الحملة على الراعي تتفاعل وبكركي تلتزم الصمت

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تتفاعل الحملة التي تُشنّ على البطريرك الماروني الكاردينال مار بشارة بطرس الراعي عقب زيارته الأراضي المقدسة، خاصة بعد مطالبته بعودة اللبنانيين "المبعدين" في اسرائيل الى لبنان.

وعلمت صحيفة "النهار"، الإثنين ان الحملة التي بدأت على الراعي اثر لقائه العناصر السابقة في ما كان يسمى "جيش لبنان الجنوبي" مرشحة لمزيد من التفاعل في الايام المقبلة، "بعدما هللت جهات عارضت الزيارة سابقا، لما اعتبرته وقوعا في البعد السياسي للزيارة".

ولفتت مصادر مطلعة للصحيفة الى ان حملة منظمة تتولى توزيع الادوار على مجموعة من المعترضين.

وأضافت ان البطريرك الذي آثر الصمت لدى عودته السبت "سيحرص على عدم الدخول في سجال، ولن يقابل التعليقات بالرد، الا اذا تجاوزت الحد المقبول".

من جهتها، رفضت مصادر كنسية التطاول على الراعي وأشارت لصحيفة "الجمهورية" الى أن التطاول على بطريرك الموارنة ممنوع لأنه مرجعية وطنية تمثّل شعباً ناضل في سبيل قيام الكيان اللبناني.

وشددا على أنه هناك ملاحظات كثيرة حول أداء "حزب الله" كانت تُثار عبر لجنة الحوار بين الحزب وبكركي، لكنّ الحزب لم يأخذ في الإعتبار مطالب بكركي، مردفة أنه "من هنا فإنّ تسهيله عملية انتخاب رئيس جمهورية جديد يكون بداية إعادة وصل ما انقطع في العلاقة بين الطرفين".

وظهر السبت 31 أيار عاد الراعي الى لبنان عبر الأردن وعند وصوله الى المطار لم يدل بأي تصريح بل توجه فوراً الى الصرح البطريكي في بكركي.

ونادرا ما لا يدلي الراعي بتصريح فور عودته أو قبل مغادرته بيروت في زيارة خارجية.

لكن الزيارة الأخيرة كانت نوعية إذ أنها إلى الأراضي المقدسة التي ما زال قسم منها تحت الإحتلال الإسرائيلي.

ودافع الراعي مرارا عن نفسه خلال وجوده في القرى الفلسطينية. وقال الجمعة من بلدة عسفيا قرب حيفا "كررنا وقلنا أن هذه الزيارة محض كنسية"، معلنا أنه مجروح "بالصميم ممن نكلوا فينا وكأنه لا يمكن أن نقوم بالواجب".

والأربعاء أقام الراعي قداسا للمبعدين إلى إسرائيل في بلدة كفرناحوم. ورفض الجمعة اعتبارهم "خونة أو مجرمين" مطالبا بعودتهم إلى لبنان، الأمر الذي دفع عضو كتلة "الوفاء للمقاومة" النائب علي المقداد إلى رفض ما قاله الراعي، قائلا "لا نريد عملاء إسرائيليين في لبنان".

وفر الاف اللبنانيين الذين كانوا في عداد ما عرف خلال الثمانينات والتسعينات بـ"جيش لبنان الجنوبي" الذي تعامل مع اسرائيل وحارب الى جانبها في جنوب لبنان، الى الدولة العبرية بعد انسحاب جيشها.

ولبنان في حالة حرب رسميا مع اسرائيل. ولا يمكن لاي لبناني ان يزور اسرائيل تحت طائلة الملاحقة القانونية بتهمة "التعامل مع العدو".


التعليقات 44
Thumb liberty 08:05 ,2014 حزيران 02

the Iranian agents in Lebanon want us to believe they are patriotic and teach others about treason. Lebanon needs a miracle in order to be saved from this terrorist party.

