مذكرة بحث وتحرّ بحق مطلق النار على قصر بعبدا بعد معرفة هويته

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سطّر النائب العام التمييزي القاضي سمير حمود بلاغ بحثٍ وتحَرٍّ بحقّ مطلق نارعلى قصر بعبدا وطريق الجديدة، تمهيداً لإصدار مذكّرة توقيف غيابية بحقّه.

وكشفت صحيفة "الجمهورية" في عددها الصادر "الخميس" أنّه بعد إحالة وزير العدل أشرف ريفي الشريط الذي ظهرَ فيه مسلّحون وهم يطلقون النار على قصر بعبدا وطريق الجديدة، كلّف حمود المباحث المركزية تحديد هويّة مطلقي النار، وتحديداً الذي أطلق التهديدات التي تمسّ الأمن الوطني وتهدّد العيش المشترك.

و اضافت أنه بعدما تمّت معرفة هويته كُلّفت القوى الأمنية في الضاحية الجنوبية بجلبِه للمحاكمة، فتبيّنَ أنّه توارى عن الأنظار، فيما تردّدت معلومات عن وجوده في الجنوب، ولكنّ القوى الأمنية لم تعثر عليه.

وأشارت مصادر صحفية الى انه تم الاشتباه بأن المدعو ع.ح. هو المسلح الذي بدا متحدثاً في الشريط، بينما التدقيق مستمر لكشف هويات باقي المسلحين الذين ظهروا معه.

يُذكر ان قناة الـMTV، كانت قد بثّت شريطاً مصوراً يظهر أشخاصاً يطلقون النار باتجاه منطقة الطريق الجديدة ويقول أحدهم "سنأخذ بعبدا من الرئيس المقبل".

وأضاف "خليها تشتي رصاص على الطريق الجديدة، حرام آدمية"، وأضاف سائلاً من بجانبه "معكم قنبلة" ثم وجه التحية وهو يطلق الرصاص بكثافة، قائلاً "هيدي لعيون (الرئيس السوري بشار الاسد) بشار والحاج أبو مصطفى نبيه بري".


التعليقات 24
Thumb geha 07:52 ,2014 حزيران 12

hizbushaitan hiding their terrorists as usual.

and they say they do not incite sectarian hatred! they are sectarian hatred incarnated.

Thumb popeye 07:55 ,2014 حزيران 12

The terror party and its members continue to undermine the state and the law. This identified terrorist will soon become a Saint where iraqi shia will come to pay respects to his sainthood.

Thumb fair 08:32 ,2014 حزيران 12

this man is and his belong to is pysco and his party who belong to, he should go back to iran and try to do that and you will see what will happen to him

Thumb Machia 08:58 ,2014 حزيران 12

He was probably promoted to deputy thief-in-chief chez Nabih and Randa.

Thumb Machia 09:08 ,2014 حزيران 12

Or my sources say he was promoted to counter-band supervisor at the airport or port.
His CV says that he was an electricity-theft technician and before that he worked in the fictitious agriculture subsidy department of Amal.
He performed well and so was given the task of leading a team in the roof-shooting joint venture between Amal and Hezbollah.

Thumb Machia 09:11 ,2014 حزيران 12

He has 25 kids and 3 wives and they all work in government doing very important loitering and collecting bribes left right and center. They all have villas in Tibnin.
They all acquired executive masters in roof shooting from the Amal & Hezbollah Foundation for theft, assassinations and propaganda.

Missing ghzayel 21:41 ,2014 حزيران 12

lol!!!!!! he is probably commanding his wives who are appointed by amal as gov employees or as non teaching teachers or overstaffing the parliament, to march towards downtown and demonstrate for pay raises undermining the government from inside and from outside!!!!

Missing trigger 09:04 ,2014 حزيران 12

where are Flamethrower and his stooges???

Missing georgeskyp 09:45 ,2014 حزيران 12

Like how Harb's assassin hid only to die a "hero" in Syria. What a joke.

Thumb FlameCatcher 10:27 ,2014 حزيران 12

Where is Southern, FT, Mowaten, Mystic and TheResistance 10.3 (he keeps changing version because he fails all the time) ? Don't you want to defend your terrorist criminals ?

