الحريري: في الدولة من يشارك حزب الله سياسة الهروب من الحقيقة والعدالة

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رأى رئيس الحكومة السابق سعد الحريري أن "حزب الله يريد الدولة غطاء لوجوده السياسي والأمني والعسكري"، معتبرا أن "في الدولة والحكومة من يوفر له هذا الغطاء، ويشاركه سياسة الهروب من الحقيقة والإلتفاف على العدالة."

وقال الحريري في بيان صادر له: "هذه الحكومة بوجهين ولسانين. لسان ينطق بإسمها ويقدم الكلام المعسول للبنانيين وللمجتمع الدولي. ليبرر التقصير عن تنفيذ التزامات لبنان تجاه المحكمة الدولية، ولسان يديرها ويتخذ القرارات الرامية لتعطيل مسار المحكمة وحماية المتهمين من المثول أمامها".

وعليه، رفض ما وصفه بـ"سياسة توزيع الأدوار بين الحكومة وبين حزب الله"، قائلا: إن سياسة توزيع الأدوار بين الحكومة وحزب الله "مرفوضة جملة وتفصيلا، ولن تلقى منا سوى الشجب والإستنكار والإصرار على التمسك بتحقيق العدلة، ومواجهة كل اشكال الأرهاب السياسي والتسلط الأمني".

وسأل الحريري في بيانه: "هل سمع الرئيس ميشال سليمان بالمقابلة التي نشرتها مجلة " تايم" مع أحد المتهمين المطلوبين للعدالة الدولية في قضية إغتيال الرئيس الشهيد رفيق الحريري؟ ، وهل يريد رئيس الحكومة نجيب ميقاتي، ومعه باقي الفريق الوزاري، المسؤول مبدئيا عن التزامات لبنان تجاه المحكمة الدولية، أن يسمع بتلك المقابلة، والإعلان الذي جاء على لسان المتهم بعجز السلطة اللبنانية عن توقيفه، وإمتناعها عن توقيفه،رغم معرفته بمكان إقامته" ؟

وفي هذا السياق، أكد الحريري أن أحدا "من كل هؤلاء لا يريد أن يسمع، أو أن يقرأ، أو أن يرى، أو حتى ان يتكلم".

وأضاف:" إن سياسة صم الآذان ودفن الرؤوس في الرمال، تجاه كل ما يتصل بحزب الله، وسطوته على القرار الحكومي، وعلى هيبة الحكم في لبنان هي السائدة"، مشددا على أن "ليس في مقدور أحد من أهل الحكم أن يخالف رأي وتوجهات وارادة المرشد الأعلى للجمهورية اللبنانية".

وإذ وصف أن "ما نقل عن أحد المتهمين في مجلة " تايم" بالأكثر من خطير، وأكبر من انأ يكون مجرد أخبار للنيابة العامة التميزية"، أكد الحريري أن ما ورد في المجلة "اعلان واضح ومكشوف من جانب حزب الله بأن الدولة، برئاساتها ومؤسساتها وحكومتها وأجهزتها الأمنية والقضائية، هي مجرد أدوات وظيفتها الأساسية حماية حزب الله وتنفيذ رغباته، والتستر على المخالفات والتجاوزات التي يرتكبها بحق لبنان واللبنانيين".

التعليقات 11
Thumb shab 17:54 ,2011 آب 20

It'a all a matter of time. In the end they will be judged.

Default-user-icon Gabby (ضيف) 18:11 ,2011 آب 20

The Miquati gov't will fall over this alone.

Default-user-icon TITUS (ضيف) 18:12 ,2011 آب 20

The criminal Iranian Hezb Ebola is indeed doing just that. It uses the Lebanese state as a tool to cover up all its criminal activities. The Iranian cheap tool Hezb Ebola uses the resources of the goivernment (that belong to the decent people that pay their taxes and bills and that DOES NOT INCLUDE THE zombie followers of Hezb Ebola) to appear to the world as if Lebanon is behind all of that while in fact the majority if the Lebanese (the Free Lebanese) are totally against this thinly masked image that the criminal organization tries to appear to the world as. So the criminals and Iranian regime take all the credit for vitual victories and BS propaganda, while the people of Lebanon take the fall for all the criminal acitivity while their country slips further nto the fold of terror of the Axis of Evil whose Nerve Centre is in Tehran. Which is the complete opposite direction in which the majority if the Lebanese people (including the Diaspora) would like the country to move in.cont'd..

