القرار الإتهامي: بدر الدين أشرف وسليم عياش نسق وعنيسي وصبرا تآمرا

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نشرت المحكمة الدولية الخاصة بلبنان أجزاء من القرار الاتهامي في اغتيال رئيس الحكومة الأسبق رفيق الحريري، ويتهم مصطفى أمين بدر الدين، وسليم جميل عياش، وحسين حسن عنيسي، وأسد حسن صبرا بالتورط في الجريمة.

وبحسب القرار فان ومصطفى بدر الدين هو المشرف العام على عملية الاغتيال، وسليم عياش تولى تنسيق مجموعة الاغتيال المسؤولة عن التنفيذ، ، وحسين عنيسي وأسد صبرا متآمران وهما أعدا شريط فيديو أبو عدس.

وأصدر قاضي الإجراءات التمهيدية في المحكمة الدولية قرارًا يطلب فيه إعلان قراره تصديق قرار الإتهام في قضية اعتداء 14 شباط 2005، وإعلان قرار الإتهام نفسه.

وفي قراره تصديق قرار الإتهام، رأى قاضي الإجراءات التمهيدية أنّ المدّعي العام قد قدّم أدلة كافية بصورة أوليّة للإنتقال إلى مرحلة المحاكمة. غير أنّ ذلك لا يعني أنّ المتهمين مسؤولون، بل يبيّن فقط توافر مواد كافية لمحاكمتهم. وعلى المدّعي العام أن يثبت، في أثناء المحاكمة، أنّ المتهمين مسؤولون "بدون أدنى شكّ معقول".

وجاء في القرار: "يرى قاضي الإجراءات التمهيدية أن قرار الاتهام يلبي شرطَيْ التعليل والدقة اللذين يفرضهما الاجتهاد القضائي الدولي، والنظام، والقواعد (قواعد الإجراءات والإثبات)".

وفي قراره، أثبت قاضي الإجراءات التمهيدية أولاً أنّ له الإختصاص للبتّ في قرار الإتهام. وبيّن أيضًا القانون واجب التطبيق فيما يتعلّق بالتهم المسندة إلى المتهمين ثمّ بتّ في مسألة ما إذا كان قرار الإتهام يلبي الشروط المطلوبة للمباشرة بالمحاكمات.

وفي قرار التصديق، شرح قاضي الإجراءات التمهيدية أيضًا أسباب الإبقاء على سرية قرار الاتهام حتى الآن وهي "أن يحافظ [...] على سلامة الإجراءات القضائية، ولا سيما فعالية البحث عن المتهمين واستدعائهم إلى الاستجواب، عند الاقتضاء".

غير أنّ السريّة أُبقيَت على أجزاء صغيرة من قرار التصديق ومن قرار الإتهام، وعلى أجزاء من مرفقيه، نظرًا لارتباطها بمسائل يمكن أن تؤثر في تحقيقات المدّعي العام الجارية، وكذلك في خصوصية وأمن المتضرّرين والشهود.

وفيما يلي جزء مما ورد في قرار الاتهام

يوجه قرار الاتهام الى الأشخاص الأربعة التالية أسماؤهم التهم لمسؤوليتهم الجنائية الفردية في الاعتداء على رفيق الحريري

سليم جميل عيّاش،

ومصطفى أمين بدر الدين (المعروف أيضًا بالأسماء "سامي عيسى" و"مصطفى يوسف بدر الدين"، و"إلياس فؤاد صعب"،

وحسين حسن عنيسي (المعروف أيضًا باسم "حسين حسن عيسى")،

وأسد حسن صبرا.

وتؤيد الأدلّة المرفقة بقرار الاتهام (التي تُعرف بالمواد المؤيدة والتي تقع في ما يزيد عن 20000 صفحة) الادعاءات المرتبطة بالوقائع والتهم التالية الواردة فيه.

ففي صباح 14 شباط/فبراير 2005، غادر رئيس مجلس الوزراء اللبناني السابق، رفيق الحريري، منزله في قصر قريطم، ببيروت، لحضور جلسة لمجلس النواب. وكعادته، تنقّل في موكب له. واتخذ أعضاء مجموعة اغتيال مؤلفة من عيّاش وأشخاص آخرين مواقعهم في أماكن عدة يستطيعون منها تعقّب ومراقبة موكب الحريري. وكانوا قد راقبوا الحريري في عدة أيام قبل وقوع الاعتداء تحضيرًا له.