Thumb general_puppet 08:52 ,2014 حزيران 02

Forces... did you mention Aoun and backbone in the same sentence? Flamer has been telling us for a week that the militias attacks are only Naharnet propaganda and as we all know he like Mr. Snore is Always Right.

Thumb geha 09:28 ,2014 حزيران 02


have you noticed the total absence of m8 guys in most articles lately?

this shows to which extent they are baffled they are being uncovered with not even a shadow of a doubt.
this shows exactly how much hizbushaitan and its allies and supporters are against Lebanon and the Lebanese people.

this shows what a bunch of traitors they are in an irrefutable manner.

this shows there is no use and no need to even discuss with them as they are traitors to their country.

Thumb .mowaten. 09:55 ,2014 حزيران 02

geha it's only because naharnet's mod is censoring us each time we make a point.
i hope you enjoy your monologue with israeli hasbara agents.

Thumb ex-fpm 10:10 ,2014 حزيران 02

stop the propaganda of appearing the victim. Many of our posts got and get deleted simply because you and your fake accounts keep reporting us.

Thumb geha 10:36 ,2014 حزيران 02

most probably I am the one who gets most of his comment removed lately :) so stop your propaganda :)

do give us feedback on the guys who want to free baabda palace.

Thumb EagleDawn 11:33 ,2014 حزيران 02

once crusher aka mowaten appeared here, half of the comments evaporated. Case in Point!

Missing forces 11:49 ,2014 حزيران 02

Some body took offence at my very placid post :)

Someone without the intellect to pose a credible rebuttal. Keep going BATRAKNA you are the messenger of peace and forgiveness while these clowns only know hatred.

Thumb EagleDawn 11:54 ,2014 حزيران 02

mowaten aka crusher did it

Thumb .mowaten. 13:17 ,2014 حزيران 02

oh really geha? how many times was your accounted deleted for no good reason?

Thumb .mowaten. 13:17 ,2014 حزيران 02

i see here at least 5 fake accounts who regularly and continuously post trolling and/or sectarian incitement, but there accounts were never suspended.

Thumb EagleDawn 15:05 ,2014 حزيران 02

you're such a useless phony. i wonder what kind of pathetic life you must have to spend your days here trying to attack commenters, never saying anything of worth.

Thumb .mowaten. 18:51 ,2014 حزيران 02

that's feeble trolling eagldown, copy-pasting my comments out of context wont cut it.

Missing cedars 14:01 ,2014 حزيران 02

Cancer of Lebanon requires chemotherapy to destroy all cells which is why Hizbollah went against the president when he spoke the truth, and now they are after the patriarch to give us lessons about state loyalty.
Now you all understand why we need a president to hit them with iron fist to get the state back on its feet.

Thumb popeye 08:11 ,2014 حزيران 02

The real enemy is from within. They are those who publicly defy the Republic, the President, the Patriarch, and openly state they want to liberate Baabda. The terror party inches closer and closer to total control of Lebanon aided by aoun who for personal objectives of reaching the presidency ( a near impossible scenario) has allied himself with this imminent danger to our existence as a nation.

Thumb general_puppet 08:43 ,2014 حزيران 02

Popeye, did you see the show Mr. Snore put on yesterday and I quote... "Classic debating southern & I loved it,,,,not often I say that btw."... Trying to use his old pick-up line on little Southern, it was disgusting :-((((

Thumb EagleDawn 08:56 ,2014 حزيران 02

the_roar was posting non-stop till 7 in the morning australia time! Amazing to say the least. A security guard on a night shift with no aspirations or life..

Thumb popeye 08:59 ,2014 حزيران 02

you reckon he has a job? seriously!

Thumb general_puppet 09:10 ,2014 حزيران 02

I think he works in the fast food sector, that is why he usually say's NEXT at the end of his post. I keep telling Roro that this is not a dating site but he is always on the prowl.

Thumb ex-fpm 09:28 ,2014 حزيران 02

you guys are really funny:))) I agree with you

Missing karim. 08:30 ,2014 حزيران 02

Learn how to spell, terrorist.

