لاجئون في عكار: من انتخبوا الاسد ليسوا بسوريين
Read this story in Englishرفع اللاجئون السوريون الجمعة أصواتهم ونظموا اعتصاما في بلدة خربة داوود - عكار رفضا للانتخابات الرئاسية السورية في الثالث من حزيران المقبل، داعين في هذا الاطار الى "عدم المشاركة" فيها، ومعتبرين أن "من انتخبوا الاسد ليسوا بسوريين".
وألقى عدد من اللاجئين كلمات شددت بحسب الوكالة الوطنية للاعلام على "ضرورة مقاطعة هذه الانتخابات"، مؤكدين انهم لن يتوجهوا الى "صناديق الاقتراع التي سيضعها النظام السوري عند النقاط الحدودية الشرعية مع لبنان في الثالث من الشهر المقبل".
وإذ دعوا الى "إسقاط الرئيس السوري بشار الاسد وعدم المشاركة في الانتخابات" التي وصفوها "بالباطلة"، اوضح المعتصمون أن "اعتصام اليوم يأتي ردا على الذين ذهبوا وانتخبوا في السفارة السورية في بيروت".
وقالوا "اعتصامنا يأتي أيضا لاعراضنا التي انتهكت، ولمساجدنا التي دمرت، ولشعبنا الذي هجر من بلاده، وكي لا ننسى دم الشهداء".
وأضاف المعتصمون: " أغلب الذين توجهوا الى السفارة السورية لينتخبوا بشار الاسد ليسوا بسوريين على الاطلاق".
والأربعاء والخميس الماضيين توافد آلاف السوريين الى سفارة بلادهم في اليرزة للادلاء بأصواتهم.
ولقد شوهد الاف السوريين في الشوارع والطرق المحيطة بالسفارة السورية يحملون أعلام بلادهم وصور الاسد، فيما علق اللبنانيون في سياراتهم ما تسبب بزحمة سير خانقة حينها.
ويترشح الرئيس السوري الى ولاية جديدة في البلاد التي تشهد معارك عنيفة منذ اكثر من ثلاث سنوات على اندلاع أزمتها.
ومقابل الذين أدلوا بأصواتهم دعما للأسد، هناك عدد آخر من اللاجئين السوريين في لبنان يعارضون هذه الانتخابات ويعتبرون انها "انتخابات بالدم".
"Umm Mohammad, 50, who is from Aleppo, said she had taken a bus provided by Hezbollah to vote. “I hate Bashar, but we are just weak strangers here,” she said, adding that her son had been beaten when a pro-Assad militia member saw the opposition flag in their apartment." All from New York Times.
(1). Who gives a damn what these Syrian people say, we would dearly love to see the backs of them, let them go back to Syria, not today but yesterday. Where on earth refugees can come and take the jobs and professions of the Lebanese? Where in the world can a refugee move around as if the host country was his? We Lebanese are damn crooked, ruthless only caring for a quick buck, we will accept to live by expired protocols that were signed under duress, protocols that are today defeating the very existence of an entire nation. The warning is now written all over the place, yesterday a friend of mine went in to buy veggies from what was once a shop owned by a Lebanese family, then was shocked when he knew that the current owners were Syrians.
(2). Because he asked for the previous owner, the Syrians got angry and said nasty things, but then the Lebanese already primed by his anger over what is happening guy was quick on the draw of his gun, shot between the Syrians legs and left. One small incident that could have gone real bad. Such things will happen on an even larger scale soon, if our screwed up authorities just sit idly by and leave things to go as they are now. Take a bus, a taxi, go to a shop, the Syrians are taking them, how long will this last when a small spark will ignite the unthinkable? Wlak we the Lebanese can barely tay2in 7elnah, we are now expected to accept these Syrians take everything?
(3). The Lebanese no matter how bad he may be, sure, kattirr 7akeh, jagal, neswenji, whatever, but the Lebanese citizen is paying taxes, has a bank account, is paying school fees, paying for the school autocar, paying for a car or two for his family by monthly installments, pays for house and shop rent, for benzin and mazout, for telephones and all the other utilities, buys bread and groceries, goes to restaurants and Luna park with his family, has medical insurance in most cases, pays for Daman, everything, now what is the screwed up Syrian paying for, even the damn bread he would rather bring from Syria and now to make matters worse, he the Syrian is taking away our people's livelihoods?!! You guys are sleeping still, we are nearing soon a real explosion, where the Lebanese will take the law into their own hands, and here there will be no party or sectarian color, but empty stomachs speaking through the barrel of a gun. Khalloukoun neymin la wa2tah.