الراعي يرفض التعامل مع المبعدين إلى إسرائيل كـ"مجرمين": الحل هو المصالحة
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رفض البطريرك الماروني بشارة الراعي أن يتم التعامل مع المبعدين إلى إسرائيل كـ"مجرمين" سائلا "هل هم عطلوا انتخابات رئاسة الجمهورية" وداعيا إلى المصالحة.
وقال الراعي من بلدة عسفيا الدرزية في جبل الكرمل المطل على مدينة حيفا وفي لقاء مع رؤساء الطائفة الدرزية والشخصيات التي وصلت لاستقباله، قال عن زيارته إلى الأراضي المقدسة "أنا جرحت بالصميم ممن نكلوا فينا وكأنه لا يمكن أن نقوم بالواجب" سائلا "هل ماتت العاطفة؟ هل مات الواجب الإجتماعي؟".
وأضاف "كررنا وقلنا أن هذه الزيارة محض كنسية. أنا لم آت إلى هنا لأعقد صفقات سياسية هذه لغيري. ولم آت لهنا لعقد صفقات تجارية وإقتصادية وعسكرية وأمنية هذه لغيري"، ليضيف "أنا آت لأرى شعبنا المحب".
وعن موضوع المبعدين إلى إسرائيل أعلن الراعي أن "الحل لدي هو المصالحة". وأردف "نحن لسنا متعاملين. لم أر أي لبناني متعامل ضد لبنان".
وقالت قناة الـ"LBCI" أن الراعي رفض في خطابه أن "تكون عودتهم إلى لبنان منوطة بالعفو أو بقرارات دولية".
وسأل الراعي عن "الجماعة الذين اضطروا ترك لبنان سنة 2000 هل حاربوا ضد لبنان؟ هل حاربوا الدولة اللبنانية؟ هل حاربوا المؤسسات اللبنانية؟".
وتابع "هل عطلوا رئاسة الجمهورية؟ هل هجروا اللبنانيين وفقروهم؟ هل خلقوا أزمة اقتصادية واجتماعية في لبنان؟ أريد أن أعرف ما هي جريمتهم".
وأشار إلى هدم المؤسسات وإقفال القصر الجمهوري فسأل "أين الإجرام؟ من المسؤول؟ من المجرم بحق لبنان؟ أنتم؟ (اللبنانيون في إسرائيل) أنتم الذين تحبون لبنان وتحملون أعلامه بقلبكم".
وفر الاف اللبنانيين الذين كانوا في عداد ما عرف خلال الثمانينات والتسعينات ب"جيش لبنان الجنوبي" الذي تعامل مع اسرائيل وحارب الى جانبها في جنوب لبنان، الى الدولة العبرية بعد انسحاب جيشها.
وعاد قسم منهم لاحقا على مراحل، فخضعوا لمحاكمات سريعة وصدرت بحقهم احكام مخففة بموجب اتفاق سياسي غير معلن لحل مشكلتهم.
الا ان اكثر من 2500 لبناني لا يزالون في اسرائيل، غالبيتهم من المسيحيين.
ولبنان في حالة حرب رسميا مع اسرائيل. ولا يمكن لاي لبناني ان يزور اسرائيل تحت طائلة الملاحقة القانونية بتهمة "التعامل مع العدو".
You speak sense Mr. Rai. This blind continuous hatred for anything remotely related to israel including jewish lebanese and lebanese of the SLA and the so call friendship towards Assad are two aberration we must outgrow.
it is better for him to stay where he is now. it is the place where he belongs. lebanon is only for heroes who fight israel
LF, I am fully with you on this one, let anyone who wishes to return back from Israel be allowed to do so. But then, another question surely does longer on the minds of those Lebanese still in exile in Israel on such things like these realities. Surely in Israel they do enjoy a lot more than they would if they returned to Lebanon, masalan: Would they get a job here? Social security, pension, health benefits? Would they not be targeted by both Lebanese and Syrian moukhabarat or Hezbollah? Then will they want to live in a country in ruins, where refugees of all kinds now make up for about 50% of our population and are now stealing our jobs and professions? What future will their kids have here, ya 3ammeh, even the vegetables now grown here are watered with sewage, yesterday people got poisoned by eating Tabbouleh masalan. Who would blame them if they stayed in Israel?
