الراعي الى الأردن ليتوجه بعدها الى القدس: استأذنت سليمان وسلام للقيام بالزيارة
Read this story in Englishغادر البطريرك الماروني الكاردينال مار بشارة بطرس الراعي لبنان الى الأردن في زيارة رعوية ليتوجه بعدها الى الأراضي المقدسة، مؤكدا أنه استسأذن رئيسي الجمهورية والحكومة قبل القيام بالزيارة.
وأشارت الوكالة الوطنية للإعلام، الجمعة الى أن الراعي غادر في الحادية عشرة من قبل الظهر بيروت، متوجها الى الاردن والاراضي المقدسة في فلسطين المحتلة، عن طريق عمان، على متن طائرة خاصة في اطار زيارة راعوية، حيث سيواكب زيارة البابا فرنسيس الى هناك.
واضافت أن" النائب البطريركي العام المطران بولس صياح والمسؤول الاعلامي في بكركي وليد غياض رافقا الراعي في رحلته".
ولفت الراعي عقب وصوله عمان ظهر الجمعة في حديث لقناة "فرانس 24" الى أنه "استأذن رئيس الجمهورية ميشال سليمان ورئيس الحكومة تمام سلام بزيارة الاراضي المقدسة".
وأضاف:"أنا ملتزم بالقوانين اللبنانية"، مشدداً: "أنا البطريرك اليوم وهذا قراري انا اليوم مع السينودس المقدس في هذا الظرف والمكان والزمان".
وأكد الراعي ان "الأصوات المرحبة بزيارتي الى الاراضي المقدسة أكبر بكثير من الجهة المعترضة، وزيارتي رعوية وليقبل من يفهم وليرفض من يرفض".
وانسحب الراعي في وسط المقابلة بعد تأكيده "احترام وطنه لبنان وسيادته"، وتشديده على انه "لن يلتقي في زيارته أي مسؤول مدني أو سياسي".
وبعد تمنٍّ من المذيع بعدم إنهاء المقابلة، أصر الراعي على المغادرة قائلا "لم آت إلى هنا لإدانات"، متوجها للمذيع بالقول "كفى تطرقا لهذا الموضوع أنت لا تريد أن تفهم".
و للمرة الاولى منذ نشوء دولة اسرائيل يقصد بطريرك الطائفة المارونية الاراضي المقدسة بالتزامن مع زيارة البابا فرنسيس.
وتحدثت وسائل اعلام قريبة من حزب الله عن "تطبيع" مع اسرائيل واصفة الزيارة بـ"الخطيئة التاريخية"ما دفع البطريرك بشارة الراعي الى الرد بحزم مشددا على انه لا يذهب الى اسرائيل بل الى الاراضي المقدسة لتفقد "شعبه" ورعيته.
وسيتخلل الزيارة لقاء بين الراعي ومجموعة من اللبنانيين غادروا البلاد بعد الانسحاب الاسرائيلي العام 2000، خشية تعرضهم للملاحقة او لعمليات ثأرية بسبب "تعاملهم مع اسرائيل" ابان احتلال جيشها لاجزاء من جنوب لبنان منذ العام 1982.
ويرجح ان يثير هذا اللقاء انتقادات جديدة.
وكلف حزب الله الاسبوع الماضي وفدا منه بزيارة البطريرك وابلاغه ان الزيارة ستكون لها "تداعيات سلبية"، من دون ان ينجح في تغيير رأيه.
وفر الاف اللبنانيين الذين كانوا في عداد ما عرف خلال الثمانينات والتسعينات ب"جيش لبنان الجنوبي" الذي تعامل مع اسرائيل وحارب الى جانبها في جنوب لبنان، الى الدولة العبرية بعد انسحاب جيشها.
وعاد قسم منهم لاحقا على مراحل، فخضعوا لمحاكمات سريعة وصدرت بحقهم احكام مخففة بموجب اتفاق سياسي غير معلن لحل مشكلتهم.
الا ان اكثر من 2500 لبناني لا يزالون في اسرائيل، غالبيتهم من المسيحيين.
Tell that to your government and get them to sit down again with Israel and reach a peace agreement/treaty as you did in 1983. This time there is no Syrian occupation to force your government to tear up the agreement.
Then you will all be allowed to visit Israel, Christian, Moslem and Druze, when you will all be able to vciswit your holy sites.
Phillipo... The Jewish Zionist homeland, is against Christians as much us it is against Muslims. The zionists have allowed the Jewish extremists to take over the government and allow "price tages" and other anti Christian and Muslim vandalism to happen without punishment. Christian and Muslim "Israelis" are allowed to be persecuted like apartied South Africa. Modern Zionist Israel is no different to the racist South African apartheid regime. They have tried to pretend to change with allowing Christians to join the IDF and placing house arrest Jewish extremist during the Pope's visit... But this is not enough to hide the truth about this racist country.
God bless the batrak... As much as they want to declare false problems with the Lebanese.... The truth is that most lebanese wish the batrak well... God spread cardinal Rahi, May the world be reminded that the truth about this city is not just Jewish or Muslim but Christian too. Jerusalem an international city for all!
Allah ma3ak batrakna! you are doing us proud in your capacity as head of the marointe faith. Thank you for not giving two thoughts about what those animals wish. continue your path for we are all behind you.
Let the critics begin !
Al Rahi single handedly shut all hypocrit politicians up.
