الجميل التقى فرنجية وجنبلاط و"قمة مارونية في بكركي بعد انتهاء جولته"

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شدد رئيس "حزب الكتائب اللبنانية" امين الجميل ورئيس "تيار المردة" سليمان فرنجية على وجوب عمل جميع الافرقاء من اجل الوصول الى انتخاب رئيس للجمهورية قبل 25 أيار الجاري.

واثر لقاء جمعهما في بنشعي، أكد الجميل على ان الهم الاول هو اجراء الانتخابات الرئاسية ضمن المهل الدستورية، معتبراً ان "عدم انتخاب رئيس شيء خطير لمصلحة البلد".

وأضاف أن "المستقبل مجهول ولا نعرف شغور الرئاسة الى اين يودي بالبلد"، لافتاً الى ان "لبنان يمر بمرحلة صعبة جدا على جميع الصعد ويعاني من عدم استقرار ومن تداعيات ما يجري في المنطقة".

وأكد على وجوب "بذل كل الجهود للوصول الى حل يحمي الجمهورية ويقي من الفراغ".

من جهته، أيّد فرنجية كلام الجميل، الا أنه أعرب عن تشاؤمه من المرحلة المقبلة على عكس الجميل، ولفت الى ان الانقسام العمودي الموجود في البلد، اي بين فريقي 8 و14 آذار، يصعّب اتمام انتخابات الرئاسة".

الا انه أمل "الوصول الى رئيس، رئيس قوي قبل 25 ايار".

كذلك استضاف الجميل رئيس الحزب "التقدمي الإشتراكي" النائب وليد جنبلاط في منزله في بكفيا على مائدة العشاء مساء الخميس.

وفي هذا السياق، أعلن جنبلاط في حديث إلى قناة "المنار" ان الامور السياسية معقدة "وهناك انقسام ما بين كتلتي 8 و14 اذار" مشددا على" نصاب جلسة انتخاب رئيس الجمهورية هو الثلثين اساسي ولا يمكن الركون الى النصف +1".

وكان الجميل قد زار رئيس "حزب القوات اللبنانية" سمير جعجع ورئيس "التيار الوطني الحر" النائب ميشال عون، حيث تم التشديد أيضاً على وجوب اجراء الاستحقاق الرئاسي.

يُذكر ان صحيفة "النهار" كانت قد أفادت، الخميس، ان مبادرة الجميل "قد تؤدي الى قمة مارونية في بكركي في 16 او 17 من الجاري".

واستقبل الجميل الاربعاء، موفداً من رئيس "تيار المستقبل" سعد الحريري والنائب ميشال المر.

يُذكر ان نائب رئيس حزب "الكتائب"، وزير العمل سجعان القزي قد أكد أن تحرك الجميل "ليس تحرك المرشح للرئاسة"، مردفاً أن الأخير "علق ترشيحه" بانتظار معرفة مسار جلسات انتخاب الرئيس.

وفشل النواب، في جلسات انتخابية ثلاث متتالية في انتخاب رئيس جديد للجمهورية، وعلى الرغم من تحديد 15 ايار موعداً جديداً، الا ان الاجواء السياسية لا تبشّر خيراً ويتخوّف من الفراغ الرئاسي خصوصاً وان رئيس الجمهورية ميشال سليمان الذي تنتهي ولايته في 24 ايار يرفض تمديد ولايته ويؤكد انه سيكون في منزله في 25 ايار.


التعليقات 16
Thumb general_puppet 08:24 ,2014 أيار 08

"Gemayel announced from Rabieh on Wednesday that he agreed with Aoun on the importance of holding the elections by May 25"... really, May 25 of what year?

Aoun does not understand that the FPM & the rest of the M8 blocks have to show up and vote for someone, for an election to take place.

Missing _karim 08:56 ,2014 أيار 08

How does Geagea represent the Christians with his 5 MPs, one of which was giftwrapped in the Chouf by the PSP (i.e. Druze) vote?

Missing ArabDemocrat.com 13:51 ,2014 أيار 08

Well Karim ... At least the m14 are not the ones preventing the Parliament from meeting.

Missing _karim 08:56 ,2014 أيار 08

God bless General Aoun.

