عون يمنح الأسد جائزة "نوبل": جنبلاط "بيضة ممودرة"

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أكد رئيس تكتل "التغيير والإصلاح" النائب ميشال عون أن رئيس جبهة "النضال الوطني" النائب وليد جنبلاط هو "بيضة ممودرة"، مردفاً أن "السعودية ستمنعه من الوصول إلى الرئاسة الأولى".

و كشفَت مصادر موثوقة شاركت في اللقاء الذي عُقد بين وفد المؤسسات المارونية وعون لصحيفة "الجمهورية"، السبت، أنّ رئيس التيار "الوطني الحر" تناول مواضيع عدة خارج نطاق البحث الذي كان مخصّصاً للخروج من المأزق الرئاسي.

وأشارت الى أنه تحدّث عن اللقاء المسيحي الذي كان سبق وأطلقه، كذلك عن عن دوره كمسيحيّ مشرقي، كما طلب نسخة من صحيفة "الحياة" في العام 1994 حول تحذيره من الأصوليّات.

وأكد عون خلال اللقاء أنه مع الرئيس السوري بشّار الأسد، لأنّه ضد البديل، وقال بثقة يجب منحه جائزة نوبل لمحاربته الإرهاب، معتبراً أن "الشيعة أقلّية، وإذا ربحوا نربح سويّاً".

وأشارت المصادر عينها الى أن عون كشف أنّ وزير الخارجية جبران باسيل سيضع ضوابط لرئيس الحكومة، وأنّ نواب التيار سيضعون ضوابط لرئيس المجلس، وأكّد أنّه اعتباراً من الآن لا يمكن لسلام أن يضع جدول الأعمال منفرداً.

وقال عون لزواره إن "جنبلاط ليس "بيضة قبّان" بل "بيضة ممودرة".

وأكّد أنّ إرادة خارجية فقط ستمنعه من الوصول إلى الرئاسة الأولى (في إشارة الى السعودية)، مردفاً أنّ "المهلة التي وضعها لحسم موقفه هي 20 آب، أي تاريخ دعوة الهيئات الناخبة، مشدّدا على أن لا مرشح قويّاً غيره، رافضاً مقارنتَه بغيره".

الى ذلك، أكدت المؤسسات المارونية في بيان لها ظهر السبت، ان "ما سرب عون من خارج إطار بحث آلية التسريع في إنتخاب رئيس جديد للجمهورية هو عار من الصحة وخال من أي تتطرق جانبي عن تناول شخصيات سياسية أو إجتهادات حول المعادلات الطائفية أو المذهبية".

ودعت خلال لقاء طارىء لرئيس المجلس العام الماروني الوزير السابق وديع الخازن ورئيس المؤسسة المارونية للانتشار الوزير السابق ميشال إده ورئيس الرابطة المارونية النقيب سمير أبي اللمع وسائل الاعلام الى توخي الدقة والالتزام بحرفية ما أعلن حرصا على الاجواء الوفاقية السائدة في إجتماعات المؤسسات المارونية بالمرجعيات السياسية.

يُشار الى ان رئيس حزب "القوات اللبنانية" سمير جعجع هو مرشح قوى 14 آذار للرئاسة في حين ان عون المنتمي الى 8 آذار، يصرّ على عدم خوض الانتخابات ما لم يتم التوافق عليه، وكانت معلومات صحافية قد أفادت انه ينتظر "اشارة" من الحريري لخوض المعركة الانتخابية.

ولفتت مصادر "اللواء" الى ان عون "يضع نفسه أمام احصاءات تشير إلى انه الأقوى على الصعيد المسيحي، وانه الأحق في الوصول إلى بعبدا، وانه، كما قال، الأقدر على معالجة الملفات العالقة وايجاد الحلول لها".

وكانت المؤسسات المارونية قد زارت رئيس "حزب الكتائب" امين الجميل، الاربعاء، ومن المتوقع ان يجمعها لقاء في بنشعي برئيس "تيار المردة" سليمان فرنجية يوم الاربعاء المقبل. وتختتم المؤسسات جولتها، بلقاء البطريرك الماروني الكاردينال مار بشارة بطرس الراعي.

ودخل لبنان في الاسبوع الاول من الشغور الرئاسي بعد فشل النواب في انتخاب رئيس جديد ورفض الرئيس السابق ميشال سليمان تمديد ولايته والقى خطاب الوداع في 24 أيار.


