishes. So stop the BS, no TRUE LEBANESE is buying your story anymore. Remember all the sleezy Killings your party had carried out against March 14, and the closing of Downtown for 1 1/2 years, and in 2008 you A...Holes went to the streets and KILLED AGAIN another 100 Lebanese etc...etc... You call these actions DEFENDING Lebanon ? Enough BS, we have a dedicated Army to defend Lebanon, we DO NOT need your THUGS.

Thumb kato 20:16 ,2011 آب 14

If you are going to keep your guns pointed at the enemy, point them at your own heads.

Default-user-icon Truth (ضيف) 20:40 ,2011 آب 14

But you haven' t you bloody office boy! Your criminal track record speaks for you!

Thumb bashir 22:56 ,2011 آب 14

We will only point our guns at the Israeli enemy unless it benefits us politically to point them at Lebanese heads again.

Yo Raad, are lies told during Ramadan somehow better than regular lies?

Default-user-icon neutral (ضيف) 23:52 ,2011 آب 14

does the road to israel pass from lassa?baalbek? Or way.from the north of lebanon? Your arms and only your arms made take the gov and not israel.any one who talks about war with israel should have his people and guns in the south.or your compass is faulty. You can fool only your followers but not the civilised lebanese. It won't take long before judgment day and you know it. Your speech is to give more hope to your people who are already falling apart by finding out the truth and that you are getting richer while they are getting poorer and starving. No more money to pay them. Iran and syria are broke. Your party will implode soon.

Default-user-icon The Maxx (ضيف) 00:50 ,2011 آب 15

Oh you vile hypocrite! You unabashed murderer! Wasn't that what you promised us before May 2008? How many idiots do you think there are who would still buy your line? How many Lebanese would still debase themselves to believe you?

Default-user-icon amirmansour (ضيف) 00:58 ,2011 آب 15

What a sad joke.
Trying to talk in divine way.
The action of the resistance towards Israel will be a diversion from the events in Syria.....
That is a sell out and not resistance
Arafat said the way to Jerusalem will pass by Jounieh.....he also mentioned Tripoli and Ayoun Summan......

Or downtown Beirut....were they Toy guns or divine showoff.

Default-user-icon Gabriel (ضيف) 03:56 ,2011 آب 15

You point the guns at Israel while you are killing all other Lebanese . Your Iranian masters will pay the price of your hubris. Hizbollah is a mafia and Sayyed Hassan is a brutal killer , plain and simple

Default-user-icon Gabriel (ضيف) 03:56 ,2011 آب 15

You point the guns at Israel while you are killing all other Lebanese . Your Iranian masters will pay the price of your hubris. Hizbollah is a mafia and Sayyed Hassan is a brutal killer , plain and simple

Thumb joesikemrex 04:48 ,2011 آب 15

You are starting to sound like Israel. Falling for your own PR

Default-user-icon The Guy (ضيف) 05:40 ,2011 آب 15

Shame on you with these lies. Enough already. Hezbollah's agenda is a farce. The enemy is within, and it is You. Stop your brainwashing campaign.

Missing small.axe 06:27 ,2011 آب 15

Yeah right...... tell that to the families of Rafik Hariri, Pierre Gemayel, Gebran Tueni, Samir Kassir and Wissam Eid.

Default-user-icon saxo (ضيف) 07:05 ,2011 آب 15

بطل يا رعد

Default-user-icon assaad123 (ضيف) 07:07 ,2011 آب 15

أنت يا حضرة النائب تمثل هذا الحزب ولكنك لا تعلم ماذا يفعلون. القيادات السرية تقرر وتنفذ وأنتم تدافعون عنهم دون أن تعرفوا الحقيقة . كان حزبكم أفضل عندما كان يعلن مسؤليته عن عملياته .

Default-user-icon Syrian (ضيف) 08:24 ,2011 آب 15

Yea and don't forget the Lebanese who don't agree with you and more recently the innocent Syrians who you're killing. We have videos of Hizballa fighters alongside Syrian soldiers and shabi7a in Dar'aa and in Homs. Go back to Iran you filthy animals and leave the Lebanese and Syrians alone.

Default-user-icon dandoun (ضيف) 10:09 ,2011 آب 15

الله يرحم 7 ايار.يمكن كان في مسرحية اسمى "يوم مجيد" ماهيك....

Default-user-icon Reader (ضيف) 11:17 ,2011 آب 15

You're a piece of dirt Bigdig, like your leaders.

Default-user-icon moallek (ضيف) 12:06 ,2011 آب 15

I fully agree with you:bigdig alias Le phenicien is a big piece of dirt directly coming from the Hezb's septic tank.

Thumb mrbrain 17:11 ,2011 آب 15

So much division, so much hatred...23 + comments over a regular statement.......So sad to see such blind tension growing everyday..


Default-user-icon Truth (ضيف) 21:22 ,2011 آب 15

Mrbrain this hatred you' re refering to, does not relate to genetic reasons, but rather to injustice. It is the very social symptomatic response to injustice. When an individual cannot lean on institutions to get justice this is what happens. Institutions are supposed to express social rules worked over generations, over time, perfected along the way to produce a balanced system where everyone doesn' t need to seek justice by himself, but through an elaborate, tried ;legal system that embodies, both fear to the violators of the Law, and protection and justice, to the victims, and to society. If you lift yourself above the law by sheer brutal force, murder, if you manipulate the rules, and bend them through threats, this is what happens. Hatred is revenge in-waiting for those who feel their rights have been spoliated ! And not the other way round as the murderers have been pretending!