الراعي يستغرب الانتقادات "المخزية والمعيبة" لزيارته الأراضي المقدسة
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استغرب البطريرك الماروني الكاردينال مار بشارة بطرس الراعي الانتقادات التي وجهت اليه بشأن زيارته للأراضي المقدسة، مؤكداً أن "الإنتقادات مخزية ومعيبة"، ولافتاً الى أنه "سيزور والبابا فرنسيس الرعايا في أراضي النطاق البطريركي".
وأشار الراعي في حديث لصحيفة "النهار"، نشر الإثنين، الى أنه "لا داعي الى كل هذه الحركة في لبنان".
وأضاف ان البابا فرنسيس سيشرف أراضي النطاق البطريركي بزيارته، ولا يليق الا ان نكون في استقباله في الاراضي التابعة لنا بما فيها الاردن وفلسطين والتي هي اليوم اسرائيل، مردفاً أنه "من ناحية ثانية لدينا هناك رعايا وأبرشيات ويجب ان نزورها مرة كل خمس سنوات وفق القانون الكنسي".
وأوضح البطريرك الماروني: "انا اعلم جيدا ان اسرائيل دولة عدوة وتحتل اراضي لبنانية ايضا، وأحترم القوانين اللبنانية، وليس لدينا لقاءات مع شخصيات اسرائيلية"، معرباً عن أسفه لان بعض اللبنانيين "يريدون ان يخلقوا مشاكل حيث لا مشكلة".
وأضاف الراعي: "خلونا نحل المشاكل القائمة بدل ان نوجد مشاكل جديدة. لازم يرتاح اللبنانيون من هذا الموضوع ويتوقفوا عن الحديث فيه. هذا معيب ومخز ان يسمعه العالم منا".
وكشفت "النهار" من مصادر ديبلوماسية ان اسرائيل ابلغت دوائر الفاتيكان ان لديها بعض الشروط على زيارة الراعي للاراضي المقدسة في مواجهة الالتزامات التي اعلن عنها سابقا ومنها عدم مصافحة أي مسؤول اسرائيلي.
ولفتت المصادر الى ان "اسرائيل قد تلجأ الى حشر البطريرك بتوجيه وفد اسرائيلي لزيارته بقصد احراجه الامر الذي سيدفعه الى مراجعة الموقف قبل حصول الزيارة".
في المقابل، اوضحت المصادر ان "اطرافا داخليين قد يستغلون موضوع الزيارة من اجل توظيفه ذريعة اضافية لتعطيل انجاز استحقاق الانتخابات الرئاسية وهؤلاء الاطراف على صلة مع جهات اقليمية سبق لها أن أوضحت دفتر شروطها لهذا الاستحقاق بما يتعارض مع اتمامه سريعا".
وأشارت مصادر مطلعة لصحيفة "السفير"، الإثنين، الى أن شخصيات مسيحية، نيابية وسياسية، ستزور الراعي، بعيداً عن الأضواء، بعد عودته من الخارج، في محاولة لثنيه عن المضي في زيارته المقررة الى فلسطين المحتلة، ضمن الوفد المرافق للبابا.
كما عُلم ان هناك اتجاهاً لزيارة السفير البابوي في لبنان، لشرح حساسية الوضع اللبناني، والتنبيه الى التداعيات التي يمكن ان تتركها رحلة الراعي الى الأراضي المحتلة، على الداخل اللبناني.
ولفتت الى أن "المطارنة المعترضين يملكون هامشاً أوسع من الآخرين لمحاولة التأثير على الراعي، لأن السياسيين الرافضين او المتحمسين للزيارة، لديهم حساباتهم ومصالحهم التي قد تجعل البطريرك لا يأخذ بآرائهم، في حين ان الضغط من داخل الكنيسة هو أفعل، وإن يكن من الصعب توقع إقناع البطريرك بالعدول عن رأيه، معتبرة ان خطوته، اذا تمت، ستجعله يخسر الكثير من الرصيد الوطني الذي صنعه".
ورأت المصادر المعارضة ان "زيارة الراعي لإسرائيل هي خطأ، ولو كانت رعوية، لأنه لا يستطيع أن يضمن مسارها، أو ان يتحكم بسلوك إسرائيل التي قد تستغل وجوده، سياسياً وإعلامياً، لخدمة مصالحها وتلميع صورتها، متسائلة عن المكاسب التي سيجنيها البطريرك او المسيحيون من هذه الزيارة".
ولفتت المصادر عينها الانتباه الى انه لم يسبق لبطريرك ماروني أن رافق أي بابا في رحلته الى فلسطين المحتلة، علماً أن هذه الرحلات تعددت في الماضي، والبطريرك السابق نصرالله صفير كان قد رفض المشاركة في إحداها، مشيرة الى انه بإمكان الراعي الانطلاق من هذه الحقيقة لتجنب مرافقة البابا في رحلته.
ونبهت المصادر الى أن خطوة الراعي ترتب مخاطر على الوجود المسيحي في الشرق، في لحظة يتعاظم فيها الاستهداف لهذا الوجود على مستوى المنطقة ككل، محذرة من أن زيارة فلسطين المحتلة قد تستخدمها بعض الاتجاهات التكفيرية كذريعة او تبرير لمزيد من الاستهداف للمسيحيين.
الى ذلك، شددت أوساط بكركي لـ"السفير" على "ان البطريرك ليس دولة، ولا يتمتع بأي هوية سياسية، ويتوجه الى القدس كرجل دين مسيحي".
وأكدت ان "الراعي لن يتعاطى، لا من قريب ولا من بعيد، مع الطاقم الاسرائيلي"، موضحة انه "جرى تنسيق كل الامور مع الكنيسة اللاتينية هناك ومع مطران الموارنة في حيفا والاراضي المقدسة موسى الحاج".
وفي تفاصيل الزيارة ان البطريرك سيلتقي اللبنانيين المبعدين قسراً الى اسرائيل منذ العام 2000 أضافة الى ابناء الإبرشية الموزعين بين اسرائيل واراضي السلطة الفلسطينية وعددهم نحو 15 الف ماروني اضافة الى اصراره على زيارة قريتي إقرت وكفربرعم المارونيتين اللتين هجرتهما اسرائيل منذ العام 1948، وسيحتفل الراعي بالصلاة في كفربرعم وسط حشد من الكهنة ورجال الدين الكاثوليك ومن كل الطوائف.
ووفق أوساط سياسية لـ"الجمهورية" فان الراعي "خطط لزيارة الاراضي المقدّسة منذ توَلّيه السدّة البطريركية في آذار 2011".
يشار الى أن البطريرك الماروني سيزور الأراضي منتصف ايار الحالي.