Thumb general_puppet 08:45 ,2014 حزيران 02

Hello Karim, is that all you have to say... Are you not even going to give the old Lunatic Aoun his customary Blessing?

Thumb popeye 08:50 ,2014 حزيران 02

g_p, this character has 2 statements that he memorized and a job to do. He mans his station daily in the mornings and then hands it over to another robot in the afternoon.

Thumb general_puppet 08:35 ,2014 حزيران 02

The Iranian militia attacks anyone who does not tow their line, now that Suleiman is gone they have a new target... and not a word from the Great Protecter Aoun.

“If we don’t call those who were tools of the enemy ... traitors, then whom should we use this description for?” Why don't you use the word on your militia and the rest of the stooges Assad left in place.

Thumb EagleDawn 08:55 ,2014 حزيران 02

Now the militia is pouring its venom against the Christians Spiritual leader after having done the same with the President. Aoun watches, encourages, and incites.

Missing patriot10 09:07 ,2014 حزيران 02

Damn naharnet and the dictator editors who delete commenta like mine!

Thumb cedar 09:15 ,2014 حزيران 02

The Patriarch is right.

Missing freeforever 09:25 ,2014 حزيران 02

Those hizbollah losers should pack up and go back to Iran where they belong. They are not Lebanese and hence do not have legitimate authority to speak on our behalf.

Missing peace 09:40 ,2014 حزيران 02

don't worry... in a few hours they'll say the patriarch is paid by saudis and israelis and belongs to M14! LOL

Default-user-icon Disgusted (ضيف) 10:11 ,2014 حزيران 02

“If we don’t call those who were tools of the enemy ... traitors, then whom should we use this description for?” asked ali baba fadlalah on Sunday... LOOK IN THE MIRROR TOWEL HEAD AND YOU WILL GET YOUR ANSWER... YOU AND YOUR GANG ARE NOTHING BUT IRANIAN STOOGES AND TRAITORS...

Default-user-icon Horus (ضيف) 11:06 ,2014 حزيران 02

What about the people who worked with the Syrians against the Lebanese.

Thumb EagleDawn 12:18 ,2014 حزيران 02

situations change, flamethrower--. contexts change, but you have arrested development. i dont blame you.

Thumb canadianpaul 13:19 ,2014 حزيران 02

I was talking with an FPM guy about Michel Samaha, and he says: "It's all fabricated." Another FPM guy tells me, and I quote: "What was so bad about what the Assads did in Lebanon?"

It's no use. They look at black. They see black. But their minds are programmed to say white.

Thumb canadianpaul 13:59 ,2014 حزيران 02

I lay your idiocy in front of all to see... Enjoy it people!

Thumb geha 18:41 ,2014 حزيران 02


Anonymous is right and you are jumping each time anyone posts something against hizbushaitan. why deny it?
better fix it :)

Default-user-icon No kidding! (ضيف) 18:54 ,2014 حزيران 02

The FPM, LF and Kataeb already submitted separate bills in parliament regarding the Lebanese in Israel, look it up or is ado nothing but a waste of hot air!

Thumb FlameCatcher 19:47 ,2014 حزيران 02

Ya Hassan Nasrallah, we reject the presence of Iranian agents in Lebanon. We reject Hezbollah "leasing" its terrorist army to Bashar el Assad.

if you want to have your say in Rahi's visit to Israel, then start a dialogue about the future of Hebzollah, it's illegal weapons and warfares and maybe then can yuou earn the right to open your mouth.

In the meantime, "Shut up your mouth Hassan"...

Thumb beiruti 02:40 ,2014 حزيران 03

Patriarch has now dirtied himself and his office with politics on the SLA issue. It is a gift to Hezbollah. A bridge too far.

Default-user-icon Columbus (ضيف) 10:27 ,2014 آب 29

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Default-user-icon Reynaldo (ضيف) 19:28 ,2014 أيلول 21

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