حسين العنيسي فضح اهمال الدولة تجاه محكمة الحريري
Read this story in Englishعلى اثر ردود الفعل العنيفة التي اثارتها مقابلة احد المتهمين الاربعة في قضية اغتيال رئيس الوزراء السابق رفيق الحريري لصحيفة الـ"تايم" الاميركية، رجحت مصادر متابعة، أن يكون المتهم حسين العنيسي هو الذي قابل مراسل الصحيفة نيكولاس بلانفورد".
وقالت المصادر لصحيفة "النهار"، انه "استناداً الى معلومات موثوق بها فإن اللقاء حصل أواسط الاسبوع، الثلثاء أو الاربعاء، في حضور مترجم عربي غير لبناني"، مضيفة " أن "المصدر المسؤول" في "حزب الله" الذي جرت المقابلة في منزله يتقن الانكليزية جيداً، وكان يدقق في صحة الترجمة اليها".
وتوقفت "عند صمت الحزب حيال العاصفة السياسية التي أثارتها المقابلة من ليل أول من أمس الجمعة حتى صدور بيان رئيس الحكومة الاسبق سعد الحريري"، على الرغم من أن الماكينة الاعلامية للحزب تعمل في ما يشبه "حال استنفار" للتعامل فوراً والرد على أي خبر أو موقف يتعلق به.
واكدت المصادر على ان "بلانفورد" وهو كاتب "باحث معروف بجديته وعلاقاته الراسخة في لبنان، ويصعب تصديق أن يكون "اختلق" المقابلة".
وفي سياق مُتصل، علمت صحيفة "المستقبل" أن "الأجهزة الأمنية المعنية فتحت تحقيقاً في الموضوع لمعرفة هوية الشخص الذي تحدث إلى الصحيفة، "وبنتيجة هذا التحقيق قد يُصار إلى الاستماع إلى أقوال الصحافي البريطاني الذي أجرى المقابلة، والذي لا يمكنه أن يتكتم على معلومات تتعلّق بالمتهم بإعتباره مصدراً يحق له التحفظ عليه".
وزار ميقاتي امس السبت، رئيس مجلس النواب نبيه بري، اثر الارباك الذي خلفته المقابلة، واشارت صحيفة "النهار" الى ان ميقاتي طلب من بري ان يطلب من "حزب الله" اصدار "نفيا للمقابلة التي اظهرت عجز السلطة عن القيام بواجباتها حيال المحكمة".
وكان مدير التحرير في "التايم" هوارد شوا ايون قد ارسل رسالة الكترونية الى "قناة المستقبل"، اكد فيها المقابلة تحت عنوان "متهم حزب الله تكلم" المنشورة على موقع "تايم" الالكتروني في 19 آب 2011.
very possible that hezbollah set up a phony interview so they could later claim
how fabricated it was to cause confusion and try to discredit the tribunal. they are the masters of false witnesses.
Where is the Lebanese Government??? Who are we paying these monkeys to call themselves ministers, president etc! Wake up You Lebanese Idiots and Rebel for a change! Think for yourselves and Dump all these bastards...
This is all u guys have? Well it will be crushed in the face of mountains of evidence. Start by explaining why ur friends tried to frame Abu adas, now we know exactly who put those tapes in the tree and called BBC buddy. If hizb Nd Syria were stupid enough to think that ppl would believe the Abu adass story then they can easily be stupid enough to at least once forget to turn off their cell phones. Remember, no one thought anything like the STL would be formed then to do this kind of detailed analysis. In fact they were gona start cleaning up the crime scene RIGHT AWAY.
Time magazine is credible and I don't believe for a moment they would be a part of a "STL/Zionist" plot along with Der Spiegel and all those conspiratorial publications. Hezbollah's narrative is boring and believed only by the lemmings who follow them.
As to Le Big's red herring regarding Time Magazine speculation about the evidence: there is a big difference between reporting events and commentary, something that ought to be clear to most people who're familiar with real journalistic standards. Opinions about the evidence are a dime-a-dozen. So let the court go into session and it will all be sorted out. I for one am willing to accept the verdict.
In any case, I love it when the Hezbollah minions mine the same publications they're trying to discredit for favorable quotes. So precious!