التعليقات 55
Thumb ex-fpm 08:46 ,2014 أيار 31

History will not be kind to this failed being. His comments are a disgrace to humanity, dignity, and morals. Even worse is his statement that he supports Assad “because he opposes his alternative.”

Default-user-icon Mancunian (ضيف) 08:54 ,2014 أيار 31

The source quoted Aoun as saying that "Syrian President Bashar Assad deserves a Nobel prize for combating terrorism."

The Ramblings of a madman....

Missing servant-of-jesus 09:23 ,2014 أيار 31

I think people do not understand sarcasm in this country...

Missing servant-of-jesus 09:26 ,2014 أيار 31

please read and think and understand what I was saying. You might have understood the opposite of my statement.

Thumb ado.australia 11:27 ,2014 أيار 31

Your not understanding what part of your comment is objectionable to many on this site... Can't mention Israel unfavourably without thumbs down. Plus sarcasm is not easily translated.

Thumb galaxy 11:48 ,2014 أيار 31

so now you try to divert the conversation towards Israel coz you have no arguments hmmmm!

Thumb ado.australia 12:40 ,2014 أيار 31

I also made mention of sarcasm in translation. What exactly would you like me to argue? Have I hit a nerve? You wouldn't be one of those trusted sources that work for al-Joumhouria, object to comments against Israel and uses a translator to read comments, are you? Could I have stumbled onto a trifector ?

Thumb general_puppet 09:30 ,2014 أيار 31

"he is the sole strong presidential candidate... “foreign powers” are impeding his election... Bassil “will place restrictions” on Prime Minister Tammam Salam, while the Change and Reform bloc MPs “will place restrictions” on Speaker Nabih Berri"

Popeye the General of General's has spoken!!!!!!!!!!

Thumb popeye 09:53 ,2014 أيار 31

g_p; I wonder what the families of the missing lebanese in Syria feel right now, the families of all those lebanese killed and tortured by Asad, the families of Hariri, tueni, chatah, Jemayel (and all others). If this is the caliber of a man who aspires to be president of my country, then I prefer not to have a president.

Thumb general_puppet 10:11 ,2014 أيار 31

Popeye this creature truly has no shame, he will say and do anything for his perverse Presidential ambition. It is a slap in the face to Lebanon after all the Assad's have done and are still doing.

Missing forces 11:12 ,2014 أيار 31

I did want to comment on this but I couldn't help myself. Lol. He does such a grand job of putting his foot in his mouth every time he talks. Silence at the moment is your best friend mr aoun.

Thumb ado.australia 11:33 ,2014 أيار 31

Forces... Your right. But did u hear him or read a direct quote of him saying anything? It's always "trusted sources" reported by al-Joumhouria, and then they analysed the unidentified sources interpretation of what someone told them that Aoun said in a private meeting.

Though it's always entertaining... No wonder women buy all those celebrity gossip magazines.

Thumb galaxy 11:46 ,2014 أيار 31

hehehe @ ado of australia. Yet, when your nasrallah says the president wanted to extend his own term you came on here, saluted and agreed with him. Did you hear the president say he wanted to extend his own term. Spare us your hypocritical defense of what is un-defensable!

Thumb hanibaal 15:32 ,2014 أيار 31

Give him time. He will nominate Himself for the Nobel Prize.

Thumb general_puppet 09:36 ,2014 أيار 31

Jerry the Whining old Hags, will soon be here to defend their Lunatic idol and complain about the mods, votes, deletions, expulsions and Naharnet :-))))

Thumb scorpyonn 09:43 ,2014 أيار 31

This idiot os off his rocker. I think early senility has set in.

Missing people-power 09:46 ,2014 أيار 31

This man has completely lost touch with reality.

I'm sure Mr Bore is in the process of changing his screen name, since everything he has predicted in the last month is completely wrong, not even close.

The next time you see someone with a new screen name jerking off Taqiya-Thrower, you'll know it's the new alias for Mr Bore.

