حزب الله نقل للراعي موقفه من زيارة القدس: نريد رئيساً لكل اللبنانيين

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نقل رئيس المجلس السياسي في حزب الله ابراهيم امين السيد للبطريرك الماروني مار بشارة بطرس الراعي موقف الحزب من الزيارة الى الاراضي المقدسة، داعياً في الوقت عينه الى انتخاب رئيس "لكل اللبنانيين".

واثر زيارة قام بها وفد من "حزب الله" الى بكركي للقاء البطريرك الماروني مار بشارة بطرس الراعي، قال السيد الذي ترأس الوفد، انه قدم رؤية ووجهة نظر الحزب من التداعيات لزيارة الراعي الى بكركي و"نأمل ان يأخذها بعين الاعتبار".

ولفت الى ان الراعي "ذكر الاعتبارات الدينية والراعوية لزيارته وخصوصاً في ما يخص المسيحيين والقدس" بعيداً عن الملفات السياسية.

وأضاف السيد "متفقون على سلامة النوايا للزيارة الا اننا لفتنا الى المخاطر التي قد تترتب جراء الزيارة".

يُذكر انه وبعد سلسلة من الانتقادات التي طالت اعلان الراعي عزمه على زيارة الاراضي المقدسة مع البابا فرنسيس بين 24 و26 ايار الجاري، أعلن الناطق باسم الفاتيكان الاب فيديريكو لومباردي، الجمعة، ان "الراعي ليس جزءاً من الوفد الرسمي المرافق للبابا فرنسيس الى الاراضي المقدسة، وهو ذاهب بمبادرة منه".

ولبنان في حالة حرب رسميا مع اسرائيل، ولا يمكن لاي لبناني ان يزور اسرائيل تحت طائلة الملاحقة القانونية بتهمة "التعامل مع العدو"، الا ان رجال الدين المسيحيين، وبموجب اتفاق ضمني بين السلطات الدينية والسياسية، يذهبون الى الاراضي المقدسة في اطار مهامهم الروحية مع الرعايا المسيحيين.

أما عن الاستحقاق الرئاسي، فشدد السيد من بكركي على اهمية الا يحصل فراغ وان يتنخب رئيس جديد للجمهورية.

وقال: "نريد رئيساً لكل اللبنانيين لا رئيس تحدي"، مضيفاً "اذا اتفقت المكونات السياسية على شخصية رئيس لكل اللبنانيين سنشارك في الجلسة الانتخابية".

اما عن مرشحهم للرئاسة فقال السيد "حين يعلن مرشحنا نفسه للرئاسة، نعلن نحن عنه".

ودخل لبنان في الايام الاخيرة من المهلة الدستورية لانتخاب رئيس للجمهورية، اذ ان هناك تخوّفاً من الفراغ في ظل رفض رئيس الجمهورية ميشال سليمان تمديد ولايته وتأكيده انه يوم 25 ايار سيكون في منزله.

وتخوض 14 آذار المعركة الانتخابية بمرشحها رئيس "حزب القوات اللبنانية" سمير جعجع، بوجه مرشح "اللقاء الديمقراطي" النائب هنري حلو، في حين ان لا مرشح لقوى 8 آذار، وسط اصرار رئيس "التيار الوطني الحر" النائب ميشال عون على عدم اعلان ترشحه ما لم يتم التوافق عليه.



التعليقات 25
Missing beirutbastard00 11:37 ,2014 أيار 16

Wow, so the Kuwaiti newspaper report was true...

Thumb -phoenix1 12:03 ,2014 أيار 16

I am also with dialog between all the Lebanese, but without any arm wrestling by either side too. But then, His Eminence has the right to visit wherever he wants and is not obliged either to explain anything to anyone. But being the good example he is, let him engage in dialog, so long as Hezbollah doesn't push things any further. If Hezbollah starts wars with Israel, and meddles in Syria and this without even bothering to talk to the state or to the Lebanese, then I wonder what gives it the right to ask questions on what others are doing. The truth? Enough of Hezbollah's nonsense.

Missing georgeskyp 12:21 ,2014 أيار 16

I really don't see what the issue is here. He's going on a pilgrim to welcome his Pope. He has to travel via Israel. So what???...he's not exactly waving the Star of David over the Temple Mount! or high fiving the IDF!

Missing beirutbastard00 12:39 ,2014 أيار 16

Well, he's the first one to do so since 48, and the Vatican said he wasn't invited, but he was going on his own accord. So it'll be the first visit of a high ranking lebanese to visit, considering we aren't allowed to cause we're in a state of war. Hizballah doesn't wana open the door for other visits, and eventually normalization.

I don't mind him going, I'm just pointing out the issue.

Missing forces 13:40 ,2014 أيار 16

phoenix1 agree with you here, they claim that they rather stay mum on the issue due to it's sensitive nature, then send a delegation to discuss his trip. Seems to me they are the only one's sending delegations to Bkirki, could it be they have the most to loose by such trips.

Missing phillipo 16:42 ,2014 أيار 16

I think the only reason Hizballah objects to the visit of the Patriarch to Jerusalem, is that he will get there before them, and all that without spilling a drop of blood (Christian, Jewish or Moslem).

