مقتل مؤهل في قوى الأمن وجرح 33 بتفجير عند حاجز ضهر البيدر..إبراهيم: أعتقد أنني المستهدف
Read this story in Englishقتل مؤهل في قوى الأمن وأصيب 33 آخرون في تفجير انتحاري استهدف حاجزا لقوى الامن الداخلي في البيدر، في حين أعلن المدير العام للأمن العام عباس ابراهيم الذي يبعد أمتارا قليلة عن المكان أن الإعتداء كان يستهدفه على ما يعتقد.
وتبنى لواء "أحرار السُنّة بعلبك" الغامض التفجير، قائلا "الهدف الذي لم نتمكن من الوصول اليه اليوم سنتمكن منه لاحقاً".
وقالت قوى الأمن في بيان بعد ظهر الجمعة أنه "تم الاشتباه حوالي الساعة 11,15 من قبل ظهر اليوم في سيارة جيب نوع نيسان "مورانو" رصاصية اللون، على الطريق الداخلية في صوفر متجهة الى بحمدون".
ولدى محاولة توقيفها فر السائق من امام الدورية وعاد ادراجه باتجاه البقاع "وعلى الفور أعلمت الدورية حاجز ضهر البيدر بمواصفات السيارة المشتبه بها".
وضيف البيان "لدى وصولها الى الحاجز طلب عناصره من السائق الترجل فأقدم على تفجير السيارة ما ادى الى استشهاد المؤهل اول محمود جمال الدين وإصابة 33 شخصا بجروح بينهم 7 عناصر من قوى الامن الداخلي".
من جهتها عممت قيادة الجيش صورةً لأحد المطلوبين "الخطرين لارتكابه إحدى الجرائم" يرجح أنه الإنتحاري الذي نفذ التفجير.
ودعت قيادة الجيش "كلَّ من يتعرّف عليه إلى الاتصال بغرفة عمليات القيادة عبر موزع وزارة الدفاع الوطني رقم: 1701، أو إبلاغ أقرب مركز عسكري".
لكن قوى الأمن عممت لاحقا الرسم الشمسي "للإنتحاري" الذي فجر السيارة. وقالت أنها قامت بالخطوة بناءً لإشارة "مفوض الحكومة لدى المحكمة العسكرية القاضي صقر صقر".
وطلبت من المواطنين "الذين لديهم أية معلومة عنه الإتصال على الخط الساخن لشعبة المعلومات في قوى الامن الداخلي 1788 أو الرقم 01425277، أو البريد الالكتروني للشعبة: intelligence@isfid.gov.lb علماً بأن كل مواطن يساهم في إعطاء أية معلومة يبقى أسمه طي الكتمان وفقاً للقانون".
هذا وقال صقر لصحافيين لدى تفقده مكان الانفجار ان زنة العبوة المنفجرة تقدر بما بين 25 و30 كيلوغراما.
واوضح المدير العام لقوى الامن الداخلي اللواء ابراهيم بصبوص لدى تفقده المكان، ان القوى الامنية رصدت السيارة ووزعت معلومات عنها، وان عناصر الحاجز اشتبهوا بالسيارة لدى وصولها، وحاولوا تفتيشها، ما دفع الانتحاري الى تفجير نفسه.
وأعلن بصبوص الإستمرار "نحن والجيش بأخذ التدابير الأمنية في الظروف كافة وفي كل مكان" كاشفا أن "السيارة المفخخة هي مبدئيا "جيب مورانو".
وأكدت الوكالة "الوطنية للإعلام" أنه تم العثور داخل السيارة المنفجرة على هوية باسم طارق لطفي الجباوي، من مواليد 1984 في عرسال ليتبين أنها مزورة لأن صاحبها ذهب إلى مخفر عرسال للإدلاء بإفادته.
وبدت شاحنة بيك آب صغيرة شبه محترقة وسيارات عدة متضررة. وكان عمل عناصر من أجهزة الامن يعملون على جمع الادلة، مستعينين بالكلاب البوليسية بعد فرض طوق امني.
وقطعت القوى الامنية الطريق في محيط الحاجز الواقع على عقدة مواصلات رئيسية للسيارات والشاحنات التي تنتقل بين بيروت وجبل لبنان من جهة، ومحافظة البقاع الحدودية مع سوريا من جهة اخرى.
تزامنا كان المدير العام للأمن العام اللواء عباس ابراهيم يعلن أن الإنفجار وقع "لحظة مرور السيارة التي كنت استقلها وبعد لحظات من مرور موكبي".
وقال ابراهيم في حديث إلى قناة الـ"MTV" ظهر الجمعة "اشتبهنا بسيارة ونحن في طريقنا وعندما تم توقيفها عند حاجز ضهر البيدر حصلت عملية التفجير".