The only ones creating new problems are the terror party, aoun, and their supporters.

So if someone travel to the UN mission in NY, then he's a traitor?

“I know very well that Israel is an enemy state and occupies Lebanese territories too. I respect Lebanese laws,” he said, adding that he would not meet with Israeli officials.
Al-Rahi regretted that “some Lebanese wanted to create problems out of nothing.”
“Let us resolve our problems rather than create new ones,” he told An Nahar.
The patriarch, who is also a cardinal, urged the people “to stop talking about this subject.”
“It is a shame that the world would have to hear (such a thing) from us,” he said.
shoukran islah wa taghyeer wa ashraf el naas! when will our batrak realize that march 8 is out to screw the country?

As Safir said that several church officials have also criticized the planned trip after al-Rahi took a quick decision to accompany the pope without thoroughly discussing the matter with them.
loll march 8 newspapers once again speak the truths lolll yea right!

But despite efforts to appease critics, As Safir daily said Monday that a delegation of Christian parliamentary and political personalities, who oppose the Jerusalem trip, would visit al-Rahi upon his return from Europe to urge him to back off from his decision.
The delegation could also visit the papal ambassador to Lebanon to “explain to him the sensitivity of the issue and warn him that al-Rahi's trip to the occupied territories would have repercussions on Lebanon.”
lol who are these MPs? emile rahme? michel mousa? lollll nabil nicoola?

Sorry Lebjack, I disagree with you on some points. I do not care if the Patriarch wants to go with the Pope to Israel. I do not see why not. I do totally object to religious figures becoming politicians. Rai has wisely kept low on the political scene, he should focus on religious issues, and maybe push harder on bringing the various religions together in Lebanon to support the total elimination of tribal and supposedly religious affiliations.

“I know very well that Israel is an enemy state and occupies Lebanese territories too. I respect Lebanese laws,” he said
LOL then isn't it forbidden by lebanese laws to set foot in israel?

