"التغيير والإصلاح" يرفض تسمية لبنانيي إسرائيل "عملاء": الشغور لا يمنع إقرار قانون انتخاب
Read this story in English![W460](http://images3.naharnet.com/images/123437/w460.jpg?1401806136)
أعلن تكتل "التغيير والإصلاح" الثلاثاء ضرورة إقرار قانون انتخابات جديد بالتوازي مع الجهود لانتخاب رئيس للجمهورية، رافضا تسمية اللبنانيين في إسرائيل "عملاء" ومؤكدا مواصلة العمل على حل قضيتهم "قانونيا".
وقال أمين سرّ التكتل النائب ابراهيم كنعان بعد اجتماع عصر الثلاثاء من الرابية "كل الكتل النيابية وعدت بإعداد قانون انتخابات نيابية كي لا نعود إلى تمديد ولكن لم يحصل شيئا".
وأضاف "نحن في فراغ في سدة الرئاسة الأولى لأن هناك خللا في الميثاق ولكن ماذا يمنع أن نعمل على قانون انتخابات نيابية بالتوازي؟".
ورأى كنعان أن عدم إقرار هذا القانون "وإلا نذهب مرة أخرى إما للتمديد إما لتكريس الخلل بالتثميل على مستوى المناصفة المطلوبة بين المسيحيين والمسلمين".
كما كرر أن "هذا الإصلاح مطلوب ميثاقيا على المستويين الرئاسي والنيابي وقانون الإنتخابات هو من القوانين الإستثنائية التي يجوز لمجلس النواب أن يقرها في ظل الشغور".
وسأل "هل المكتوب أن نبقى بالخلل إلى ما شاء الله؟ لماذا لا نطبق الشراكة الحقيقية في النظام؟ هناك قوانين وصلت إلى الهيئة العامة ولا نحتاج أصلا إلى لجان مشتركة".
وكان قد اقترح عضو التكتل النائب ألان عون "إجراء انتخابات نيابية في حال التعذر في انتخاب رئيس جديد للجمهورية بغية انتاج مجلس جديد ينتخب رئيس".
وعن اللبنانيين المبعدين الى اسرائيل قال كنعان "هناك قانون مقدّم من قبل العماد (ميشال) عون لا يسمي هؤلاء بالعملاء واعتبرناهم مواطنين لبنانيين لجاوا الى اسرائيل".
ودعا إلى "وقف السجال" حول الأمر لأنه "حُسم تشريعياً والتفاهم (مع حزب الله) الذي حصل في العام 2006 والتشريع في العام 2011 معروفين".
وكان قد اعتبر حزب الله أن الدولة وحدها هي المسؤولة عن تصنيف اللبنانيي قائلا "لا نريد وجود عملاء في لبنان"، عقب تصريحات البطريرك الماروني بشارة الراعي من بلدة عسفيا قرب حيفا الجمعة رفض فيها اعتبارهم "خونة ومجرمين" ودعا إلى عودتهم بعيدا عن قوانين العفو.
وأضاف كنعان "نحن متجهون لحسم هذه المسألة إلى النهاية وسنتابع إقرار القوانين الخاصة فيه والمزايدات ليست في مكانها ومرفوضة".
هذا وأعلن كنعان عن سلسلة الرتب والرواتب أن "هذا الأمر بالنسبة لنا هو من التشريعات الإستثنائية ويؤمن استقرارا على المستوى السياسي ونحن أعطينا فرصة للتوافق حول الأمر لكن لا يعني التخلي عن المشروع".
لكنه شدد في الوقت عينه أن لا تكون السلسلة "على حساب الخزينة".
Bravo for the courage of fpm against the hegemony of khizbollah
Kanaan: We're witnessing a presidential vacuum because there is a defect in the constitution.
for heavens sake, can someone point him to where the defect allegedly is? The constitution says go to parliament and vote for a president !! Simple as that... where is the defect that he sees? Change and Reform...Alas!