Thumb general_puppet 10:21 ,2014 أيار 31

Mr Snore has retreated to his wine cellar for the Australian weekend.... he will be back at his post on Sunday, with the immortal words.... NEXT... NEXT... NEXT :-))))

Missing people-power 10:41 ,2014 أيار 31

True, and we all know his "wine cellar" is code words for his parents basement :)

Thumb sevilla 10:50 ,2014 أيار 31

he is a spinster

Thumb sevilla 09:56 ,2014 أيار 31

He is not even fit to be admitted to a mental institution. Hopeless beyond repair

Thumb general_puppet 10:01 ,2014 أيار 31

"Syrian regime will leave behind many of its instruments of terror and destruction as well as its paramilitary/intelligence apparatus... There are about 11 organizations of terrorism in Damascus... complete disarmament of all armed elements. Only the legitimate armed forces of Lebanon can be entrusted with providing security to the Lebanese people... Hezbollah is not a separate entity from Syria. It is under the Syrian operational control... Hezbollah is a terrorist group" .....Aoun, before the Memorandum of Understanding.

Default-user-icon Ze_gabster (ضيف) 10:21 ,2014 أيار 31

Nobel prize for war crimes against humanity . Pity this madman and doubly pity his followers .

Default-user-icon Hanoun (ضيف) 10:45 ,2014 أيار 31

popupar vote for presidency will stop outside interferences and sterile political internal debates
(do some people who imped our elections have elections themselves ?
god bless democracy

Missing forces 11:16 ,2014 أيار 31

It never ceases to amaze me the arrogance and short sightedness of the clown. Instead of trying to unite the Christians by talking to Geagea Gemayel Harb and co. He seeks to further undermine us by attempting to negotiate with everyone but. 3ayb 3alak mr aoun you have become the laughing stick of lebanon and the international community.

Missing maroun 11:33 ,2014 أيار 31

this demented traitor wants to be our president.good help Lebanon if he ever succeed.

Missing peace 11:39 ,2014 أيار 31

"Syrian President Bashar Assad deserves a Nobel prize for combating terrorism."

what a crazy man he has become... after spending decades saying syria was the main sponsor of terrorism in the region and that the assad regime should be eradicated, look now what 180° spin he does... only opportunists behave like that... poor man, what a pity.

Missing maroun 11:51 ,2014 أيار 31

he wants to give Bashar a nobel prize for slaughtering his men when he deserted them and ran to the french embassy.it is beyond comprehension how any patriotic Lebanese would support him.

Thumb mouallek 12:17 ,2014 أيار 31

This is what AOUN will say at his next news conference:

Malheur et désespoir ! Enfer et damnation !
Dois-je subir, hélas, l’infâme humiliation ?
J’avais pourtant cru à tes belles promesses
Et je récolte aujourd’hui le fruit de ta bassesse.
Tu m’as abandonné, toi, Hassan mon soutien,
Et je me retrouve seul, isolé et sans liens !
J’avais pourtant donné ma caution sans limite
à ton gouvernement et au pouvoir chiite !
Qu’arrivera-t-il donc au virulent Bacille ?

Thumb mouallek 12:18 ,2014 أيار 31

Adieu opulence et rêves imbéciles !
Que dirai-je à Chantal, à mes petits enfants ?
Moi… ! Moi qui me voyais Président Triomphant !
Adieu gaz, pétrole et électricité,
Commissions, ristournes et illicéités.
Mes partisans me quittent et leurs consorts m’évitent,
Jamais déchéance n’est survenue si vite.
Et la sénilité qui me prend de vitesse,
Pèse sur mes épaules, augmente ma détresse,
Rend insupportable le fait de paraitre,
Accablé que je suis par un si lourd mal-être.
Mieux vaudrait me cacher à l’abri d’un linceul,
Qu’avoir à assumer la déroute tout seul ?

Thumb kris 13:44 ,2014 أيار 31

Mouallek, Bravo pour votre eloquence poetique... Trop drole et vrai :)

Default-user-icon Disgusted (ضيف) 13:01 ,2014 أيار 31

a man...? a poor reason for a human being is more like it...

Missing thatisit 13:15 ,2014 أيار 31

aoun is the coolest when he says stupid things- usually most of the times. keep it up jiddou

Thumb cedre 13:52 ,2014 أيار 31

servant, did sharon bomb his own people ?

Thumb -phoenix1 13:53 ,2014 أيار 31

Whenever people term Aoun as a madman, honestly there's no exaggeration of any kind. The man pretends that he isn't interested in the presidential seat, yet will certainly sell his own mom for it. One look at the way he is slamming the KSA is ample proof of this lunatic Quixotic mind. Then to suggest that Bashar Al Assad deserves the Nobel Peace is tantamount to saying Adolph Hitler or Idi Amin should be canonized. With every new statement that Aoun props up, I can only be thankful that he will never be my country's president. If for anything, our international friends should funds his permanent retreat to Deyr El Salib. But the fear remains that its established patients may well have to leave in disgust.

