اسرائيل "لم تفلح" بوقف بناء ترسانة صواريخ لـ"حزب الله"

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أكد مسؤول في وزارة الدفاع الإسرائيلية أن الجيش الاسرائيلي لم يستطع أن يوقف بناء ترسانة صواريخ تابعة لحزب الله.

وأشار رئيس الشؤون السياسية العسكرية في وزارة الدفاع، اللواء عاموس جلعاد في كلمة له خلال مؤتمر أمني في تل أبيب، الثلاثاء، الى أن إيران تشرف على بناء ترسانة حزب الله يمكن لها أن تستوعب 100000 صاروخ.

وأضاف أن "ايران تنفق مليارات الدولارات لبناء الترسانة"، مردفاً أن "هذا التهديد هو تهديد عسكري وليس إرهابياً".

ولفت جلعاد الى أن اسرائيل لم تفلح بمنع بناء الترسانة في لبنان، بالرغم من سعيها بعدة طرق لتحقيق ذلك.

وكانت قد أشارت صحيفة "وورلد تريبيون" الأميركية بتقرير صادر عن مركز بيغن - السادات للدراسات الاستراتيجية، الى أن "الجيش الإسرائيلي أنفق أموالا طائلة لاكتساب قدرات جديدة تكفل له شن حرب قصيرة ضد حزب الله".

وتضمن التقرير قول المحلل العسكري الإسرائيلي يعقوب لابين، إن "إسرائيل تستعد للقيام بعمليات عسكرية جوية وبرية، من شأنها أن تؤدي إلى تدمير القدرات الاستراتيجية لحزب الله".



التعليقات 16
Thumb popeye 07:37 ,2014 أيار 20

How can you stop the terror party from building its arsenal of weapons when all the state institutions facilitate its activities and when it controls every crossing and import point and hides behind civilians.

Default-user-icon shah (ضيف) 07:43 ,2014 أيار 20

Finally Israel accept Hezbollah as a military threat not a terrorist threat..what about you people.. You have to accept it Hezbollah is one of the most famous strong men military force in the world.

Thumb Maxx 11:44 ,2014 أيار 20

The Nazis were also strong. Israel is very strong. What does that mean? Strength does not equal "good".

Missing karim_ 08:48 ,2014 أيار 20

I agree, Israel and its FSA-Al Qaeda jihadist terrorist allies are extremist terrorists.

Missing karim_ 08:49 ,2014 أيار 20

Under the tabel?

Missing patriot10 08:54 ,2014 أيار 20

I mean everyone knows it.

Thumb Maxx 11:40 ,2014 أيار 20

You know, the thing you drum on...

Thumb Maxx 11:42 ,2014 أيار 20

That guy in the photo holding the flag: Tangible proof that those who believe in Creationism will never benefit from the evolution of the species...

Thumb FlameCatcher 11:50 ,2014 أيار 20

May the 100,000 rockets blow up in Nasrallah's face !

Weapons of hell for a party of terrorists !

Until we disarm Hezbollah, Lebanon will never know peace ! Hezbollah or the KEZB is the only obstacle to a prosperous Lebanon !

Thumb Abubakr 15:16 ,2014 أيار 20

Israel Funds both sides of every conflict all over the world, every person in power, has to have the consent of the jewish lobby. I hope the day comes where my m8 comrades will see this too, that they are all traitors, no1 is ashraf el ness, they sold us for the big guys long ago, Khomeini was brought up by the C.I.A, Mossad, and France, he was given assylum in france for years, and got back to iran in a private air france, only to declare they are the great satan shortly after his arrival ? something doesnt make sense, please be reasonable guys.

Thumb Abubakr 15:22 ,2014 أيار 20

The Iraq- Iran war is the biggest example, America and israel funded both countries to annihilate each other. And both countries gratefully accepted american and israeli help.

Thumb cedre 17:25 ,2014 أيار 20

israel didnt fund iraq, only iran. Iranian airforce was able to fly only due to zionist spares and technicians. Actually israel bombed iraq...

Thumb bigsami 16:27 ,2014 أيار 20

lol.....what a lame article. How can you expect Israel to stop these scumbags when they have an open door through Syria that is supplying them destructive weapons from Satan himself aka Iran. Why do you think the party of satan is in Syria along side the wimp Assad. Sooner or later Israel will indeed stop the build up by going in and cleaning house....and hopefully this time around they finish the job and rid us of this disease once and for all.

Note: No where do I commend/support/worship these Israeli scums either...but if I was to chose my poison, I would chose them over HA anyday! At least the end result will be for the better of the country!

Missing jeff070 17:01 ,2014 أيار 20

I kinda like that. They are scared of them.

Default-user-icon James (ضيف) 20:02 ,2014 أيار 20

Bigsami .. Your new name should be Biggrumpy . :i Talk talk talk . At the end of the day . You need to understand what life is all about . Thank god . And be a good person . Not a delusional money sucking fool .

Default-user-icon luna (ضيف) 07:30 ,2014 أيار 22

Where on earth is this coming from?
You're insane.