جريحان في القاء 4 رمانات يدوية في رويسات -الجديدة
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جرح المواطنان فؤاد عطية السملاوي (1967) وشقيقه شريف جراء القاء مجهولين اربع رمانات يدوية عند الثانية والنصف من فجر اليوم على محطة مار الياس في منطقة رويسات -الجديدة، ونقل الجريحان الى مستشفى الارز للمعالجة.
وعلى الفور، حضرت القوى الامنية الى المكان وفتحت تحقيقا في الحادث.

I think the assailants hid somewhere the police can't enter. Or, wait! Police?What is police??? I only know boy scouts.

Guys don't jump to conclusions*, that's inferior minister Marwan Charbel's job, this is obviously the result of four customer unhappy with the unleaded the station is offering and the Big Gulp not being gulppy enough All four decided to come down to the station and settle this personal issue individually at the same time.
*You can still jump up and down and hit yourself on the head with a stick and chant slogans.

Elia Abu Hader lol you fool you want to call the LF zo3ran but your fellow shite brothers are angels lol i laugh at you and all the misery your kind are enduring and will endure with the fall of the syrian government his fate is sealed,he will be dragged out in the middle of the night by his ankles and beheaded.then followed by some shouting "allah akbar".Thank you