وقبل الساعة 11:00 من ذلك اليوم، وصل الحريري إلى مجلس النوّاب. وقبيل الساعة 12:00، غادر الحريري مجلس النوّاب

وذهب إلى مقهى "بلاس دو ليتوال" (Café Place de l’etoile) القريب وبقي فيه 45 دقيقة تقريبًا، قبل مغادرته عائدًا إلى منزله. وحوالى الساعة 12:49، صعد الحريري إلى سيارته يرافقه النائب باسل فليحان، وانطلق الموكب من ساحة النجمة. وبدأ الحريري وجهازه الأمني رحلة العودة إلى قصر قريطم في موكب مؤلف من ست سيارات، سالكين طريقًا بحرية مرورًا بشارع ميناء الحصن. وفي الساعة 12:52، اتجه فان ميتسوبيشي كانتر ببطءٍ نحو فندق السان جورج الكائن في شارع ميناء الحصن. وقبل مرور الموكب بدقيقتين تقريبًا، تحرّك فان الميتسوبيشي كانتر إلى موضعه النهائي في شارع ميناء الحصن. وفي الساعة 12:55، عند مرور موكب الحريري مقابل فندق السان جورج، فجّر انتحاري ذكر كمية هائلة من المتفجرات المخبأة في الجزء المخصص للحمولة في فان الميتسوبيشي كانتر، فقُتل الحريري و21 شخصًا آخر وأُصيب 231 شخصًا آخر.

وبُعيد الانفجار، أجرى عنيسي وصبرا، وهما يعملان معًا، اتّصالات هاتفية بمكتبي وكالة رويترز للأنباء وقناة الجزيرة في بيروت. ثم اتّصل صبرا بقناة الجزيرة مرة أخرى ليعلمها بمكان شريط الفيديو الذي وُضع على شجرة في ساحة الإسكوا في بيروت. وعُثر على الشريط والرسالة المرفقة به. وفي شريط الفيديو الذي بُث فيما بعد على شاشة التلفزيون، أعلن رجل، يدعى أحمد أبو عدس، زورًا أنه الانتحاري الذي نفذ العملية باسم جماعة أصولية وهمية مشيرًا إليها باسم ’جماعة النصرة والجهاد في بلاد الشام‘.

ونتيجة للتحقيقات التي أجريت بعد الاعتداء، جُمعت كمية كبيرة من الأدلة، بما فيها إفادات الشهود، والأدلة الوثائقية، والأدلة الالكترونية (مثل تسجيلات كاميرات المراقبة وسجلات بيانات الاتصالات الهاتفية). وأدّت هذه الأدلة إلى تحديد هوية بعض الأشخاص المسؤولين عن الاعتداء على الحريري. وعلى سبيل المثال، أظهر تحليل سجلات بيانات الاتصالات وجود عددٍ من شبكات الهواتف الخلوية المترابطة والمتورطة في عملية اغتيال الحريري. وتتكوّن كل شبكة من مجموعة من الهواتف، التي سُجّلت عادةً بأسماء مستعارة، والتي كانت نسبة الاتصال بينها مرتفعة.

وفي قرار الاتهام، وُجهت إلى المتهمين الأربعة كافة تهمة الاشتراك في مؤامرة هدفها ارتكاب عمل إرهابي (التهمة 1). أما عياش وبدر الدين، فقد اتُهما (التهم من 2 إلى 5) بارتكاب عمل إرهابي باستعمال أداة متفجّرة، وبقتل (الحريري و21 شخصًا آخر) عمدًا باستعمال مواد متفجّرة، وبمحاولة قتل (الأشخاص الذين أصيبوا ونجوا) عمدًا باستعمال مواد متفجّرة. واتُهم عنيسي وصبرا بالتدخل في جرائم أخرى (التهم من 6 إلى 9). وتُعتبر جميع التهم الواردة في قرار الاتهام جرائم في القانون الجزائي اللبناني.

ويمكن إيجاز دور كلّ واحد من المتهمين في أثناء الاعتداء على النحو التالي: اضطلع بدر الدين بدور المشرف العام على الاعتداء. وتولّى عيّاش تنسيق مجموعة الاغتيال المسؤولة عن التنفيذ الفعلي للاعتداء. وإضافة إلى كون عنيسي وصبرا متآمرين، فقد أعدّا وسلّما شريط الفيديو الذي أُعلنت فيه المسؤولية زورًا، بهدف توجيه التحقيق إلى أشخاص لا علاقة لهم بالاعتداء، وذلك حمايةً للمتآمرين من الملاحقة القضائية.

