تفجير انتحاري قرب حاجز للجيش ومقهى شعبي في الطيونة ووقوع عدة جرحى
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هز انفجار منتصف ليل الاثنين مدخل الضاحية الحنوبية لبيروت قرب حاجز للجيش عند منطقة الطيونة.
وفي التفاصيل وبحسب ما افادت معلومات صحفية ان الهجوم انتحاري تم بواسطة سيارة مرسيدس 180 لم يمتثل صاحبها لأوامر الحاجز القريب من مقهى "عساف"الشعبي وفجر نفسه قربه.
وقالت قناة الـLBCI ان السيارة تعود لحسين.ح.
وافادت الـMTV ان الانتحاري ثلاثيني وسوري الجنسية.
مصادر طبية قالت للـMTV ان لا حصيلة نهائية للجرحى الذين سقطوا من المدنيين.
ويأتي الانفجار بعد أيام على تفجير ضهر البيدر الذي سقط فيه مؤهل لقوى الأمن الداخلي.
وعاد الوضع الامني المتوتر يخيم على لبنان بعد فترة هدوء نسبية سادت البلاد اثر معلومات برزت مؤخرا عن عمليات ارهابية ستحصل.

Bashar/Iran tells M14 to elect papy Aoun.
Got the message Saad or u need another Shatah to understand?

Just exactly how do you endocrinate the sheep if you don't propagate sensationalism and alarmism ?

not boko haram, but smaha, pkk, asala, fplp, hizbiran, isis, nusra since 2003, nahr al bared, etc... But of course u'll deny all this in a tribal relfex, easier to accuse bandar...

Did anyone else notice that this happened exactly 3 minutes into 1/2 time? It's like they were watching the game... realized Brazil is going to make it to the next round... so "okay I can die now!!" PATHETIC!

It's their filthy ideology that needs to be exterminated whatever the shape it takes

God bless the true protectors of lebanon. Our LAF and it's sons are doing an extraordinary job.
It's time we put our political differences aside for the time being and stand firmly behind the LAF and ISF and send a clear message to these pre-historic animals that unlike Iraq, Syria Afghanistan or Nigeria. This is LUBNAN and you are not welcome in our house!!

God bless the Lebanese Army. Your time is coming kingdom of terrorism, and you will be brought to justice for your countless crimes against Lebanon and against humanity.

al saud is now dispatching women to carry out his wahabi fantasies.
alhamdeillah the only dead one is the terrorist.

haha, well i guess you could call this virgin a lady straight off the streets!

It's time for the Lebanese army to withdraw from Dahyé.
Hezbollah must choose between war in Syria or being protected by the army. They cannot have both.
We cannot allow our soldiers to die for Hezbollah's mistakes and wars !
If they want to keep fighting, then they must face the consequences themselves !

Read my answer here : http://www.naharnet.com/stories/en/136240-one-killed-20-injured-in-tayyouneh-blast-as-mashnouq-says-situation-under-control
And about things that are impossible to understand, try and explain what Nasrallah wants :
- Liberate Lebanon ?
- Liberate Palestine ?
- Protect our water ?
- Protect our oil ?
- Defend Lebanon from Israeli attacks ?
- Defend Lebanon from Takfiri zombies ?
He changes missions like he changes underwear !
All based on the latest set of orders from his terrorist in chief, the grand spiritual leader of Iran, Ayatollah honik chaghlé !

The lebanese army should not be protecting Hezbollah and taking casualties on their behalf.
Unless Hezbollah stops its war in Syria, the Army should only check cars coming out of Dahyé. Vehicles coming in are Hezbollah's responsibility and they should face the consequences of the suicide bombers they attract on their own !

I'm sure that there are lebanese traitors in the security apparatus that collaborated with syrian moukhabarats to carry out this bombing, the likes of smaha...