Missing _karim 09:17 ,2014 أيار 08


General Aoun was resisting the Syrian occupation when they were actually occupying Lebanon, and wanted diplomatic relations when they were finally out of Lebanon (as he pledged). That is the complete opposite of the February 14 Saudi-Wahabi coalition, who shined the boots of the Syrians when they were occupying Lebanon and only began "resisting" them the second they left and when there was nothing left to resist.

Missing ArabDemocrat.com 13:52 ,2014 أيار 08

And then he left his men and ran while they got massacred! Good job!

Missing coolmec 14:13 ,2014 أيار 08

Please get rid of the wahabi complex as we;; as blame the others complex. You should really answer in a relevant way to my reply and refrain from playing the M8 M14 mutual blame. I find it lame. Let's concentrate on the Aoun issue
1- I repeat Aoun hac nothing to do with diplomatic relations with Syria it was Sarkozy who engineered it in return for Bashar supporting sleimane for President
2- Do you really think that Syria today despite its army gone from Lebanon does not exert influence in Lebanon?? As a matter of fact it has more influence now thanks to Aoun being its stooge.

Missing coolmec 09:48 ,2014 أيار 08

you seem to have a very short memory. Let me refresh you
1- Aoun was lambasting Syria during his exile in Paris
2- Lahoud was the go between Aoun and Assad.
3- Aoun all of the sudden changed policy and started supporting Syria in return for Assad "allowing" him to return to Lebanon
So please stop this non sense of giving credit to Aoun for things he has supposedly done.
Aoun has done nothing good to Lebanon and is basically a spoiler on the Lebanese political scene.
May I remind you that Sarkozy was the architect of the exchange of ambassadors between Syria and Lebanon. the lunatic was not even involved in it
So please review facts and stop this nonsense of giving Aoun credit for things he has never done
Moreover please stop your obsession of the wahabi alliance. I am no supporter of the turbaned dudes but please don't blame everything on them either

Missing coolmec 09:50 ,2014 أيار 08

also you claim there was nothing left to resist them Syrians?
again check the facts dude Syrian influence actually never diminished despite the fact the Syrian army left Lebanon. in fact it is still flourishing today as we speak can you possibly deny that??

Missing _karim 10:01 ,2014 أيار 08

Coolmec, Aoun was criticizing Syria during his exile because Syria was still occupying Lebanon. Im not crediting Aoun with accomplishing anything other than resisting an occupying force when they were actually, you know, occupying the country. Which is still much more than the February 14 puppets who were Syria's staunchest ally during the occupation but suddenly found their courage when Syria left.

Thumb Chupachups 12:07 ,2014 أيار 08

Karim, wasn't it Hezbollah that had a demonstration in support of the Syrian army presence in Lebanon in 2005 ? the same Hezbos that Aoun always backs.

Thumb beiruti 15:44 ,2014 أيار 08

Gemayel is playing a constructive role by talking to all parties, Geagea, Aoun and Frangieh. Geagea, too, is being constructive in his statement today that he will step aside if another candidate from M14 steps up and is more acceptable.
The only one not being agreeable is Aoun. He continues to demand to be the "consensus candidate" and to boycott the electoral sessions until he is the "consensus candidate". And how does he expect that all will come to see that he is the best candidate to lead the country if he boycotts all other options??? Aoun is not a consensus candidate. The Sunni don't want him, the Shia barely tolerate him and half of the Christians reject him as "pajama boy". He will become a "consensus candidate" when tiger stripes turn into leopard spots.

Thumb -phoenix1 20:46 ,2014 أيار 08

Ladies and gentlemen, seated at the left we have Mr. Ten Percent, and seated at the right we have Mr. Bingo. One is M14, the other M8, wou 3ish ya sha3b el Lebneneh, since this is all we can get. Wlak ya jame3a, we have good people a lot better than this old stock,what is worng with us, can't we just say we want demyanos, or Ziad or Boutros? What is it that scares us and forces us to stay with the old furniture. Ya 3ammeh, ma badnah wala 14, wala 8. Yalla, 3al beyt.

Default-user-icon banker (ضيف) 00:24 ,2014 أيار 09

riad salemeh is the next president

Thumb liberty 03:12 ,2014 أيار 09

Thanks for telling us about fake posters and hope your brother feels better

Thumb liberty 03:14 ,2014 أيار 09

good points indeed