سليمان يحسم الجدل: 25 أيار بالنسبة لي "يوم آخر"
Read this story in Englishحسم رئيس الجمهورية ميشال سليمان الثلاثاء الجدل حول ما يشاع عن إيجاد صيغة دستورية تسمح له بالبقاء في قصر بعبدا إلة حين انتخاب رئيس جديد، رافضا ما أسماها "مشاريع تمديد الولاية".
وقال سليمان في تغريدة على حسابه الرسمي على موقع "تويتر" للتواصل الإجتماعي عصر الثلاثاء "بالنسبة إلي الأحد ٢٥ أيار يوم آخر لم أشهد مثيلاً له منذ ٤٧ عاماً وأنتظر مجيئه بفرح".
وأضاف "لا علاقة لي بمشاريع تمديد الولاية".
وكان قد أكد وزير الشباب والرياضة عبد المطلب حناوي المقرب من سليمان الإثنين ضرورة إيجاد حل دستوري يقضي باستمرار حكم الأخير "الى حين انتخاب رئيس جديد" في حال الفراغ في سدة الرئاسة الأولى.
ولم تنف بكركي بشكل غير مباشر تبنيها هذا الطرح إذ أعلن أوضح المسؤول الإعلامي للصرح البطريركي المحامي وليد غياض عبر صحيفة "المستقبل"، الثلاثاء، ان الراعي "لا يريد أن يُقفَل باب بعبدا، ويعتبر أنّ هذا الباب لا يجب أن يُقفل إلا في حالتين، الأولى إذا مات الرئيس لا سمح الله والثانية إذا وقعت أسباب طبيعية قاهرة كأن يضرب زلزال البلد".
وأضاف غياض "من هنا فكرة أن يبقى الرئيس في منصبه إلى حين انتخاب رئيس جديد، علّهم في ضوء ذلك يسرعون وينتخبون رئيساً جديداً".
هذا وكانت قد لفتت صحيفة "النهار"، الثلاثاء، إلى ان سليمان يمضي في الترتيبات لمغادرة القصر الجمهوري منتصف ليل 24 - 25 ايار الجاري مع سائر مستشاريه ومعاونيه بعد احتفال تجري الاستعدادات لاقامته.
وسيلقي سليمان في الاحتفال الذي سيُجرى مساء يوم السبت 24 أيار، خطاب الوداع.
من جهتها، أشارت صحيفة "اللواء" ان سليمان سيكون في منزله في عمشيت يوم 25 أيار، حيث سيستقبل عدداً من الزوار.
الا انها نقلت معلومات مفادها، ان سليمان سيترك بعبدا بعد الجلسة النيابية الخميس، والانتقال إلى منزله في اليرزة، على أن يداوم في القصر نهاراً إلى حين انتهاء ولايته.
Ft I see you're still fuming at the fact that Sleiman crossed nasrallah's red lines and destroyed Assad's newly freed envoy shaker el 3absi in nahr el bared, will you never forgive him?
He said that after KSA gave the LAF 3 billion USD in military aid. Your Iran and your sectarian militia gave the LAF zero. Yes, every honorable lebanese will say the same. Hypocrite sectarian
if the president had said long live iran or assad then southern will be hailing him as a hero.
This is a formula of "politeness"... something you're obviously unfamiliar with.
Instead of commenting on irrelevant things. Please comment on Iran calling Lebanon its frontline !
This means Iran considers Lebanon its territory. No need for a new president as our country is now ruled by your stone age terrorist Khomeini.
Is Hassan Nasrallah our new governor ? Will he be moving to Baabda or remain hidden underground ?
hypocrite, why don't you then appreciate KSA for giving the LAF weapons if you care so much about the LAF.
Southern : don't be fooled ! These weapons are the reason Lebanon is still entangled in regional disasters !
sure...suleiman wasn't the commander in chief of the lebanese army under lahoud...sure suleiman always hated the LAF so he never did a thing from 1998 to 2008 while commanding it... sure suleiman is a bad guy because he dared stand against hezbollah....sure suleiman did nothing to kick out the syrian fateh elislam from Nahr elbared...
sure lahoud was not the syrian choice and was never under the orders of syria....sure lahoud strenghten the presidency ROFL
sure M8ers BS will try and smear suleiman's image since he talked against hezbollah and was always between M8 and M14....
suleiman did more than lahoud ever did for Lebanon... but M8ers mix Lebanon with syrian interests... so sure he was a bad president!
but we are used to these childish comments, so nothing new under M8 stupidity....
don't worry anonyme... FPMers see the world in binary mode...
lahoud was elected by the syrians = so he was a good lebanese...
suleiman talked against hezbollah so he is paid by saudis and hate the LAF...
they don't see thing more complicated than this... normal: they lack a brain so they just repeat M8 propaganda... even forgetting that at the time M14 criticized his nomination because of his ties with a high ranking syrian officer... LOL go figure how stupid they are!
Southern, lest we forget that it's a free world after all. So even thoiugh I will hold your views in full respect but also, lest we forget, one of Suleiman's finest moments was when he decided to stand firm against a powerful militia hellbent on forcing him to toe a line that His Excellency deemed totally unpatriotic. To people like me at least, that would remain one of his finest moments, one of many in fact. Suleiman for all intents and purposes has proven that very few men remain around that can muster enough courage and decency to say NO, when one must say NO. I hope the one that will take his place will not be a Yes-Chanter.
My dear son of Ibinbatrakrahi, in this case Alfinik, one of the many in fact, divinity has proven to me that some prayers will be unanswered, and this in your case. I have prayed hard that divinity will change you for the better an transform you into a net contributor to humanity, but for all obejects and intents, divinity has confirmed that prayers said of you will not be answered. So sadly, as the unofficial self-appointed Gabonenese Grey Parrot Mascot of this forum, you will sadly not change. Too bad for you and all the flies that are born of your womb.