وتتوصّل غرفة الدرجة الأولى إلى حكمها بعد النظر في جميع الأدلة في أثناء المحاكمة.

قرار أتهام

التعليقات 56
Default-user-icon Enough (ضيف) 12:38 ,2011 آب 17

The trial should begin. We don't need this shitty resistance anymore. It's just a big criminal gang. Remove immediatly their lebanese citizenship.

Default-user-icon mehran (ضيف) 08:18 ,2013 تشرين الأول 17

sorry for you
if you do it you help Israel to eat lebnan

Default-user-icon STL fairy tale (ضيف) 12:40 ,2011 آب 17

What a propaganda piece: Professional assassins used bought mobil phones!
Each child knows that it would be a question of time to discover such a kind of unprofessional "communication network".

Sherlock Bellemare, oh please, dream on.

Please give me te STL millions and I'll write you a better poem.

Default-user-icon Enough (ضيف) 12:43 ,2011 آب 17

The trial should begin. We don't need this shitty resistance anymore. It's just a big criminal gang. Remove immediatly their lebanese citizenship.

Missing th21 12:43 ,2011 آب 17

mowaten, if you dont like what you hear, go read and make your baseless comments to Al Akhbar, or Al safir, or Al manar or equivalent pro iran/syria news stations.


Default-user-icon Truth (ضيف) 12:45 ,2011 آب 17

My dear Mowaten. You are just talking like the rat hiding somewhere in the underground sewage network of Dahyie. If you have any technical questions to ask please forward them to the STL and they'll surely answer your concerns for the scientific truth! They' ll maybe explain to you how a remote control chip was planted in Badreddine brains when he trained in Qom in 2004, for him to be on remote control. There are people who believe to this day that the americans did the 11th september attack and that binladen is a tale that never existed. You're probably one of them. I hope you're appointed advisor to Charbel and the lebanese judiciary so you can advise them on the right methods of inquiry. That may help on the recent Antelias inquiry. By the Same token maybe could you then tell the Sayyed that he is a very poor film producer!

Default-user-icon Luxembourg Bob (ضيف) 12:59 ,2011 آب 17

That crater was made by an air strike. If it was a truck or even an underground explosion there is no way the car would remain on the edge of the crater but instead get thrown into one of the buildings.

Default-user-icon Georges (ضيف) 13:07 ,2011 آب 17

I'm enjoying reading the comments by so called experts here on the comments section!

Your knowledge is quite alarming! about telecommunication network, espionage! I must have missed something in grade school.

The STL will run its course and the accused will be brought to justice even if its 15 years from today. As the old saying goes, you can run but you can't hide!

Even if you consider the STL illegal, illegitimate, politicized or whatever......the international community has spoken and not hizb, syria, or iran can do anything about it.

Default-user-icon JP (ضيف) 13:07 ,2011 آب 17

Yes, you are right the israeli even penetrated the Antilias area of Beirut and posed as Hizballah members trying to plant car bomb. That is right the dead bodies were not even Lebanese.

Default-user-icon Georges (ضيف) 13:09 ,2011 آب 17

I'm enjoying reading the comments by so called experts here on the comments section!

Your knowledge is quite alarming! about telecommunication network, espionage! I must have missed something in grade school.

The STL will run its course and the accused will be brought to justice even if its 15 years from today. As the old saying goes, you can run but you can't hide!

Even if you consider the STL illegal, illegitimate, politicized or whatever......the international community has spoken and not hizb, syria, or iran can do anything about it.

Default-user-icon Stavros (ضيف) 13:16 ,2011 آب 17

Your time has come and the vale will soon be lifted. You're not a resistance or religious movement, you are simply traitors and terrorists.
Assassinating Lebanese politcians, journalists and civilians on behalf of the most vile of countries, Iran. We will never forget or forgive.
You can claim foul as much as you like, but the entire world will know the truth that took years and hundreds of respected multi-national investigators and forensics analysts to prove. Trying to deny will not help, your move now, is to defend yourself in court. But why would you when you know your guilty?
I just hope Nabil B has enough guts to distance himself because the enemy is not our brother Lebanese Shiates as many wish us to believe. It's time we build a country where ideas and leaders are not assassinated with impunity, no matter how much we disagree with them.
Know this, one day when your all stuttering evil leader Hassan finally arises from the sewers he has called home, he will hang 4 this

Default-user-icon American tourist (ضيف) 13:43 ,2011 آب 17

That has to be the stupidest indictment I have ever seen. While I see evidence of the different color coded phones communicating with each other, I cannot see how the court can accuse the suspects while the telecom company was under the control of Israeli spies. That alone is enough to acquit the accused. In a court of law you have to have evidence beyond a reasonable doubt. I doubt the telecom company gave real evidence.