وكرر ابراهيم من السراي الحكومي قائلا "أعتقد أن الإنفجار كان يستهدفني وما حصل من الحمرا إلى ضهر البيدر هو مترابط". وهنا كان يشير ابراهيم إلى عملية توقيفات كبيرة منذ صباح الجمعة في فنادق الحمرا وتوقيف مشتبهين بالتحضير لعمليات "إرهابية".
وتلت التفجير سلسلة تدابير امنية في العاصمة نفذها الجيش والقوى الامنية، وشملت قطع طرق عدة في العاصمة، وتعزيز الاجراءات حول مقار امنية ابرزها وزارة الداخلية، وطريق المطار، ومقر رئيس مجلس النواب نبيه بري ومنطقة السيوفي في الاشرفية.
وعصر الجمعة أمر القاضي صقر بفتح طريق ضهر البيدر الدولية، بعدما تم رفع الأدلة وجمع المعلومات من مسرح جريمة الانفجار، كما تم رفع الركام وتنظيف المكان.
وكلف الطبيب الشرعي الدكتور فؤاد أيوب إجراء فحص الحمض النووي على أشلاء الانتحاري.
God protect the LAF from the filthy terrorist HA has invited into the country for they are the only ones that can protect us.
Fool disclosure. It appears you have taken your daily dose of Jedo juice this morning good for you. Listen to yourself claiming all the Syrians fighting the Assad regime are terrorists. M14 support only extends to the true Syrian resistance fighting the terrorist Assad and his thugs somthing you understand very well but find it convenient to label everyone as terrorists taking advantage of the chaos there. Shame on you!
Fool that is correct the LAF is now reaping the seeds of sectarian and disregard that HA have sown in Syria. And you are an opportunist idiot for taking advantage of the filth that has caused death in Syria for your own propaganda. Your allegance to Bashar is commendable though. Keep up the good work.
Flame no hypocrisy from me. You can go back through all the archives and won't find me praising or even commenting favourably for these guys. As for most probably voted. I don't vote my iPhone doesn't have the option :). Your friend fool disclosure was making lots of assumptions using the most probably argument also.
Forces, your heart would have been breakfast a long time ago if it weren't for HA defending your cowardice....
It's time to pack terrorist supporters and terrorist magnets and kick them out of the country or exterminate them.
Anyone involved in the war in syria, in propaganda, religious brainwashing, sectarian behaviour must be eliminated !
HA is now fighting in Iraq protecting shia shrines too. Resistance in its purest forms..
@Southern : Being in Syria and now in Iraq, you are very very far from these terrorists ... all in the name to protect Shia... i mean Lebanon :p
For every bombing in Lebanon, 10 saudis should be shot and killed somewhere in the world. An additional 10 people for every person killed in the terrorist attack.
Let the saudis start feeling the heat from their own people that for every act of terror will have repercussions on them.
I do not consider the wahabis or saudi a true representation of Islam nor are they a true representation of Sunni Islam either.
Nusra, Isis and Al Qaeda are the face of terror in this world and are all from Saudi and follow the saudi government.
I should not say saudi, it should the Occupied Provinces of Najd and Hijaz.
Ps. Prick in your mouth boy....have some respect.
you are right flamecatcher , absolutely right but you missed and you should add one thing
the countries funders of terrorism must be burned and levelled to the ground
god bless democracy
just close all foreigners camps (Palestinian and Syrian)and send them to gulf countries and the security situation will be at least 50% better
Booom! goes our summer season... Is terrorist tourism the thing to expect the next 3 months?
And may God Rest In Peace the member of the ISF who died. He is a hero. And may God heal those who were wounded. I also pray to the Almighty to protect our country and all our people from harm and help them rebuild a Lebanon that will be a beacon of peace, forgiveness and humanity to this world.
I actually only care about the "political and economic security" of all Lebanese and not just Saad's.
You are wrong Mystic. M14 is a grouping of peaceful and unarmed parties and Hezbollah is not a member of M14.
Hezbollah is a member of M8.
You surely meant M8 backed Salafis no? As I remember Nasrallah protected them in Nahr Al Bared and got Omar Bakri out of jail.
I hear aoun may talk to these takfiris and ask them to stop if they elect him president. The mans reach has no boundaries.
Lie Lie Lie until you believe it.
Antoun Sahnaoui a salafi! hahahahahaha. Give me a break.
So you mean to say that M14 can´t be allied to KSA because that´s wrong and unacceptable and you have a right to voice your disagreement and blame that group and its allies for all that is wrong but but but if Iran´s proxy in Lebanon, which is called HA does the things it does and represents the Iranian state and HA is a double and triple agent for Israel and Syria and Iran, its okay? So good if its evil done by HA but whatever others do is always bad? Its draining trying to explain to people with limited brains how things work. HA wanted to liberate Palestine now it wants to liberate Syria and Iraq...from who?
Let's examine your lie. You said that M14 financed terrorists, meaning that Samir Geagea and Amin Gemayel, the two ultimate Christian leaders financed Salafis.