If Hezbollah has a problem with this, let them compare their visit to Syria which everyone objected against with this. And count the number of casualties and deaths resulting of both "visits".
Al-Rahi is conquering back the Eastern Christian's rights over Jerusalem without a single drop of blood. In this, he's mightier than Hezbollah !
good step sayedna el batrak , at least you shou the israely state that Christians will stay in the holy land even if they become a purely jewish state
god bless democracy and no to apartheid states
Sheikh Naiim Qassem said this is problematic, what will they do to Cardinal Rai, what will they do? What kind of problems will they created for him?
The road to peace in the Middle East is not through an arms race like the one between Hezbollah/Iran and Israel. It is not through boycots etc. Its through dialogue and building trust little by little.
@FT : the IDF has no reason to point weapons at the Lebanese army. Why would they ... come up with a single valid reason please.
Their only problem is HA !
Oh you're one to talk about evasion. You who never answers my questions.
When was the last time the IDF shot at the lebanese army ? If idiots with guns provoke them, does this put our entire army at war or in danger ?
Fact is HA is Israel's only problem with Lebanon right now. All the rest can be solved !
PS : talking about evasion, what do you call Syria bombing Lebanese territory ? Do you sanction or support this ? What do you call Bashar bombing the mosque in Tripoli ? Or Samaha, your partner in crime smuggling bombs to Lebanon ?
You and I are powerless against anyone bombing Lebanon. However, providing support to any armed group is being partly responsible for letting this situation go on.
There is no difference between Syrian and Israeli aggression. Especially when you consider Hezbollah is fighting to defend Lebanon's greatest enemy of all time. He's a criminal and anyone defending him is a traitor.
I'm not encouraging terrorism by condemning Syrian attacks. The Lebanese army is doing a great job in Arsal and there is no need for Syria to take matters into its own hands. In fact, if Assad is so strong there is no need for Hezbollah to intervene.
And when it comes to terrorism, you can never get rid of it ! You kill one, 10 others spawn. The only way is to de-escalate, disarm and make peace ! There is no other alternative !
The Christians and Jerusalem are intertwined. Jerusalem holds the cradle of Jesus and there is where Jesus lived, died and resurrected. No one could deny the Christians their basic right of being in Jerusalem where they have churches from all denominations. Jerusalem is a land for all religions. Just confining it to one religion or another is simply hypocritical. As christian, we have no problems with the state of Israel on a personal and religious basis. We do sympathize with the plight of the Palestinians and wish that one day they could have their own land and govern it by themselves. However, the Christians should have the freedom to travel to Jerusalem for religious purposes without this being construed politically. To us the Christian, Jerusalem is a holly land where our lord Jesus traversed. That's why we have every right to go there. I support the visit of the Patrak.
When Nasrallah has gone to Tehran to bow and kiss the ring of Khomenie and swear loyalty and fealty to a foreign leader, this is an act of treason, but he has done it and Nasrallah leads a political party.
Patriarch does not lead a political party or faction; he is not going to kiss the ring of Netanyahu or swear allegiance to Israel. Patriarch is among other things a pastor over his congregation, some of which live south of Lebanon's boarder. It is his duty and his right to minister to them.
So Hezbollah, shut your trap on this one.
Appart from the nausea caused by reading some of the comments. This visit is simply unwarranted. Without judging anyone, this adds to the long Arab history of betrayal. Jerusalem is under occupation and the priest is simply giving is blessings.. ironically literally.
I wish more Lebanese would follow suit and make decisive decsions like this instead of allowing primitive Islamic terrorists that bow down to the Iranian cancer in Tehran to push them around.
To Flamethrower who represents Iran on this site: Your arguments are futile and meaningless.
Lol at this forum. Everything from zionist propaganda to persian propaganda and then as a cherry on top, christians pretending like al-rahi went to jerusalem to reclaim the glory of the crusaders when he is there as a mouse, nobody cares about his presence, nobody notices his presence nor is he even known to most people. Everyone needs to take a break from the sun, your brains are melting :)
Where is Aoun? Does he have something to say? The so-called defender of Christians....Or is he in reality the servile khadim of the "divine party"???
The journalist of France 24 was shaking while asking the questions...like someone who obeys orders from outside agents.
The Batrak should excommunicate any Christian who obeys the "divine party". FULL STOP.
i suggest that they all leave us alone we want to go to israel and you don't like it bite us :) go do your own shit and we do our own
hizb and bullshit and those fake people take my advise lebanon without christians will be like dahyie :) good luck
Berri described the resistance as the “most powerful military force in the Middle East and the third in the world.” HA supporters either have a severe case of delusion or a bad sense of humor. 1200+ Lebanese died in that war, thousands more were displaced and wounded. The country's infrastructure was destroyed. The other side lost a couple hundred people. And delusional people called it divine victory. They can call it whatever they want as their naive supporters would believe anything.
I am sure they were thrilled at Berri's statement and are celebrating their all mighty military force.
If HA is the third most powerful force in the world,hummm, who are number 1 and 2? Let me guess: It is Iran and Syria.
The Patriarch is showing Hezbollah and Iran that they don't fully control Lebanon. Ever since the 7th century, invaders have tried to subjugate us. They have not and never will succeed.
"and that he will not meet during his visit with “any civilian or political official.”
"he will meet with Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas."
So can we presume that Abbas is not a political official?