Default-user-icon STL fairy tale (ضيف) 13:59 ,2011 آب 17

Here's something important written in the classified part: Bellemares king witness "A. H. Ka..." saw that the assassins wore name badges on their uniforms. And that he could read their names.

Missing th21 14:01 ,2011 آب 17


Everyone can cope with CONSTRUCTIVE diverging opinions. You are incapable of doing that.

Default-user-icon tv dinner (ضيف) 14:05 ,2011 آب 17

"electronic evidence closed circuit television", smile my saintly friends you're on candid camera!

Missing startrip 14:10 ,2011 آب 17

The wheels of justice turn in a slow methodical way. It relies on evinenciary modern day forensics that will be reviewed in a court of law by independent judges. I know this is a weird concept for the mind of a errorist, but it is the norm.

Making a lot of noise about "politicization" of the court, nonsensical statement and opinions about forensics, and plain slander of the court may give the feeble minds momentary satisfaction. The hard truth is that this is the best justice in the world, and it is coming to a bunker near you.

Default-user-icon Iranian tourist (ضيف) 14:12 ,2011 آب 17

What a load of crock everyone knows that it was an Israeli spy that ordered the clean up of the scene of the bombing to destroy evidence and pushed the video tape on Lebanese medias, his name is Jamil Al Sayyed. He is reputed to be a great friend of the Mossad infested Islamic resistance in Lebanon and living under it's protection.

Default-user-icon Enough (ضيف) 14:16 ,2011 آب 17

Dear American tourist,

Of course you ignore that a young captain of 34 years old named Wissam Eid was curiously murdered while investigating on these red, purple and colored numbers. More curiously, he had been contacted by the hezb 10 days before his death and this contact was not denied by the hezb.

There are more evidences than you think implicating the hezb and showing to the popuplation that it is not more than a criminal gang at the orders of the syrians, hiding behind the "resistance" theme which is a big lie.

Default-user-icon moallek (ضيف) 14:41 ,2011 آب 17

Chapeau au STL.
L'acte d'accusation est absolument irréfutable. C'est un chef-d'oeuvre qui passera dans les annales judiciaires comme l'exemple à suivre pour tous les juges d'instructions ayant à batir leur accusations sur des preuves circonstantielles. Génial! J'attends avec impatience de connaître les titulaires des autres téléphones dont le nom n'a pas encore été divulgué. J'invite mowaten à le lire avec attention avant de faire des remarques ridicules.

Default-user-icon Banana Republic (ضيف) 14:43 ,2011 آب 17

@mowaten you can not be serious buddy. Tell me how many Hezbollah members work in telecom companies, and how many so-called "spies" work in telecom companies?
The telephone evidences were being investigated in 2006 by Wissam Eid, before your brothers at Hizbollah killed him using radio devices to communicate. Someone must have learned his lesson!

Default-user-icon Pacifier (ضيف) 15:14 ,2011 آب 17

Yes of course Mowaten , this is all an israeli US zionist cconspiracy, as usual, the crap your masters feed fans like you , lets brake your theory shall we :

- Telecom infected by spies, Hezbollah too according to Hassouna, and we havent heard about those spies he caught? so he is conspiring against Lebanon as well since his no good for nothing militia is infected by Zionist and US agents.

- Professional killers would use phones? of course they could, do you think hezbollah people are so smart? Hassouni could have avoided it all by saying that they found spies inside Hezbollah and those were the 4 suspects, make them disappear, nw everybody knows they are criminals since Hassouné said he controls everything that happens inside the Hezb.

- The murder has not been conducted with the slightest details, for the simple reasons the killers thought that this assassination will go unpunished like many mre before it, this is why it wasnt conducted in the most professional way, they mistaked.

