الجميل: كأن الدولة استقالت من مسؤولياتها

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لفت رئيس حزب "الكتائب" امين الجميل، الى اننا "نشهد غيابا مطلقا للدولة، وكأنها استقالت بالكامل من مسؤولياتها"، مشددا على ان "الكتائب" باقية في الساحة، وبتحديها في سبيل لبنان والمؤسسات اللبنانية حيث لا خلاص للبنان إلا بقيامة تلك المؤسسات".

واضاف في كلمة القاها خلال حفل تدشين المبنى الجديد لقسم حمانا الكتائبي، انه "بذات النهار وبقلب الحكومة يقولون لنا لن تستطيعوا القاء القبض على المطلوبين من العدالة الدولية"، داعيا الى "الثقة بان المعارضة ستكون بالمرصاد لأي شيء يمس سيادة الوطن وبفاعلية مؤسساتنا الوطنية".

ولفت الجميل الى انه "لا خيار للبنان إلا بالتمسك بلبنان السيد المستقل ولا إنقاذ للبنان إلا بإعادة تفعيل المؤسسات بكل مسؤولية وليس بالطريقة التي نشاهدها اليوم، والتي هي تخل عن المسؤولية، لا بل الطعن كل يوم بالمسؤولية وعلى كل المستويات".

واوضح اننا "لا ننظر الى هذه المحكمة بمنظار ضيق أو بمنظار أحبائنا الذين قتلوا من باب الإنتقام، بل ننظر للمستقبل، وللوطن، وللانسان اللبناني الذي هو شرط بناء الوطن، من هذا المنطلق نحن نطالب بالمحكمة الدولية".

التعليقات 8
Thumb mrbrain 15:40 ,2011 آب 15

I liked his elder son....Sadly Mr Gemayel doesn't have a good credit.......

Thumb mrbrain 16:26 ,2011 آب 15

Mr Flash.....Firstly of al take a chill pill and try to relax..Secondly, son, try to think before you write/Act..I believe the main subject is Mr Gemayel i don't see how you can defend your point of view by criticizing other political player!!! You just diverting the discussion..Please stick to the main topic…...Before you start shooting people I highly recommend to try to think out of the box and listen to the other opinion....
Mr Flash you really disappointed me...I will give you another chance to improve yourself to enhance your human and social skills…

Default-user-icon TyrusRex (ضيف) 16:58 ,2011 آب 15

Look who's talking! the creep who left Hammana out of the Christian war map and had its citizens undefended and massacred. Ironic that he inaugurated a phalange outpost in there. I guess the residents of Hammana are as sheepish as it gets, they are re-aligning themselves with the devil and submitting to his dwindling fiefdom. AG's statements, day after day and like all his peers in the Lebanese political scene, are nothing more than bloody obvious: slogans for the masses to get them through their day.... Raji3oun ilal Jabal, raji3oun ilal Janoub. the only place you got back to is Bickfaya, sheikh Ammouneh.

Default-user-icon Qawmi Souheil Tawili (ضيف) 17:41 ,2011 آب 15

TyrusRex, ado, mrbrain and comrade Qawmi John is completely right sheikh Ammouneh caused the Christians of Hammana to be massacred by the brave supporters of the Palestinian resistance and Syria's Assad , not to forget their Somali, Libyan Sudanese, Lebanese lefties nationalist mercenaries or as we know them today March 8, how can anyone disagree with such statement or anything else he says .

Default-user-icon TyrusRex (ضيف) 22:44 ,2011 آب 15

Qawmi, thank you for your vote of confidence... one of the things Ammouneh is not happy with these days is his lack of weapons sales to both sides of the syrian conflict. And no more cheaps weapons coming to his fiefdom from Saddam... I for one remember the billowing black smoke coming out of the dilapidated old tanks which Saddam sold him for his little war.
Guess who paid for all this stuff in the end !!! sure, they called it the war debt...

I feel sorry for the tragic death of his son. If Ammouneh knew any better, and if he had learned the lessons of recent history, he would have kept his son out of his rotten politics. But, glory has its price and he made his son pay for it, only a few decades after his father put his brother Bashir at risk. Calculated risk, sure, whatever. Can`t wait to read the next chapter...

Thumb benzona 23:50 ,2011 آب 15

Monsieur le président. Je vous trouve encore gentil en pondérant vos mots. L'heure est très grave pour le Liban.

Default-user-icon amirmansour (ضيف) 01:26 ,2011 آب 16

You will have lies and mistrust when you have amateurs in the government

Missing small.axe 05:01 ,2011 آب 16

TyrusRex, most intelligent comment of the day, congratulations. Yes of course it is Amin Gemayel's fault that Pierre was killed because, as you say, his father allowed him to get involved in politics.

Of course it's not the murderer's fault for killing him, it's Amin's fault for not keeping his son out of politics. You are a genius.