Default-user-icon TITUS (ضيف) 18:16 ,2011 آب 20

This is precisely what the Criminal Turbanator rat meant by his famous "People Army Resistance" Equation. Has anyone noticed how the vomit yellow flags of the terror group has dsappeared lately and have been replaced by the Lebanese flags in most of the Heab Ebola's terrorists so called "interviews" (or verbal Diareha sessions), these criminals are in Damage Control mode and hence they put on the fictitious "Lebanese' mask, the flag of the country that they have worked tirelesly to destroy since the early eighties tag teaming with the annexation project of the Assad Family criminal regime. Well the END Game is near Turbanator!!

Default-user-icon Irony (ضيف) 19:23 ,2011 آب 20

Isn't it ironic that Saad says justice will "free lebanon" and yet he aligns himself with the King of criminals (AKA DR. GAGA)

Default-user-icon Sikomda (ضيف) 19:26 ,2011 آب 20

This is further proof that the loser, cheikh Imbecile is an idiot. The best thing that he can do is continue to undress. Where is Ammar Houry and the remaining Nawars to suck his ... and kis his ...?

Default-user-icon kamboi (ضيف) 19:58 ,2011 آب 20

Hezbo has become what the PLO was in the 70s in Lebanon.

Default-user-icon George Haddad (ضيف) 21:42 ,2011 آب 20

Saad Hariri is spot on in his judgement when he says that Hizbullah has indeed controlled all facets of the Lebaneses' lives. To start with, they have forced Jumblat to switch sides by threatening to terminate him if he didn't. They then forced Hariri to abscond from the country, thus forcing their will on the Sunnis in lebanon by appointing their puppet Miqati who is hungry for power. Their cadget Aoun on the other hand had long ago been controlled by them; he's only after money before he dies, that's why he's asking for 1.7 billion dollar for electricity in order to steal it. As for the prime ministers who came before like Saniora, they also were corrupt and have done worse than what Hizbullah is doing now. I new Saniora when he was a director at bank mediterrane and I know how he came to power through his partisan behavior.

I am a Lebanese who left Lebanon for more than 20 yrs because I know that lebanon is run by people whose aim is not to build Lebanon but to eat it.

Default-user-icon Jake (ضيف) 10:02 ,2011 آب 21


Do you really think anyone will take your comments seriously with the venom and bile seething from in between the gap in your teeth?

There are better ways to discuss these issues. Your hate speech only contributes to the ongoing injustice and war we are seeing in the world, specifically in Lebanon. Man up with words that people can think about, instead of stirring up emotions and prejudice.

Default-user-icon Jake (ضيف) 10:07 ,2011 آب 21


Do you really think anyone will take your comments seriously with the venom and bile seething from in between the gap in your teeth?

There are better ways to discuss these issues. Your hate speech only contributes to the ongoing injustice and war we are seeing in the world, specifically in Lebanon. Man up with words that people can think about, instead of stirring up emotions and prejudice.

Missing startrip 17:54 ,2011 آب 21

Time magazine is credible and I don't believe for a moment they would be a part of a "STL/Zionist" plot along with Der Spiegel and all those conspiratorial publications. Hezbollah's narrative is boring and believed only by the lemmings who follow them.

As to Le Big's red herring regarding Time Magazine speculation about the evidence: there is a big difference between reporting events and commentary, something that ought to be clear to most people who're familiar with real journalistic standards. Opinions about the evidence are a dime-a-dozen. So let the court go into session and it will all be sorted out. I for one am willing to accept the verdict.

In any case, I love it when the Hezbollah minions mine the same publications they're trying to discredit for favorable quotes. So precious!