Default-user-icon may 7 (ضيف) 15:23 ,2011 آب 17

Mowaten with a name like yours, you can sue your parents, you
non electricity paying Syrian Bootlicker

Default-user-icon may 7 (ضيف) 15:24 ,2011 آب 17

Mowaten with a name like yours, you can sue your parents, you
non electricity paying Syrian Bootlicker

Default-user-icon Alexander (ضيف) 15:56 ,2011 آب 17

Lets be frank. Followers of both camps March 14 or 8 will remain as they are whatever the STL will come up with. It is very difficult for a party member or for just a sympathizer to destroy his own beleifs and make a U turn. We will try despite all to create our own reasons to challenge the truth just because we cannot accept failure. Conspiracies can take any dimensions even absurd ones when it comes to defend our ideas. When can imagine any complicated and surrealistic plot to save our beleifs. For a lebanese forces follower, Samir Geagea will remain the only true lebanese, victim of lies; and for a pro-Hezb, Hassan Nasrallah is the honorable defender of the country. None of them is capable of crimes.
So for what arguing. No one can change the other. We have to admit the fact that our country is weak and fragile. At any moment a new massacre can occur as that of 14 February 2005.

Default-user-icon Beiruti (ضيف) 16:18 ,2011 آب 17

These guys were not fooling around. This thing is for real and bona fide. And @STL fairy tale, you can think that all you want, but the only one spinning fairy tales are the guys in the STL cross hairs. International justice standards are stiff and harsh. If under those standards there is enough to justify trial, then the evidence is rather massive.

The accused, rather than waste their energy with PR dissing of the STL, need to spend their time finding good lawyers who can marshal the evidence needed to generate a reasonable doubt and win an acquittal. Those who whistle past the grave yard often end up inside.

Default-user-icon Mehdi A. Darwin (ضيف) 16:47 ,2011 آب 17

It is with great pleasure and pride that I inform you that the Darwin award has already been handed out this year, early an exception, to two very deserving recipients, Ehsan Ali Dia and Hassan Nayef Nassar the two Hezbollah terrorists who blew themselves up trying to plant a bomb in Antelias. Friends, family members, party faithful and officials cheered as parts of the two deserving wieners accepted the award, a proud beaming Sayyed Hassan followed the festivities on a close circuit live feed.

Default-user-icon TITUS (ضيف) 17:01 ,2011 آب 17

Great work by the STL! But this is just the tip of the Iceberg, there's much more to be revealed in exposing the criminal Turbanator rat and his masters in Tehran and Damascus... Remember this is an ever expanding investigation and live one as well...

Default-user-icon Beiruti (ضيف) 17:32 ,2011 آب 17

@mowatan, I am a judge. I have been to the Hague and have reviewed the standards used there as opposed to here. I am a common law judge under the British common law system. All that is needed to indict under the common law is a finding of probable cause by a grand jury of 18 citizens. And it does not have to be a unanimous vote, but a 2/3 vote of the 18 member grand jury.

Under the civil law system, which is the one used in international law, such as the tribunal in The Hague, an investigation is undertaken by the prosecutor and a dossier formed which is submitted not to 18 citizens in a grand jury, but to a panel of jurists, folks much more learned in the law who set a much higher standard before they will issue an indictment.
This is why in a civil law court, an indictment is pretty much a conviction since the evidence must be so compelling. In a common law court, an indicted defendant at least has a better chance of acquittal before a 12 man citizens jury. Better lawyer up.

Default-user-icon anon (ضيف) 17:44 ,2011 آب 17

I think it has been made clear that Hezbollah has been penetrated by mossad. 70% of the spies that were caught were in some way connected to hezbollah.

Default-user-icon Banana Republic (ضيف) 17:45 ,2011 آب 17

@mowaten I appreciate the fact that you are half-decent in your replies unlike many other commenters who support your views. Now in raw Lebanese "shou khass tezz bi mar7aba"?
Let me tell you something about your buddies at Hezbollah, when a bombing that they do not know of occurs, they are the first to cordon the area to start investigating how the Israelis infiltrated Lebanon(it was the case with the bombing in Dahyeh and the one yesterday, surprisingly enought that wasn't the case in Antelias which makes us wonder). In Hariri's case the mookhabarat immediately cordoned the area to remove evidence and not to investigate. I would like to remind you this was at a time you guys were in power under the Karami ministry. Am I right mowaten?

Default-user-icon STL fairy tale (ضيف) 17:52 ,2011 آب 17

In 2005 I heard the chicken cry: Syria did it!
In 2005 I hear the same chicken cry: Hezbollah did it!

Bellemare has no case, he has nothing. In the preamble of his conspiracy theorie (he called it indictment) he wrote that he has no direct evidence linking the suspects to the assassination. His conspiracy theory relies to circumstantial evidence “which works logically by inference and deduction”.

Sound like the idea of a middleclass philosopher.

With such a STL-salary I would become creative too.

