فرع المعلومات يدهم الفنادق المجاورة لـ"دو روي"

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نفذ فرع المعلومات في قوى الامن الداخلي ظهر الخميس، سلسلة عمليات دهم في الفنادق المجاورة لفندق "دو روي" في الروشة الذي حصل فيه التفجير مساء الاربعاء.

وتركزت عمليات الدهم على فندق "رامادا بلازا"، المعروف بفندق "السفير" سابقاً، وسط تضارب في المعلومات عما اذا جرى القاء القبض على أحد ما.

وفق مصدر أمني لقناة "الجديد"، فإن القوى الامنية اعتقلت شخصين خلال المداهمة وهما من جنسية عربية. اما مصادر أمنية للـLBCI ، فلفتت الى ان المداهمة هي "اجراء روتيني تقوم به شعبة المعلومات للتأكد من هوية النزلاء".

يُذكر ان فرع المعلومات نفذ مداهمة في فندق "دو روي" لتوقيف مطلوبين الا ان انتحارياً قام بتفجير نفسه ما أدى الى جرح انتحاري آخر، وسط معلومات عن انهما يحملان الجنسية السعودية.

وأشارت التحقيقات الاولية الى شخص ثالث من الجنسية السورية ينتمي للواء التوحيد هو الذي تولى مساعدة اﻹنتحاريين منذ وصولهما الى لبنان يتم البحث عنه، لافتة الى ان الانتحاريين كانا ينويان تنفيذ عملية ارهابية في الضاحية الجنوبية.

وتتواصل التحقيقات بأشراف مفوض الحكومة لدى المحكمة العسكرية القاضي صقر صقر فيما يستجوب مفوض الحكومة المعاون لدى المحكمة العسكرية القاضي داني الزعني اﻹنتحاري الموقوف لدى اﻷمن العام.

كما يتم التحقيق مع أحد موظفي فندق "دو روي" للاشتباه في أنه أبلغ اﻹنتحاريين بقدوم دورية اﻷمن العام.


التعليقات 13
Thumb thrust 14:33 ,2014 حزيران 26

I do not care which side you are on because I am not on any side, but your Lebanese citizenship and supposed education should limit you from being stupid. How would you suggest issuing visas will avoid terrorist from entering any country ?

Thumb thrust 14:53 ,2014 حزيران 26

How ? give me one criterion

Thumb thrust 17:17 ,2014 حزيران 26

every person has bank papers, family papers or whatever you wish, but in my perfect lebanese accent, how do you determine he is a terrorist?
however you turn it, you cannot decrease terrorists entering by issuing visas. It is impossible.

Thumb FlameCatcher 17:17 ,2014 حزيران 26

@FT : if as you claim, the Saudi gov is behind this, then it's a walk in the park to get all the paperwork. This will not solve the problem.

Like the idiot Sehnaoui who implemented a stupid measure to prevent illegal import of cellphones. This is still happening because the mafias are still here and infiltrated everywhere.

Thumb FlameCatcher 17:20 ,2014 حزيران 26

@Southern, you're right.

Hezbollah gets in and out of Syria without passing through our borders and customs... illegally that is.

Even if you impose strict visa requirements, what's to prevent terrorists from crossing through our borders with Syria ?

What if Hezbollah put its energy defending our borders rather than fight in Syria ? Wouldn't it be better ?

And if Bashar is so strong, why does he need Hezbollah to fight for him ? Can't he defend Lebanon ?

Now get back inside Lebanon before we start shooting at all terrorists who cross our borders and that includes you !

Thumb FlameCatcher 19:02 ,2014 حزيران 26

@Southern : If ISF and Army are doing very well alone, then it's time to disarm Hezbollah. You just admitted Hezbollah brings nothing to the equation.

And then : point any instance where I support terrorists. I challenge you. Unlike you, I do not support armed groups, some of which are considered a terrorist organisation by 70% of Lebanese and most countries in the world. The terrorist organisation KEZBALLAH that is !

Missing peace 14:57 ,2014 حزيران 26

have M8ers asked for strict measures whenanti syrian lebanese people were targetd? NO! double standards hypocrits!

Thumb FlameCatcher 15:26 ,2014 حزيران 26

Its full of Saudi terrorists, Syrian terrorists, Iranian terrorists ... all thanks to the new ministry of tourism headed by Hassan Nasrallah ! I must say his great tourism reform plan is working out great !

Thumb FlameCatcher 15:27 ,2014 حزيران 26

Sorry, spelling mistake. Hassan Nasrallah is Lebanon's minister of "Terrourism".

Thumb smarty 15:28 ,2014 حزيران 26


Thumb iamymasterscard 15:51 ,2014 حزيران 26

Hassan Nasrallah should have listened to 2007 Hassan Nasrallah and stayed home, Lebanon would have been spared the all the terrorists attacks and the senseless deaths. When he crossed the border he was warned although he knew what the consequences on Lebanon and the Lebanese were going to be. But still did it and he lied inventing pretext after pretext to cover these lies. But he had no choice, the Ayatollah ordered Narsrallah followed the orders, what else could a lowly soldier do.

26- 05- 2007- Hassan Nasrallah called for a negotiated settlement rather than a military assault on the Nahr el-Bared camp. "Does it concern us that we start a conflict with al Qaeda in Lebanon and consequently attract members and fighters of al Qaeda from all over the world to Lebanon to conduct their battle with the Lebanese Army and the rest of the Lebanese? We will not accept or provide cover or be partners in this."

Thumb beiruti 15:57 ,2014 حزيران 26

You've got to be kidding that there needs to be tighter visa laws in Lebanon. Her borders leak like a sieve. Anyone could cross into the country from Jordan or Syria with forged paperwork, or no paperwork. And as for Airport security, doesn't Hezbollah run that?? I'd Saudi terrorists are accessing the country through the airport, then they are doing so in front of Hezbollah's nose

Thumb smarty 17:18 ,2014 حزيران 26

@ "intelligence Bureau" : You should also apprehend the assassins of Hariri, Tueni, Kassir, etc,...

Do I need to provide the culprits' addresses in Dahye and Damascus?