فرنسي من أصل عربي "مدبّر لشبكة إرهابية" تم توقيفه في الحمرا

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أفادت مصادر مطلعة ان التحقيقات مع الموقوفين في عملية دهم فندق "نابوليون" في شارع الحمرا في بيروت كشف النقاب عن رأس مدبّر لشبكة إرهابية وهو فرنسي من أصل عربي.

وكشف مرجع أمني في حديث لصحيفة "المستقبل"، نشر الأحد أنّ التحقيقات ما زالت جارية مع ثلاثة مشتبه بهم من الذين أُوقفوا في الفندق، مؤكداً أنّ واحداً من هؤلاء يحمل الجنسية الفرنسية وهو من أصل عربي يضطلع بدور أساسي في شبكة إرهابية لم يُعرف حتى الساعة إذا كانت لها صلة بتفجير ضهر البيدر.

ولفت الى أن التحقيقات الأوّلية أكدت وجود شبكة إرهابية وأنّ الفرنسي المشار إليه رأس مدبّر فيها.

وعلمت "المستقبل" ان اتصالات بدأت بين الجانبين اللبناني والفرنسي لمواكبة هذا التحقيق خصوصاً أنّ المتهم الرئيسي يحمل الجنسية الفرنسية.

وظهر الجمعة، أوقفت القوى الأمنية مئة وشخصين في خلال المداهمات في منطقة الحمرا والمناطق المجاورة بعد ورود معلومات عن وجود مجموعات ارهابية تنوي القيام بأعمال مخلة بالامن في بيروت.

وبعد التحقيق معهم "تم اطلاق 85 شخصا في حين بقي 17 شخصا قيد التحقيق" بحسب الوكالة الوطنية للإعلام.

التعليقات 24
Default-user-icon Disgusted... (ضيف) 11:22 ,2014 حزيران 22

and so is the terror group call hizbollah trained by a terrorist state called Iran...

Default-user-icon Vicken (ضيف) 14:36 ,2014 حزيران 22

U know southern ,daily i read some news on naharnet but i find ur comments stupid no idea if u r like ur comments .

Thumb mcdo 16:05 ,2014 حزيران 22

Sure Southern idiot, you want fries with that?

Default-user-icon big brother 451 (ضيف) 16:50 ,2014 حزيران 22

security forces arresting 102 people at a number of hotels, among whom only 17 remain in custody

nice overkill guys!

Thumb lebpatriot2223 16:50 ,2014 حزيران 22

Cannibals everywhere! Lebanon will be free of them soon. This game is over.

Thumb mcdo 17:05 ,2014 حزيران 22

Southern you stupid girl, you want fries with that?

Thumb Elemental 17:37 ,2014 حزيران 22

Enjoying Dearborn today?

Thumb lebpatriot2223 00:42 ,2014 حزيران 23

Keep dreaming terrorist

Thumb Elemental 17:33 ,2014 حزيران 22

I love how the M8 love to come out and attempt to make a legitimate argument, only to be laughed at. So a French national was there, who cares? At least France themselves have the balls to confront any Extremist riseup from whatever sect, and not let them impose their ideology on the regular people. Here in Lebanon? Iranians were let in, imposed their ideology...then the Salafi's, again imposing their ideology....SO stop whining about France, when you in part are a contributing factor to the garbage pile in Lebanon.

Thumb lebpatriot2223 00:44 ,2014 حزيران 23

Lol@ gimp

Thumb Elemental 01:14 ,2014 حزيران 23

Must have taken years to come up with such a sophisticated and clever comeback, you brilliant individual.

Thumb Elemental 17:36 ,2014 حزيران 22

France has shown more courage and support for Lebanon rather than your Iranian bretheren. Secondly? They at least have been getting terror cells in France who are Salafi too, I'd love to see if you and your Revolutionary Guard siblings even come close to what they've done for Lebanon, and that means ALL Lebanese.

Thumb Elemental 19:42 ,2014 حزيران 22

Southern, happy to see you support your native country of Iran. As for me? not a fan of zionists, salafis, or Iranian revolutionary guard implants such as yourself. Cheers.

Thumb Elemental 19:45 ,2014 حزيران 22

PS I'm full blooded Lebanese who can state my family's villages beyond 10 generations, I'd like to see you be able to do the same :)

Default-user-icon Mazen (ضيف) 19:31 ,2014 حزيران 22

Castrate him and send him back to France.

Thumb Machia 20:00 ,2014 حزيران 22

I wonder where this French terrorist got his ideas from:
Suicide bombing and Sauna:

(As posted by a fellow commentator earlier)

Thumb lebpatriot2223 00:44 ,2014 حزيران 23


Thumb Machia 07:22 ,2014 حزيران 23

Yo Leb

proud to be yo gimp, not ya killa
proud to be yo lova, not ya slave
You wanna die for Allah
go back to yo cave

Missing greatpierro 20:13 ,2014 حزيران 22

Hey southerner open the link below and read. C'est troubling!


Thumb gaby 20:50 ,2014 حزيران 22


That is an excellent article! Kudos for digging that up. I can confirm the that many of the IP Addresses used to upload ISIS videos do in fact originate from Iran.

Thumb lebanon_first 22:02 ,2014 حزيران 22

Interesting. I always say that the source of all evil is Iran and its minions, Assad and Hezbollah.

ISIS is just a tool they use like other tools, such as the fight against israel for example.

I hope to see the day that the hardliners in iran fall, and iran get governed by a pragmatic non imperialistic, isolationist figure.

Missing people-power 08:44 ,2014 حزيران 23

Very good article Pierro, thanks for the link

Missing karim.. 23:36 ,2014 حزيران 22

Hang the terrorist.

Thumb Elemental 01:18 ,2014 حزيران 23

Kinda hypocritical of you wouldn't you say?