Missing future_vision 18:03 ,2011 آب 17

@Mowaten and M8 followers

can u tell me what caused the may 8 2008 event ?
I think u r forgettin that the government decided **** to shut down*** Hezbolla telecommunication network and remove Beirut Airport's security chief Wafic Shkeir who was alleged with ties to Hezbollah

Missing future_vision 18:06 ,2011 آب 17

@Mowaten and M8 followers

can u tell me what caused the may 8 2008 event ?
I think u r forgettin that the government decided Hezbolla telecommunication network and remove Beirut Airport's security chief Wafic Shkeir who was alleged with ties to Hezbollah

So plz dt tell me that the telecommunication network is infected with Israeli spies and that the accused are saints and there is reason to doubt STL professionalism which is the highest standard of justice (20000 pages of report written by experts of law and engineering)
WHEN U HAVE UR OWN TELECOMMUNCATION NETWORK from the START !!! and u invaded the downtown for that reason

just go to court and try to prove ur innocence like a man who lives in 21 st century Justice does, when he is convicted for a crime !

zionnist zionnist zionnist thats the only crap u come up with , zionist are the syrian people demanding the fall of Bachar, zionist are the Iranians who voted massivly against ahmadinajad in 2009, zionist are M14

Default-user-icon Gabby (ضيف) 18:08 ,2011 آب 17

Does anyone wonder why the communication ministry MUST be with the Hezz camp all the time? They always block inquiries for communication evidence. The killed the officer who discovered the communications link. This evidence will hang them.....including Nasrallah.

Default-user-icon Banana Republic (ضيف) 18:15 ,2011 آب 17

@STL Fairy Tale, or whatever the heck that is

You do not see how Hezbollah and Syria's interests coincide? Furthermore, you do not know how Syria and Hezbollah coordinate their military operations?

I mean I don't know what world you guys live in, but the one I live in seems to reveal a more than intimate relation between Hezbollah and Syria. In fact it is a very loyal relationship between the two, where Hezbollah has been defending the regime against its "oppressed people". Who was the so-called protector of the oppressed buddy?

The revolution is happening, let me know if you need me to slap you in the face or pinch you so that you believe you are in the real world.

Default-user-icon Dr Siggy (ضيف) 18:18 ,2011 آب 17

In 2005 I heard the chicken cry: Syria did it!
In 2005 I hear the same chicken cry: Hezbollah did it!

STL fairy tale, if you still think there is a chicken talking to you see a shrink you are sick my friend.

Default-user-icon lo (ضيف) 19:25 ,2011 آب 17

mowaten, the defense doesn't get to interrogate anybody or see any evidence before the court date is set. Do you also want them to join in on the investigation?

Missing small.axe 19:58 ,2011 آب 17

Mowaten, you are grasping at straws. Nobody is buying your garbage.

First of all, regarding the mobile phone records. The discovery of spies at the mobile phone companies does not detract from the mobile phone evidence. The suspected Israeli spies may at the very most have had access to information, but it's impossible to manipulate the records as you suggest. Every phone call requires two phones, and there are thousands of phone calls used by the hit team, and you have failed to even show how changing phone records would wrongly implicate Hezbollah.

The records show phones calls between dozens of phones used by the perpetrators. Are you saying Israel knew the phone numbers of all these Hezbollah operatives, had an Israeli hit team kill Hariri, and then manipulated the records to show the calls used by the Israelis were actually used by HA members? Or are you saying that the Israeli hit team followed HA members around, so the red cell phones only appeared to be used by HA members?

Missing small.axe 20:17 ,2011 آب 17


You are overlooking some very important facts. The STL has discovered "co-located" phones that were used by the hit team and their associates. The STL records show these co-located phones place hundreds of calls to known Hezbollah members. The STL records also include co-located personal mobile phones (PMP) used to call family members, friends, and business partners of the suspected Hezbollah hit team.

In fact, Wissam Eid had first discovered these phone records, and questioned Hezbollah members about their PMP's. The Hezbollah members acknowledged their use of these PMP's, which were co-located with the phones used by the hit team.

The STL records also show the PMP's that were admittedly used by Hezbollah members were shown to have followed Rafik Hariri in the weeks before his assassination.

How do you explain that personal mobile phones of Hezbollah members, who admitted those phones were theirs, were casing Hariri, and were present at the murder site?