That does not make a lot of sense does it?
Or do you mean that Saad Hariri who's advisor is the minister of interior fighting those terrorist financed these Salafis.
Please stop the lies. Enough! Respect your fellow Lebanese.
If this is Da3esh's work, then this is a Bashar sponsored organisation.
You fail to prove any link between M14 and Salafis.
In fact, if you do find any link, why don't you sue them ??? Or why don't you arrest them like you illegaly arrest opponents of HA ? Go ahead, take them to court !
@FD : again, if there is a mountain of evidence, SUE THEM !
There is a mountain of evidence of HA's involvement in Hariri n co's murder.
Bring up the evidence and take setup an international court to sue governments of the countries you claim are backing terrorists. It's relatively easy to do.
And HA don't have a single drop of Lebanese spirit in them. They place Shiism, Iran, Bashar and Iraq above Lebanon it seems.
A real Lebanese puts his country and countrymen first !
@FD : PS: no one is calling for the elimination of HA. They just need to be disarmed and act like any normal lebanese citizen.
There is no role for HA to play in Lebanon beyond politics. Weapons and politics cannot co-exist. They have to chose between both and it seems they prefer to hold onto their weapons. They are terrorising over 70% of the Lebanese population including a large chunk of Lebanese Shia who have no other option than support the party or face threats !
What you really meant to say is that M14 are traitors because they oppose the Hezbollah weaponized militia and they oppose someone a pro-Islamic Republic of Iran and Assad Regime sell out Michel Aoun becoming president.
What you really meant to say is that M14 are traitors, terrorists and should die because they love an independent, peaceful and prosperous Lebanon.
Who is the terrorist I ask you?
Your logic then says that the UK, US, Germany, France, Australia and Japan, Switzerland are all Salafi countries because they are allied to Saudi Arabia.
According to your great conclusions, Franklin Delano Roosevelt was the first Salafi ally of Saudi Arabia.
Wow! The FBI should arrest the descendants of Roosevelt and send them to Guantanamo.
Great thinker you are full-disclosure! Your blind hate of Sunnis is eating your brain cells.
Like racism, sectarianism is a powerful delusion.
We are all human beings regardless in what race, faith, country, region or economic circumstance we were born in.
Don't let your deep sectarian hatred kill your humanity.
Le Liban, ce beau pays, envahit par les hordes islamistes barbares. Des barbues du Pakistan, du Liban, de L'Iran, de la Syrie et de la Chechenie.
Le Hezbollah, la Qaida, les Pasdarans et tous ces nouveaux parties extremistes musulmans.
March 14 should be kissing the ground HA walks on. They would have been the main course for these terrorist cannibals had HA not killed many of them in Syria.
This extremist terrorist ideology in all it's forms should be wiped off the face of the earth, any justifications and excuses such as these are not welcomed
lets translate HA/Bashar's message : enough playing, vote for Aoun now or we'll burn the country...
It is because Hezbollah has made itself an antagonist in this insane sectarian Sunni-Shia War ginned up by Western and Russian Arms Dealers that we have crazies on Dayer Bayda blowing themselves up. But for Hezbollah, Lebanon is a pretty cool place.
With Hezbollah, where ever is Hezbollah is a Sunni Target. Hezbollah in Lebanon, Lebanon a Sunni Fundamentalist Target. Khalas.
Cannibal terrorists will be exterminated by our brave army supported by our brave resistance HA.
the situation is worse, we cant even disintegrate, we have to live with the iranian militia...
Lebanon is was and will always be
the only thing that will disintegrate are the extremists takfiries a with their stone age mentality and their funders also will have the same fate
god bless democracy and secularism
I agree with you Jamesbond-2, hyzbshytan and ASSad have the same video acts on the internet doing the same inhuman filth....
I hope ISIL AND HYZBSHYTAN go to some open field away from all the innocent people who might get caught in the middle and slaughter each other...
Why are you saying that they are Hariri servants? Mashnouq, the interior minister, is a Hariri appointee, who is at the frontline of the battle on terrorism.
Furthermore, Hariri's party, Al Mustaqbal, is currently in a national unity government with Hezbollah, Kataeb, Aoun, Amal and others.
Unless you are accusing him because you were programmed to hate Sunnis.
But accusing Hariri of such heinous crimes is like accusing Nasrallah, the head of Hezbollah, of the same crime because he defended Fatah Al Islam in Nahr Al Bared and he played a pivotal role in liberating Omar Bakri.
Or accusing Hussein Husseini of killing Rafic Hariri and all the other freedom seeking Lebanese martyrs just because he is Shiite. Although Hussein Husseini is one of the best Lebanese legislators and one of our country's most respected politicians.
Now you could accuse Hezbollah and ISIL of terrorism because this is their modus operandi. Sectarianism, hate and murder are their speciality.