Since Rahi became Batrak, he has been talking nonsense and now he is acting non sense. his trip is certainly untimely in light of the current situation in the country. No need to add a controversial trip. I am sure the pope could handle his trip to Israel without Rahi's presence

@Southern : You're in no position to comment on Al Rahi. Focus on commenting on your patriarch Hassan Nasrallah who's idea of religion is raising armies for wars !
And what you say about Israel, I agree, but you can say the same thing about Syria who "show its hostile attitude toward lebanon, violates lebanese sovereignty on daily bases"
No double standard Southern !

for hezbi lovers syria is not hostile to Lebanon... it is only "friendly fire" and "brotherly"love towards Lebanon... they shell Lebanon for its own good as some lebanese seem to be nasty LOL so like a father syria spanks its child and M8 loves it and thanks them....
it is called = M8 or the art of twisting words! LOL

Of course I'm in a position to comment about Hassan. In fact, since Hassan put his nose into my :
- Business
- Freedom
- Land
- Security
- Economy
- Stability
- President
It's my god damn business to curse the hell out of your of your fake Sayyed and fake Cheikh which is nothing but a war driven terrorist behind Lebanon's biggest cancer !

This is the first time you have agreed with Patriache Rahi? So everything else he has said or done up until now, you disagree with as a Maronite?

zionist, takfiri..... takfiri, zionist
what a delusional terrorist...total failure

the wolf is on the loose again. Please someone call the animal control department

You guys you should slow down on insults and derogatory comments. you can always disagree politely and in a courteous manner.
You guys should try that approach and hopefully you will like it

Lol I think there's some
Rising tension between Christians and

Lebanon's main problem is that it is ashamed to talk about racism.

I just find it unfortunate to resort to derogatory comments. it simply defeats the whole purpose of a forum. A forum is a place whereby people expose their differing views not necessarily to agree on one view but to discuss and share respective views. We can disagree yet remain polite, civilized and above all respectful. This is the beauty of freedom and democracy we can agree to disagree in a positive way
I ask you please to refrain from negative comments despite other's derog comments hopefully it will catch on...
am I dreaming?? lol

my point was simply 2 wrongs don't make it right. let them make stupid comments but my point is to simply ignore them
that's all bro as I feel the tit for tat is never ending
again it is your call

In February 2013, Patriarch, on Mar Maroun Day made a trip to Damascus on the occasion of the investiture of Greek Orthodox Patriarch of the Levant and Antioch Youhanna al-Yaziji. This was right in the middle of the Syrian Civil War when many of M14 objected and thought the visit ill advised as giving credibility to the Assad Regime that was then, as now currying the favor of Syrian Christians in its fight against the Syrian Opposition.
There was no objection from the Mukawama or the Aounists, in fact, Aoun went to Syria too, I believe.

In February 2013, Patriarch, on Mar Maroun Day made a trip to Damascus on the occasion of the investiture of Greek Orthodox Patriarch of the Levant and Antioch Youhanna al-Yaziji. This was right in the middle of the Syrian Civil War when many of M14 objected and thought the visit ill advised as giving credibility to the Assad Regime that was then, as now currying the favor of Syrian Christians in its fight against the Syrian Opposition.
There was no objection from the Mukawama or the Aounists, in fact, Aoun went to Syria too, I believe.

In February 2013, Patriarch, on Mar Maroun Day made a trip to Damascus on the occasion of the investiture of Greek Orthodox Patriarch of the Levant and Antioch Youhanna al-Yaziji. This was right in the middle of the Syrian Civil War when many of M14 objected and thought the visit ill advised as giving credibility to the Assad Regime that was then, as now currying the favor of Syrian Christians in its fight against the Syrian Opposition.
There was no objection from the Mukawama or the Aounists, in fact, Aoun went to Syria too, I believe.

So now we have this situation where Rai is going to Jerusalem. Though M14 is not aligned with Israel, as M8 was with the Assad Regime, M8 objects because the trip does not serve their narrative. Well, the Patriarch is neither M8 nor M14, he is not a member of the Lebanese Government, but is a member of the Roman Catholic Church, serving as one of its Cardinals. The Patriarchate is one of the Symbols of Lebanese National Unity, so he has responsibilities. But it is not empty symbolism. He has demanded of his Christian politicians to act on behalf of the nation and still they act on behalf of their pocket. If I were Rai, I'd tell those who whine, if he is to be considered a symbol of national unity, then treat him like one and not like a pawn in some M8-M14 political game.

I would like to read smart comments not the repetitive insults of both m14 and m8 fans that are proving how stupid they are by attacking each other on this site. Talk sense or dont talk at all.

The muslims have an issue with the Patriarch going to visit our Holy Sites because of Israel. It is nobody's fault Israel owns the access to this land. We have a right to visit it. Who are Christians to deny muslims to go on a hajj even though this country (KSA) blatantly is anti-Christian?

If not m8 , probably lean more towards m14 but not 100% and yet I don't object to his visit

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