It's time to "liberate Lebanon" from Hezbollah occupation. If Hassan Nasrallah fails to deliver all suspects involved in gunfights, murders and assassinations, may the doors of hell open up on Dahyé ! There is no place for Hezbollah dogs in Lebanon !

Thumb FlameCatcher 10:42 ,2014 حزيران 12

There's actually a 4th man "shooting" ... the video. He has to be apprehended too !

Missing jean-pierre 10:59 ,2014 حزيران 12

They were liberating palestion from tariq el jadeedah. Hang them by their balls. The word thugs come to mind.

Missing forces 11:24 ,2014 حزيران 12

Bring in the army and interrogate his family his associates his uncles and aunties and make life unbearable until they turn him in. Then charge them for aiding a fugitive and if HA is found to be doing this drag Hassan out and charge him also. Our army need their mandate to do their work and we as the people have given them this freedom that no amount of political cover can supersed. God bless our LAF

Thumb FlameCatcher 11:58 ,2014 حزيران 12

@FT : your terrorists aren't just shooting. They are showing their sectarian hatred of Sunnis and Christians ... Hezbollah cancer must be eliminated once and for all !

Missing peace 12:41 ,2014 حزيران 12

a video very very symptomatic of the way hezbi and amal sheep think and supported by aounies....

Thumb FlameCatcher 12:42 ,2014 حزيران 12

As Hassan Nasrallah said, no single action of Hezbollah member happens without the full knowledge of the Kezb ! The Kezb and Hassan is to be held accountable for this !

Default-user-icon Truthfully (ضيف) 12:43 ,2014 حزيران 12

FT, are you saying HA does not turn a blind eye to the shooting before speeches? are you saying they cant stop shooters in dahye but can fight israel and nusra at the same time?
I am christian, i live in sodeco and i had to repair my window twice because of bullets. Acceptable for you and Aoun?

Missing peace 15:26 ,2014 حزيران 12

hey worm, now you need a certified party membership card to support a party? otherwise you are not a supporter! what a stupid and empty argument as usual...LOL

cut your BS you are rather very embarassed that your allies show their true colors that you are trying to find any excuses to say he is not a hezbi supporter! LOL

you are just a sissy refusing to assume his idiocy!

Missing forces 12:59 ,2014 حزيران 12

Not the first time flame but definatley should be the last. Which civilised self respecting country allows for such dangerous and sickening behaviour? And I don't refer to just the Shiites. We have become ammuned to this behaviour for too long have turned a blind eye. Do not try to defend or down play these things for to do this is to give up on your own principals.

Default-user-icon carlosthejackel (ضيف) 15:12 ,2014 حزيران 12

probably hiding in the sewers of Iran. How can any political party tolerate such stupidity. Such hatred by all sides will keep Lebanon in the dark ages....

Thumb wassupmanigga 17:04 ,2014 حزيران 12

Typical anarchic attitude that all followers of this party have. Their ignorance is what controls them, you can´t expect so much from people that haven´t been to school, and all the information and education they receive is force fed to them by these religious (terrorist) leaders who make up these conspiracy theories in order to keep them brainwashed into believing that they are being followed, that the rest of the population and world wants to get them. They all need psychiatric help, it sounds stupid, but seriously that´s all they need. It is like a family business, and the patriarch (hassan) is the one with the last word when the rest of the family do or decide something he doesn´t like. Oh you had to do May 8? why, because you are the king of the world? dude with delusions of grandeur, but everything comes to an end, either people wake up, or a bigger dictator will come and overthrow him.

Thumb wassupmanigga 17:12 ,2014 حزيران 12

Seriously, why do we have to care about Assad before our own country? please, explain to me. Take any other 3rd world country in the civilized world, even if it´s a weak country, does it meddle in its neighbors affairs? wake up people, this is insanity. We are Lebanese before anything else, so if you see your country drowning because of another country´s internal issues, what´s the benefit of it? unless that country is financing the party of God and that´s the only reason it needs it to impose itself against the Lebanese people´s will. Wake up people, you followers of that party, wake up, educate yourself, learn to talk, behave, prosper.

Thumb cedre 20:08 ,2014 حزيران 12

like Nadim Koteich said, Dahieh is HizbIran's barracks in front of Baabda. Every time president need to take a decision, he looks through the window and see the iranian agents really to storm...

Thumb cedre 20:29 ,2014 حزيران 12