Missing small.axe 20:40 ,2011 آب 17

Also Mowaten, please explain why Oneissi and Ayyash, known Hezbollah members made phone calls to Al Jazeera and Reuters to make a claim of responsibility for the murder of Hariri on behalf of "Victory and Jihad in Greater Syria", and presented a video of Abu Adass. Why did Oneissi befriend Abu Adass before the murder, and suddenly Abu Adass disappears after the assassination. Why did your allies proudly proclaim Abu Adass as the true killer after the appearance of his fabricated confession?

Default-user-icon Former Lebanese (ضيف) 20:48 ,2011 آب 17

For the conspiracy theorists, Israel would never ever use a suicide bomber for detonation. Not because of how they value human life on the contrary because they would believe it's not reliable.

Regarding the telecom data and I worked as a network engineer for a telecom before. They are right that backed up data can be accessed bu can't be altered it's required by US law here.

Also, even to entertain the idea that Israeli super spies created a system that can modify the data, these are corroborating evidence which means for example the call was made in block XX and we have other evidence putting Mr X in block XX. So his means not only did these spies adjusted data that should physically unmodifiable but they hypnotized these guys to buy the phones get in position and prank call each other....

Yeah it's all possible it's also possible for pigs to fly and Elvis is alive! Peace!

Missing small.axe 20:49 ,2011 آب 17

Why did Hezbollah fight against the decision to establish a Tribunal, even before it was ever created?

Why did Hezbollah members resign from Cabinet just before the vote on the Tribunal?

Why was Pierre Gemayel killed? (an attempt to prevent the Cabinet from having quorem after the resigning of Hezbollah cabinet members)

Why was Parliament closed down by Berri (Hezbollah ally) to prevent a vote on approving the establishment of a Tribunal?

Why the downtown sit-in destroying the tourist season?

Why May 7 happened?

Why did Hezbollah demand "Veto power" in the Doha accord?

Why did the killings stop after the Doha accord?

Why did Hezbollah resign from the recent government before the STL indictment was about to be issued?

Why all the bombs exploding lately are either premature explosions in Hezbollah areas (before they reach their target), or in Christian areas with Hezbollah members present?

I know you will not answer any of the questions, and we know why.

Missing realist 20:54 ,2011 آب 17

To STL Fairytale: SYRIA and HIZBULLAH are ONE TEAM, one is subset of the other, accusing the hizzies is accusing Syria, nice try though lol.. as for the others talking about "professional" assasins.. these folks have been killing in lebanon for years..do you really think that they even had a remote idea that one day an international team would investigate?? and who killed mughaniye in Damascus?? tayeb khai... who killed the lebanese pilot samer 7ana and got away with it?? ye3ni too much evidence too much against you.. khalas..bayanet.. the same mentality that kills people in Syria today is killing lebanon.. the difference is only details.

Default-user-icon Reader (ضيف) 21:07 ,2011 آب 17

@mowaten & March 8thers. How can you dismiss evidence you have never seen? How can you criticize a trial that hasn't even started? And do you think we are really that stupid that everything terrible your group does is an Israeli-American conspiracy against Hizbullah?

Missing small.axe 21:13 ,2011 آب 17

Mowaten, I was very amused by your post about the unfairness of the STL.

You claim it is unfair that "the prosecution can withhold evidence and still use it, only providing a "summary of key points" to the defense"?

So let me get this right, if the prosecution has evidence against the suspect, you are saying it is unfair that the prosecution does not share this information with the defense?

That is your complaint? You are a funny guy. Any conviction will be based on evidence presented at trial. A conviction will not be based on evidence that is not presented in court

You also claim it is unfair that "a court where they can withhold exculpatory elements in case they threaten the interests of a friend country "?

Hey idiot, the Defense has to come up with it's OWN exculpatory evidence.

You also complain that the Defense cannot cross-examine anonymous witnesses. The conviction will not be based on witness testimony. Witness identities are protected from terrorists (obviously)

Default-user-icon Beiruti (ضيف) 21:17 ,2011 آب 17

@mowatan My reference was to pretrial proceedures necessary to arrive at an indictment. The questions you have posed relate to the presentation of evidence at the trial of the case.
The questions you posed presume the wrong answers. If you want to know the actual rules of evidence to be applied and which respond to the questions posed, go to: http://www.stl-tsl.org/x/file/TheRegistry/Library/BackgroundDocuments/RulesRegulations/STL_Rules_of_Procedure_and_Evidence-En.pdf
Section 7, Rules 110 -121

These rules are completely within the standards of American jurisprudence with some modifications that address the circumstances that some witnesses who will come before the Tribunal are at real risk of being killed before they can testify, so special rules have been adopted which protect the witnesses, while assuring the defendants full rights of disclosure of evidence against them and full rights to confront witnesses who would testify against them.

