الأمن العام يسلم اللاجئين الموقوفين الى الجانب السوري
Read this story in Englishرافقت قوة من الأمن العام الموقوفين الـ49 في مطار رفيق الحريري الدولي، لتسليمهم الى الجانب السوري.
وفي هذا السياق، اشارت إذاعة "صوت لبنان"(100.5) الى أن "قوة من الامن العام رافقت الموقوفين الـ49 حتى جديدة يابوس حيث سلمتهم الى الجانب السوري".
ووأصدرت المديرية العامة للأمن العام بياناً، ظهر السبت، أعلنت فيه عن توقيف 49 شخصا من التابعية السورية ومن الفلسطينيين اللاجئين في سوريا، "أثناء محاولتهم مغادرة البلاد دفعة واحدة بموجب سماة سفر مزورة إلى احدى الدول العربية".
وتابعت انه "بعد مراجعة النيابة العامة التمييزية احيلوا الى القضاء المختص لاستكمال الاجراءات القانونية".
وفي بيانها نبّهت المديرية "جميع الرعايا العرب والأجانب، لا سيما منهم النازحين السوريين واللاجئين الفلسطينيين في سوريا الموجودين في لبنان، من مغبة مخالفة نظام الاقامة أو محاولة الحصول على مستندات سفر مزورة بأساليب غير مشروعة للانتقال بها من وإلى لبنان بما يعرضهم للملاحقة القانونية".
وتقوم الأجهزة المعنية في المديرية العامة للأمن العام بالتحقيق مع الموقوفين لكشف افراد شبكات التزوير، وكل من له علاقة بهذا الملف وسوقهم الى العدالة.
wow so we took people trying to escape and gave them to the regime that is killing them? amazing! we have over a million refugees in lebanon so why were these handed over to be killed? this violates international law and human rights charter. who is running this country and the general security department?
Actually there are 22.4 million left to go to see the death of all Syrians but if one merely wishes to remove the Sunni majority you can just kill 16 million. But if one accomplishes that there would be no need to have a Baathist regime to protect everyone from toddler terrorists and elderly assassins using barrel bombs.
sad that lebanon general security is still tied to syria and its agent
in lebanon... even sending people to their death.
We re not talking aout poor refugees running away from a war. We have done more than our share of hospitality. Those riminals were safe, in lebanon. And still decided to commit a rime by forging documents to travel to a 3 rd country. Immigration did well by deporting them.
jaafarani, u got evidence they are terrorists ?
Even if they were, u cant deport them according to international law to a country where they will be tortured and killed without fair trial. Lebanon, controlled by NasrIran, is nothing more than a 3rd world banana republic...
this is not my opinion: this is international law :)
this is my opinion:
the issues have been created by the war in Syria, and the then m8 cabinet refused to create camps for them. if they had done so, it would have been easier to monitor them.
Why not give fake documents to all of them and have them travel to the Arab country of their choice?
You all take things too far. Those guys were not terrorists note refugees they probably came to Beirut the same day just to use the airport, there documents were forged in Syria. So don't worry guys no body will kill them. They were just simple people trying to go somewhere to find a job and apparently it didn't work that's all.
tell us how come anyone against bashar is a terrorist? very limited brains you have....
u're right karimo, they should have been sent to KSA, the country welcoming, giving work to hundred of thousands people from the region, christians, shias, sunnis, druze, alawites, etc...