Thumb Maxx 12:32 ,2014 أيار 16

Does this mean that he will now be barred an entry visa to Israel because he's been consorting with a terrorist organization?

Missing phillipo 14:14 ,2014 أيار 16

Remember that it is Lebanon which denies its citizens (Moslems as well as Christians) from visiting Israel - the Holy Land,and not the other way round.
This is because it was the then Lebanese Government which tore up the proposed peace treaty in 1983.

Missing castro 15:06 ,2014 أيار 16

Owned!!!!! @ FT: Jerry Serves you right.
Go back and make another attempt on building some form of intellect.

Thumb FlameCatcher 15:49 ,2014 أيار 16

Hezbollah : "We hope al-Rahi would take into consideration our stance on his visit to Jerusalem"

Dear terrorists, did you take into consideration Al-Rahi's stance on your "visit" to syria ?

you are in no position to even have an opinion. Shut up, step aside and let the power of peace achieve what you were incapable of doing with all the weapons in the world !

Hypocrit terrorists you are !

Thumb cedre 16:01 ,2014 أيار 16

israel and iran are both apartheid states discriminating sunnis...

Default-user-icon Nisch (ضيف) 16:24 ,2014 أيار 16

What would happen if the so called takriris took contol in syria? Would lebanese shiites stop visiting al sayida zaynab because the country is controlled by a politically opposing entity?

Default-user-icon Le Phenicien (ضيف) 16:33 ,2014 أيار 16

Quel culot!

Missing phillipo 16:37 ,2014 أيار 16

Over one million Arabs in the State of Israel with many serving in the judiciary, police, army, hospitals.
According to Abu Mazen, there will not be a single Jew allowed to live in the State of Palestine.
So tell me "Southern", which of the two carried out "apartheid"?

Thumb cedre 17:48 ,2014 أيار 16

'According to Abu Mazen, there will not be a single Jew allowed to live in the State of Palestine. '

recent quote please ? plo recognizes israel so what u wrote sounds dodgy...

Default-user-icon Ramy (ضيف) 18:26 ,2014 أيار 16

I think we should keep things within their context. His eminence is Patriarch of Antioch and All the East. If the highest instance of the Catholic Church (pope) comes to visit, he should assert his authority (and Lebanon´s) and receive him as his guest in the territories he represents. Furthermore it would be recommendable to maintain and even promote our Christian presence in Palestine, and even Israel. Why should we agree to be pushed out of Jerusalem? It is after all the highest symbolic place of Christianity, not Rome!
I think it is a courageous move that should be commended.

Thumb gma-bs-artist. 18:26 ,2014 أيار 16

"A delegation from Hizbullah is expected to visit Maronite Patriarch Beshara al-Rahi.. reported the Kuwaiti daily al-Anba on Sunday... The daily said that the delegation will indirectly attempt to persuade the patriarch against making the trip"

Guys lemme explain this to flamethrower terms from his daily life he would understand:
Some examples of Hezbollah assassinations: Hariri, Qassir, Hawi, Gemayel, Tueni, Ghanem, Hajj, Eid, el Hassan, Shath..
Some examples of Hezbollah assassination attempts: Hamadi, Chidac, Murr, Geagea, Harb..
Yeah I know there isn't much difference between the two except the outcome.

Missing phillipo 18:27 ,2014 أيار 16

Arabic city?
What was there before Al Aksa? - the Temple Mount of the Jews, with the Western (Wailing) Wall still standing.
What has been found in the archaeological digs in Silway? - City of David, do you remember reading about that Jewish guy in the Old Testament of the Bible.
By the way, the "zionist" Israel does not stop anyone visiting their holy sites in Jerusalem. Ask all the moslems who have been visiting there even those from some of the countries which don't recognise Israel (Malaysia, Indonesia etc)

Thumb cedre 21:08 ,2014 أيار 16

i've been visiting alqods. Most of the days, IDF was ok but on few occasions they didnt let people go to mosques to pray.

Btw what was before the temple mount ? didnt the hebrew find people in Palestine when they came ?

Default-user-icon YYY (ضيف) 18:32 ,2014 أيار 16

Yes, an apartheid state where an Arab judge can sentence a Jewish President to prison... Imagine in apartheid South Africa if a black judge could sentence a white president.

Thumb gma-bs-artist. 18:38 ,2014 أيار 16

They're casing the joint.

Thumb gma-bs-artist. 19:05 ,2014 أيار 16

What he said


Thumb scorpyonn 05:36 ,2014 أيار 17

I am embarassed to be Lebanese with the likes of these Iranian worshipping types in our midst. What an insult to us to have to tolerate them as well as their medieval garb and their subservient headscarf wearing women.

Missing forces 11:58 ,2014 أيار 17

rouh ent ya watane ya loubnani, ya gbir.. I read your post years ago whilst visiting a friend in dahyie. it was on a coffee coaster sold by HA. propaganda at it's best. inspirational words that are timeless.

Missing forces 12:05 ,2014 أيار 17

lol M11er I have to laugh otherwise I will cry. It is clear as day any self respecting individual ( emphasis SELF RESPECTING), can see the contradictions day in day out, it is clear as crystal sadly though to others it is clear as mud