Default-user-icon Beiruti (ضيف) 21:28 ,2011 آب 17

This is most interesting that after the assassination, two of the indicted parties, both Hezbollah members planted videos and called Al Jezeera to point the finger at Abu Adass as the lone assassin.

Isn't that being a false witness? Didn't Hezbollah bring down the Hariri government over this "false witness" issue? And what a surprise that the people bearing false witness are Hezbollah members who have been indicted.

You can almost bet that whatever Hezbollah says is white, is actually black. The reverse of their statements always seem to bear the truth.

Which means that all of the Mossad that has been found in Hezbollah are not Israeli "infiltrators and spies". Not at all. They are and have been the ones directing and controlling Hezbollah all along because Hezbollah is, after all, an Israeli creation from the start. Saad Haddad's SLA was mostly -- Shia. When Antoine Lahd gave it up in 2000, most of the SLA fled to Israel.
Think about it.

Default-user-icon PP (ضيف) 22:01 ,2011 آب 17

Dear everybody,
can I kindly and politely ask you all to SHUT IT UP?
the wall is like ''enn el djej''
el le3beh akbar minna ya chabeb w akbar min lebnen!!
Time will tell

Default-user-icon MrBrain1 (ضيف) 22:32 ,2011 آب 17

A sensitive subject that attracts the Sectarian Monkeys....Most of you have a superficial idea of what is going on , Keep on fueling the division is the outcome is lose lose as usual ...The planet of apes is the movie that depresses me and reading your comments has the same effect

Default-user-icon Gabby (ضيف) 03:35 ,2011 آب 18

Nasrallah is embarrassing himself with childish lies on TV. He sounds just like Syria's pathetic lies. Their whole world is unraveling because of their own actions and yet it is everyone elses fault. I am really enjoying watching Iran, Syria, and the Hezz squirm and lie as they self destruct.

The only thing better than seeing Nassy's head lying on the TV will be it hanging in a rope.

Default-user-icon RealityOfLife (ضيف) 03:41 ,2011 آب 18

Assassinated Lebanese Politicians by Syria and its elements (HA)because they did not bow and kiss the ring:

President Mouawad
Mufti Hassan Khaled

Rafik Harriri
Pierre Jemayel
Jibran Tueni
George Hawi
Marwan Hamadeh
Interior Minister Murr

None of the above were pro-Syrian therefore without ANY reasonable doubt the terrorist regime killing its own citizens today could careless about Lebanon and its people/politicians.
Bring the master mind to trial and the head of the snake (Assad and Nassrallah).

Thumb joesikemrex 03:43 ,2011 آب 18

Justice for all MUST and Will be accomplished!. God bless Lebanon

Default-user-icon The Truth (ضيف) 03:51 ,2011 آب 18

If the evidence is so weak, why doesn't Hizb Allah present the suspects for trial since they can obviously win in a court of law in front of the whole world...

Missing th21 09:45 ,2011 آب 18

@ mowaten

thank you for sharing with us improved comments. Even if I cant agree with you, at least I can consider what you are sharing with us now.

Default-user-icon Pong Lenis (ضيف) 12:53 ,2011 آب 18

Coexisting with the Hezb is a daily threatening to our security. The outrageous Antelias bombing is the latest sample, where innocents who could be killed without knowing why. How criminals are these two persons to dare put in the middle of the day a bomb in a public place. No doubt that the Hezb is behind all these similar criminal acts, starting from 2005. Go resist in the Golan since the Syrians themselves did not shot a single bullet there since 30 years, to preserve their country. Your resistance is a buffon comedy aimed to preserve your weapons so you can murder, steal cars, lands and electricity.

Missing small.axe 15:45 ,2011 آب 18

Mowaten, first of all, nobody gives a rat's behind about your silly arguments against the STL. You are obviously a paid propagandist for Hezbollah. Who else would spend so much time picking thru the rules and procedures of the STL, and then spend 24/7 making comments about it on the internet?

Secondly, there are reasons for all the rules and procedures. The witness identities must be protected because we know what the terrorists are capable of doing. Terrorists have no regard for human life. State secrets must also be protected, such as wiretap and surveillance methods monitoring Hezbollah. If these surveillance methods were revealed, then the terrorists would discover how to avoid them.

Thirdly... think about the vile and evilness involved in the crimes committed and weigh that against your silly arguments about rules and procedures. Can you be more picayune?

Justice is coming, and your criminal gang will be going down.