That's rich. Mikati meets with Berri over the Time interview wherein his government is undressed in the international media for criminal negligence in failing to arrest an STL suspect living in his midst, and the PM's request is---- "Mr. Berri, you must have Nasrallah deny that the interview took place!!"
Lebanon may be a failed state. But it is the paradigm of a state of denial.
Deny reality Mikati, yes, the key for the survival of your mythical government and your pretend power is to deny reality.
Reality -- Nasrallah is the head of state, army commander and the head of the government.
Reality - You, Mikati are a cover without any power, real or apparent.
Reality - Nasrallah is not an autonomous actor, but is only an agent for the Iranian "Jurist".
And the only way the charade proceeds is for when reality happens, to deny it.
It is really a more economical way for the government to proceed. You can solve the electricity problem easily now, just pretend there is light.
bigdig, anyone who thinks HA is a credible organization should have his head examined lol
big dig, refuting evidence, including phone calls which are accepted as evidence in courts worldwide, happens using professional experts and lawyers in a court of law and not via plasma screens from da7iye from someone with minimum scientific education. If you are too innocent, go hire your lawyers and quit hiding behind your finger. People are not gona buy Manar's bs. We also need you to exlpain for us Abu Adas and the calls to jazeera, and who killed wisam 3eed not to mention the explosions in antileas. BTW the indictment is 34000 page, witnesses and so forth so there is more that will be revealed in the courtroom and if you think for one min that there are not "traitors" amongst the HA who would sell valuable info for money, think again!
Le Big,
(I like your "WE read your argument" I suppose this is the royal "we!")
No, Le Big, you read wrong. I am not countering the article at all. I was merely explaining to you the difference between reporting facts and speculating about them. Time is a credible source and you can be reasonably sure they actually conducted an the interview your likes are trying to deny. The Time reporter was also giving certain opinions about the evidence, which is an opinion. Get it? If it helps I can draw pictures.
You're falling into a logical trap. If you believe the Time, as you imply by quoting what you saw as a supportive speculation about the evidence, then you should also believe they conducted an interview, which kills Miqati's credibility.
I am, like the majority of people who seek justice, willing to accept the verdict. Whatever it might be. It will not change my opinion about Hezbollah as a terrorist group, but it will provide an objective evaluation of the evidence
Le Big,
(I like your "WE read your argument" I suppose this is the royal "we!")
No, Le Big, you read wrong. I am not countering the article at all. I was merely explaining to you the difference between reporting facts and speculating about them. Time is a credible source and you can be reasonably sure they actually conducted an the interview your likes are trying to deny. The Time reporter was also highlighting certain opinions about the evidence, which is an opinion. Get it? If it helps I can draw pictures.
You're falling into a logical trap. If you believe the Time, as you imply by quoting what you saw as a supportive speculation about the evidence, then you should also believe they conducted an interview, which kills Miqati's credibility.
I am, like the majority of people who seek justice, willing to accept the verdict. Whatever it might be. It will not change my opinion about Hezbollah as a terrorist group, but it will provide an objective evaluation of the evidence
It was not for Hariri alone that the STL was formed. It was for Lebanon at the request of the Lebanese, and for all the victims of endless political assassinations.
Should we trust the Lebanese judiciary, Hezbollah, or Syria in finding the killers, instead the STL? No. Hezbollah and Syria are primary suspects and I would trust STL on any day over those who've demonstrated their knack for killing and terrorism. Yes, that is a big difference between us, Le Big.
To Bigdig: Hezb never ever thought in their entire life that any form of credible investigation would be put towards the assisins of Hariri. The STL was a curve ball they did not forsee. Hezb tought that it would Hariri assasination would just be swept under the carpet of assasinations without a proper investigation. Everybody makes a poor judgements sooner or later. Hezb is going to pay for their murder.
To Bigdig: Hezb never ever thought in their entire life that any form of credible investigation would be put towards the assisins of Hariri. The STL was a curve ball they did not forsee. Hezb tought that it would Hariri assasination would just be swept under the carpet of assasinations without a proper investigation. Everybody makes a poor judgements sooner or later. Hezb is going to pay for their murder.