and do two wrongs make a right ??
sure in my opinion what assad has done and is still doing in syria is a crime But what's the other choice in syria now Da3ishor nousra but it's not about syria here we are talkin about what SLA has done to lebanese Citizen's especially the shia in the South you Name Yourself Lebanon First you should portray that name you should never forget what the SLA has done to lebanese Women and Children and how they opposed a force that returned the South To be a part of lebanon regardless of their actions today
Once Again two wrongs don't make a right
No need for them to come back, what are they coming back to? Whether you love israel or hate it, they are given rights and are treated equal to others. They have food, electricity, jobs, peace and a real authority and laws. Why would they ever come back? why would any sane lebanese anywhere in the world come back? This country is a mess that has no hope and will never ever be better. It could have had hope before the 1 million syrians refugees, now with them + 700k palestinians and i dont know what else, and political leaders doing wtv, it is the jungle.
Not funny, because either camp can try that now to prove a point, can't they.
It seems everyone calling for them to be brought to justice have forgotten their own masters crimes during the civil war.
All this negative exchange is a sad testimony that despite
all the years of in-fightings not much has changed. Until we
are able to outgrow our very narrow, feudal, and contaminated
mind set in how we view others we can never progress and exist
as one united nation and one people. Sad!
1- even if they're criminals, bring them back, plenty worse of them in lebanon, plenty did worse than them during civil war and now are MPs or leading parties.
2- israelis hate to see these pics : christians in peace with druze, sunnis, shias, palestinians, all greeting each others. They like to see us fighting each others...
We already have many criminals in lebanon..and i dont think the ones in israel are criminals.
if we judge them, we need to judge all the other criminals that killed since civil war, and that wont happen...
Bring them back, they betrayed in the past, others are betraying now...
Chupachups, what did they do to flee then? You dont think rapists, torture and other forms of terror is criminal? What a hypocrite you are.
Oh so they were not terrorists after everything they did? You and your likes are the brainwashed ones.
I say bring them back and give them a fair trial. Someone like Geagea who massacred thousands in cold blood is now a free man and is running for President, so what exactly is the difference?
Karim, there's a dance called Tango, anyone dancing it alone will be deemed nuts. That guy you accused of killing people in cold blood, have you forgotten who was his dance partner? Yet you still want to call that partner a good man, even worst, keep saying God bless him? Right now in Lebanon, do you know who is killing people? Sure you don't, but we do.
James, well said, that's exactly what I said a few days ago, too many chiefs and no Indians. Many here don't want to be told, they instead want to tell us. Sad.
Southern, statistics confirm that most of the SLA men were Shiites. Even Nabih Berri in May 2000 said it on news media, when frenzy was beginning to manifest itself in Dahieh and other Shiite areas and was about to take the better of people's judgment, he said" Ya ekhwen, 3ala mahelkoun, ma howde aktariyetoun mininah. 3ayb, khallouna mastourin". Then again, a good number of those Shiite men of the SLA were the ones who took orders in 1982 from Elie Hobeika who delegated his brother Charles Hobeika to go to Sabra and Chatila and commit the massacres wearing LF uniforms. Ma3leysh ya Southern, there are things we also know that you too should know, rawe2a 3aleyna shouwayeh.
what about the crimes done by the syrians, hizbollah, amal and jumblatt (do not forget the massacres in the chouf) and not by the sla?
When someone comits crimes against my people then i judge them. Why do you judge me? Why do you judge hezbollqhv? Why do you judge this or that? If al rahi wants to forgive crimes then let him forgive crimes comitted against himself or his sect, the SLA didn't torture nor rape him and his crew now did they they?