Thumb kris 14:04 ,2014 أيار 31

Evaluation?!! his craziness is certified...... we shld call the men in white to put him back in a stray jacket....

Thumb beiruti 14:55 ,2014 أيار 31

Haram, old people like this, I have an uncle who is this way, need to be in the care of a 24 hour nurse, not active any longer in affecting the lives of other people.

Please can his family even get him some help.

Thumb dust 14:55 ,2014 أيار 31

Coucou Coucou Coucou!!!

Thumb -phoenix1 15:22 ,2014 أيار 31

Karim really are you serious, I mean you're talking of Aoun as a patriot? Maybe in your eyes he is as patriotic as Sayed Hassan since both men want to see Lebanon as anything but Lebanon. Of course Karim, pray for Aoun, for as long as he lives, he will be HA's facilitator in buying our lands, he will be your rubber stamper, he will be the one to help distort the brains of our citizens who would have otherwise remained sane people. One thing I know is the fact that the student at times excels over his teacher and the teacher who taught his teacher. Sure Karim, you guys at HA HQ should be proud of this Majnoun.

Thumb -phoenix1 15:28 ,2014 أيار 31

(1). Karim, the object of a discussion is to be and to remain objective. I don't know if to laugh or get angry with comments of your like when Geagea is mentioned, automatically people like you engage into the words massacres and criminal. Please dear Karim, during the war, what was Geagea, President of the Republic or a militia chief? Then, those who wanted to exterminate the Christians where they any better than the leader who defended the Christians? Are people like Berri, Nasrallah, Jumblat, Arafat, Georges Habash, Hafez Al Assad, Aoun and all the leftist and mixed so-called Islamic communist progressive militias angels by any chance? Aren't they all as bad if not worse than Geagea? So what do people like you expect, that Geagea carries a rosary and pray for you guys?

Thumb -phoenix1 15:33 ,2014 أيار 31

(2). To Karim on Geagea. Geagea was exactly the very reflection of the people he faced during the civil war era, just as today he is the very reflection of the political foes he faces today. Geagea also knew well that the Lebanese are by nature treacherous, so what did you expect of him, to be kind to his foes and the traitors that worked for his foes? People like you are rigidly bent of voicing accusations that do not stand any chance with people who want to shed light on the truth, if you want to accuse so randomly, yet praise-sing for people who are as soaked in blood as Geagea, if not tenfold more, then you will advance the intelligencia of people no further than the walls of OTV and Al Manar TV. This hypocrisy has to stop and stop now, there is no war leader that is free from blood, least of which those you keep praise-singing, eupht wloh 3aleyk ya Karim.

Thumb -phoenix1 15:35 ,2014 أيار 31

Ouph Cedre, you hit that nail hard and right in the middle, touche.

Thumb beiruti 15:41 ,2014 أيار 31

lebanonforever, this is a great idea. He is so delusional and in such an information bubble, he may just think that he really is president and that Deir Saleb is Baabda. He can have his wish and we can have our country back.

Now that's what I call thinking out of the box to catch a Jack-in-the-Box.

Thumb -phoenix1 15:45 ,2014 أيار 31

(A). Karim, I have stopped being surprised by the M8 coalition that is rigidly held by the tight leash of HA. I know several M8 people who defected from your side and the things he now says of your side, wow! Masalan, that good person you guys wanted to bedevil and disfigure, President Suleiman who has now completed his mandate and went back to private life, do you want to know what your M8 people are saying of him now? That in his home town of Aamchit, Suleiman has 4 huge palaces, all from money bribes he was given, wow, wow, and wow!!

Thumb -phoenix1 15:46 ,2014 أيار 31

(B). Karim. I went there and saw no palaces, but a modest man, a highly disciplined soldier who is more than relived to be back with his life. But the M8 remote controller was pressed, and this time it sent signals to its M8 adepts to sing another new song, paint another good man with all the wrong colors. In fact, there was once another good and honest man, Bachir Gemayel who hailed from one of Lebanon's richest families, yet died a humble man in a humble neighborhood of Ashrafieh. Wasn't Bachir Aoun's alter example? Then when the M8 yellow machine decided that Bachir's shadow was getting too long for Aoun, did they send that same yellow signal to downsize Bachir? karim, we are not all blind if you knew.

