حزب الله "صامت" حيال زيارة الراعي للقدس "نظراً لحساسية الموقف السياسي"
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يلتزم "حزب الله" الصمت حيال زيارة البطريرك الماروني الكاردينال مار بشارة بطرس الراعي الى الاراضي المقدسة، بغضّ النظر عن المواقف التي نقلتها عنه المعلومات الصحافية، وذلك لعدم التأثير سلباً على الاجواء السياسية غير المستقرة.
ونقلت صحيفة "اللواء" عن مصادر مطلعة الاربعاء ان حزب الله "لا يريد التعليق لا سلباً ولا إيجاباً على زيارة الراعي إلى القدس".
ولفتت الى ان الحزب "ما زال يحتفظ بموقفه وبالسرية اللازمة التي تتيح، بحسب رؤيته للأمور، ومناقشة الزيارة ومفاعيلها مع بكركي عبر القنوات الرسمية المتبعة، بعيداً عن الضجيج الإعلامي".
الى ذلك، اعتبرت مصادر معنية في لجنة المتابعة بين الحزب وبكركي عبر "اللواء" ان "ممارسة سياسة الصمت هذه من قبل الحزب تعبر عن قناعته بعدم جدوى التراشق الإعلامي مع بكركي في هذه اللحظة السياسية بالذات، نظراً لحساسية الموقف".
وشددت المصادر على ان حزب الله "مصر على معالجة هذا الموضوع الحساس، عبر القنوات المتبعة مع بكركي بكثير من الروية والهدوء والرصانة والعقلانية والأعصاب الباردة حتى تصل الأمور الى نتيجة إيجابية".
وأشارت الى ان موقف الحزب من الزيارة سيتحدد بناء على التطورات، سواء كانت سلبية او إيجابية، على ان "يتناسب هذا الموقف مع الحفاظ على سيادة وكرامة لبنان واللبنانيين".
وأفادت المصادر ان زيارة الحزب الى بكركي "واردة في أية لحظة، وان هذه الزيارة سيتم الاعلان عنها رسمياً، ولا حاجة لأن تكون سرية".
يُذكر ان صحيفة "الانباء" الكويتية، كانت قد أفادت يوم الاحد الفائت ان حزب الله قرر تنظيم زيارة وفد ديني وسياسي الى بكركي لحث الراعي على الغاء زيارته المرتقبة الى الاراضي المقدسة.
ومن المرتقب ان يزور الراعي الاراضي المقدسة مع البابا فرنسيس بين 24 و26 ايار الجاري، وفي حين طالته سلسلة من الانتقادات، أعلن الناطق باسم الفاتيكان الاب فيديريكو لومباردي، ان "الراعي ليس جزءاً من الوفد الرسمي المرافق للبابا فرنسيس الى الاراضي المقدسة، وهو ذاهب بمبادرة منه".
ولبنان في حالة حرب رسميا مع اسرائيل، ولا يمكن لاي لبناني ان يزور اسرائيل تحت طائلة الملاحقة القانونية بتهمة "التعامل مع العدو"، الا ان رجال الدين المسيحيين، وبموجب اتفاق ضمني بين السلطات الدينية والسياسية، يذهبون الى الاراضي المقدسة في اطار مهامهم الروحية مع الرعايا المسيحيين.

Stop pretending you care about the Patriarch. You are a radical Salafist terrorist.

Now u want the batrak as Presidant? Last week you said that as a "Maronite" this was the first time you agreed with anything the batrak had said previously?

Lets be honest, all the batrak has said in the past week was he was travelling to Israel to greet the Pope... So if Aoun decides to go to Israel, you'll begin to like him and wish he is Presidant?

@Mowaten (Crusher) : tell me a little about Hassan Nasrallah. What is he exactly ?
A Religious figure (Cheikh / Sayyed) ? A politician or a Warlord ? I get lost !
The answer is all of the above.
Actually, I would not count him as a religious figure. He's more like a charlatan than a religious figure as he hides behind the name of god / sayyed and whatever nonsense bull to justify his acts of war and political hijacking of the country !

the "hebrew" sate....? so now we label countries based on their language?

funny hypocrit M8ers... not so long ago they said he was paid by the saudis and is an M14 and now they defend him... LOL

as usual FT denies... nothing new under his empty skull....pityful idiot

Again FT : it's none of any politician's business what Rahi decides. This is not a political matter and Rahi, in his position is above politics.
The president also dissuaded Hezbollah from going to war in Syria but they only answer to Khomeini as they don't recognise the republic of Lebanon.
If M8 wants a say in anything, they should start by condemning Iran sur Mer and Bashar el Assad, Lebanon's greatest enemy who harmed Lebanon more than Israel.
Maybe then can they earn the right to have an opinion...
Hezbollah's silence can sometimes be a blessing for it and us all and this time though rare, will still remain a blessing. I also hope that hezbollah will not be checking to see if one of His Eminence's plane engine parts are made or not in Israel.

as if... we can be against hezballah politically, but they are lebanese... they are disciplined and are extremely grateful that the batrak is not hostile. Shiites and christains are both minorities in the middle east and any attack on the batrak would be catastrophic to relations. Remember what happened when the martyrs sheik pierre, Antoine Ghanem and Gebran Tueini were killed? It was more an attempt to divide Christians. what would be the result if all Christians in Lebanon were united politically?
Last time that most Christians were united... they assassinated shiek Bashir and we lost Lebanon to the benefit of syria, israel, uae, ksa, usa etc.

Jerusalem is a Christian, muslim and jewish city! its not an israeli city that tolerates Christians and Muslims, and gives a tiny eastern part to Palestinians! this is the point that is being lost in the rubbish sectarian comments. Let us regain the international spotlight on the apartheid israeli state. God speed to the Batrak and may he be welcomed by tens of thousands of Christians along with his holiness Pope Francis.

I guess they have their own definition of "silent"
As Safir newspaper ran a critical piece headlined "Historic sin: Rahi goes to Israel,” in its Saturday issue in response to al-Rahi's controversial visit.

dear ado aka karim, try not to feel too sick because of sectarian comments:)

Wow! Aoun and his MOA did all of that. Goodness gracious he should be president for life! Let's get back to reality Ado. Aoun allies himself with whom he thought would give him the strongest position after he realized Mustaqbal was not going to endorse him for president. His MOA is a joke at best. Nothing but vague jargon to appease the gullible. As for HA, how many different assassinations have they been implicated in since the precious MOA was put in place? All Aoun did was provide them with political cover in return for power share. Last but not least, are seriously calling a sectarian militia that is labeled as a terrorist party and is on trial for killing political opponents secular because they are in bed with Aoun? Wow!