@jabal: why are you attacking popeye today? btw, You still making a living at managing companies between phone calls?
hi ice-man! coz aounis like this @jabal don't really care about the vacuum in the presidency. He once recommended Kanaan for foreign minister, and it was between phone calls yes!
why give him credit for something that is a given. Focus on the more pressing issues, jabal. The presidency seat is much more important for lebanon and the christians at this stage.
the defect is that the president hasn't enough powers and the pm and speaker roles during vacuums are are not clearly defined. The taef accord was written on the back of cheque books and there will be constant dead lock because this was the purpose.
Small change is allowing parliament quorum achieved to sit with 66 mps instead of 2/3rds.
Giving the president to power to sack an ineffective cabinet and call early elections.
Electoral law being the responsibility of the "senate" and not needing parliament to approve.
Those 3 changes will stop almost all political deadlock.
Why divert the discussion. MPs should go to parliament and vote for a president. Sure the constitution like any other is not perfect. The FPM is obstructing the elections of a Christian president by not going to vote and this has nothing to do with some perceived defects in the constitution.
What's with the story of the banker and the umbrella? remind us please:)
it is amazing how this forum gets disrupted once you start posting your nonsense on a daily basis, the_roar!
roar, every time you post somebody 'owns' you. you are a sorry excuse for a human being.
roar, how many posts do we expect to see from you tonite.... is it an all 'nighter' once again...?:) Post something of substance once in your miserable life.
Good point Ibrahim. This shows that FPM is not blindly following HA and that it can stand by its stances when it deems fit.
HA are collaborators with Iran who invaded Beirut in 2008 and are therefore more criminal than those who fled to israel. Let this be known.
Roar-southern. This does not concern me since I am living in christian Beirut. And it does not concern you since you were abroad. But all my Sunni friends living in west Beirut feel that ever since HA and amal invaded beirut on the 7 may 2008 they are living under shia rule.
Roar. The coup of HA then was not self defense. It was HA putting a red line for siniora against changing the security chief of the airport. 56 people were killed.
Southern. You have such an idealist vision of HA because you think they kicked Israel out that you are not rational when it comes to them
leb first is totally right, it was an invasion.
But he's wrong if he thinks it only concerns sunnis.
HizbIran didnt only invade sunni areas, they did a coup, showing they're now controlling Lebanon. They invaded chouf, they threatened Geagea and other christian leaders to stay quiet...
They told LAF to stay apart or they'll have all shias to desert with weaponry. Michel Sleiman got scared of another civil war and did nothing...
It should concern you lebanon_first and very much. This is not just a sunni concern. HA can come to your area and do the same anytime they want. The logic of outlaws is "but, you are my friend and I won't hurt you, I will hurt him" is not something we should accept. Sooner or later these outlaws will turn on you when they see fit.
I meant it does not concern Christians as much as Sunnis since Christians had been marginalized before since Taaef, so they were screwed anyway and the invasion of west Beirut is not such a big deal to them as to the Sunnites who were controlling the country.
Liberty. Extremist Sunnites came to our areas during the danish cartoons episode. They burned and killed also. HA could come anytime. But it didn't yet.
The extremists you refer to came to "your" area to express a political point of view which turned out to be ugly. They did not come to invade and conquer like the terror party in its invasion of Beirut. Had the Danish embassy been in another location, the outcome would have been the same.
Approve the law for expats to vote and we will show you who the minority are..
Let the war between shia and sunni begin and may it last till the end of time.
Long Live The Syrian Civil War!
It's starting to dawn on the FPM that the MOU their leader signed without consulting most of them in the Mar Mikhael Church with Hassan is nothing but a worthless rag. Hassan did not only disrespected his own signature he disrespected the holy venue where the document was signed and the senile fool he signed it with. Hassan got everything he needed from Aoun ie Christian cover for his activities inside and outside the country and in return he gave Aoun nothing of any value except the incremental loss of support withing his own community. Now even Aoun and his close circle have realized this and are now desperately trying to mend the bridges he blew up between himself and Hariri. Stranger still official from HA are constantly threatening anyone who dares touch the MOU with all kinds of calamities when they themselves have broken every clause in it.
Pity the nation
Idiots are running the country and taking it further to the abyss