Thumb kris 15:55 ,2014 أيار 31

Count me in ...

Thumb -phoenix1 15:58 ,2014 أيار 31

(C). Karim. In 2005, when Rafic Al Hariri was brutally assassinated, tell me dear Karim about the statements that were coming from Hezbollah over this martyred person's name? Were they kind to him together with their other Lebanese stooges? Then when Aoun Al majnoun came back from exile in France then joined Hezbollah into what is known as the M8 alliance, did any of the M8 media have any kind words for martyred Hariri or to his son Saad that took over his old man? Did M8 show any respect to any of those M14 martyrs that M8 contributed to kill, yes, you read me well. Didn't your propaganda machine, be it OTV or Al Manar show one iota of respect to any M14 leader, especially to Saad?

Thumb -phoenix1 16:00 ,2014 أيار 31

(D). Karim. Weren't you the M8 adepts going about it just echoing what your machines of distortion blasted over the air? Ah, then came the big U turn, when Aoun Al Majnoun started to talk to Saad Hariri, in one single click, every single M8 partisan changed his song, ah, Saad is a wise man,.... wlak shou oussetkoun ya jame3a? Just a few examples at how your brains are being manipulated, wlak law ma 3andi showayet i7tiram la elkoun, I would have called you people North Koreans, nothing more and nothing less, but I can see that all the M8 side is going towards that direction, ba3ad showaye la7 t2ouloulna, long live Putin, long live Kim Jung Un. 3ayb, ktirr heyk, ...tekhnet.

Thumb missorange 16:25 ,2014 أيار 31

karim sweetie don't be so kind to Geagea he does not deserve it. The ones who massacred thousands of Christians were the Syrian regime and our beloved Syrian army, protectors of the Christians. Geagea massacred millions of Christians, it's trues OTV told me so. Although I they did not explain why we were his allies from 1995 to 2005 running in University and syndicate elections and protesting the beloved Syrian occupation and protectors of the Christians, side by side. Keep repeating the same things someone might actually believe it's true some day and give my love to your boyfriend he seems to have a day off today.

Thumb Machia 18:18 ,2014 أيار 31

The problem is not this crazy old man and his rants but the people that voted for his party and that continue following him.
I am not talking about the Islamo Fascists Hezbollah or the Bashar worshipers but the hard working men and women, that have felt so disenfranchised over the years, that thought that by voting for this nut they will recover their rights as Lebanese citizens.
Our political system is rotten to the core and produces extremists and hate mongers like Michel Aoun, Islamo Fascism (Hezbollah) and Islamo Nazism (Al Qaeda, etc.)
Time to reform and divide this country.

Thumb Machia 19:34 ,2014 أيار 31

You don't deserve the name you have chosen for yourself, I will call you ibn_Joumhouri_Islami _Irani or ibn_Bahar,
The problem is that your antisemitism is a symptom of your Islamo fascism and Bashar worship. Your hate for other people based on their religion or race is a psychological sickness that has been nurtured recently by the likes of Assad, Nasrallah and Bin Laden.
You are anti-Sunni anti-Christian and you will also demonize independent Shiites.
You are the product of a sick culture.

Thumb general_puppet 19:56 ,2014 أيار 31

Mystic, were the un-armed demonstrators "foreign salafis from around the world"
Get back to work and make sure you spit on Assad's boots when you shine them.

Thumb general_puppet 20:01 ,2014 أيار 31

When it comes to Aoun, It has nothing to do with stupidity and everything to do with insanity.

Thumb Machia 22:01 ,2014 أيار 31

If Bashar deserves a nobel prize than Aoun deserves the Oscar for best supporting actress in a horror movie.

Thumb gebran_sons 02:40 ,2014 حزيران 01

Aoun is poison to the Christian community, freedom and democracy as Hizbollah is poison to the Shia community. They have bankrupted the country, instituted corruption, and resurrected Syrian hegemony. The damage they have caused Lebanon will take generations to fix. I don't believe in capital punishment, but I'll make an exception for Aoun. He has hurt millions, helped destroy a country, and sold our freedom, democracy and sovereignty to the highest bidder. This is high treason by excellence.