"ولاية دمشق-القلمون" تتبنى تفجير دوروي: "ما هو الا أول الغيث"

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تبنى تنظيم ارهابي يُدعى "ولاية دمشق-القلمون" التابعة للدولة الاسلامية في العراق والشام (داعش) التفجير الانتحاري الذي حصل في فندق "دوروي" في الروشة مساء الاربعاء.

وفي بيان نشر على صفحة التنظيم على موقع التواصل الاجتماعي "تويتر" الخميس، أعلن عن مسؤوليته عن التفجير الانتحاري، متوجهاً بالقول الى "حزب الشيطان (في اشارة الى حزب الله) ولجيشه العميل في لبنان، ما هذا الا أول الغيث".

وأضاف البيان "فأبشروا بالمئات من الاستشهاديين والانغماسيين من عشاق الدماء الرافضة والله غالب على أمره ولكن أكثر الناس لا يعملون".

ووقع انفجار مساء الاربعاء في فندق "دوروي" في منطقة الروشة حيث فجّر أحد الانتحاريين نفسه خلال مداهمة عناصر من الامن العام غرفة ينزل بها مع انتحاري آخر اصيب في الانفجار وتم توقيفه، فضلاً عن اصابة ثلاثة عناصر من الامن العام.



التعليقات 15
Thumb saturn 10:50 ,2014 حزيران 27

Treat cancer with radiotherapy, nuke the Middle East.

Default-user-icon yaacov (ضيف) 13:57 ,2014 حزيران 27

we will

shabbat shalom from jerusalem

Missing thebigkohen 13:59 ,2014 حزيران 27

we will

shabbat shalom from jerusalem

Thumb FlameCatcher 14:32 ,2014 حزيران 27

When you have a cancer such as Hezbollah, it will metastase into the entire social fabric and spur off other cancers.

Put an end to weapons and eradicate those who refuse to drop them !

Thumb sophia_angle 11:33 ,2014 حزيران 27

divide to conquer..no one must win until they dissolve each other...beautiful plan to finish up all extremists then to divide the region..a plan very well implemented

Thumb lebpatriot2223 13:08 ,2014 حزيران 27

Sunnis are the cancer of the world.

Thumb EagleDawn 13:58 ,2014 حزيران 27

they might be, but in Lebanon you and your sect are.

Thumb EagleDawn 13:50 ,2014 حزيران 27

provide youtube videos, selfies, links where geha, cedre or geagea said ISIL are the good guys or forever shut your sectarian lying mouth.

Thumb cedre 16:59 ,2014 حزيران 27

blablabla and ft : will u stop lying during holy ramadan or is it halal in ur religion to lie ? Do u teach ur kids as well to lie shamelessly ? Do they learn quickly ?

Missing thebigkohen 14:00 ,2014 حزيران 27

we love watching you muslims kill each other in ever greater numbers

shabbat shalom from jerusalem

am israel chai

Default-user-icon nobody (ضيف) 15:23 ,2014 حزيران 27

This claims seems fake. It says: "bayna katil wa jari7". One would expect a claim to say: "shahid" not "katil"

Default-user-icon hanoun (ضيف) 15:37 ,2014 حزيران 27

5 of February in achrafieh I quote geagea :1these are our friends do not touch them
2falyahkom el ekhwan another one
3 out of prison deal made he gets out and the dinnieh terrorists army killers out also ......

Thumb gma-bs-artist. 17:22 ,2014 حزيران 27

Lebanon is once again missing out on an economic windfall a scheme that will appeal and attract a peculiar type of tourist untapped till now, the suicide bomber. We should build suicide bomber parks where suicide bombers from all over the world and many nationalities will come to exercise their common love and fantasy, the hobby of suicide bombing. We can set these suicide bomber parks all over the country thus helping the economies of the regions as well. And folks the beauty of this all is that it's a tourist season that can last the full year instead of just summer the summer and the holidays.

Thumb gma-bs-artist. 17:23 ,2014 حزيران 27

I suggest offering an all inclusive package I call "the suicide tour". It consists of a one way ticket to RHIA and a week stay at one of our finest hotels. You will then be collected in buses, with your choice of Shiite, Sunni, Christian or Hebrew markings and drive you to you selected suicide park. You enter the parks into a Sauna where you will stay for a while until you're hot and dehydrated. You then exit the Sauna into a beautiful air conditioned salon where classical music is playing and cold refreshing grape flavored Kool Aid is served. Once you drink the Kool Aid you will be directed into one of two gated movie sets depicting a city block festooned with crash test dummies dressed as citizens. One movie set will have a tastefully made of cast iron cartoon of Oussama Bin Laden above the entrance gate the other movie set Ayatollah Khomeini. You will enter through your preferred gate and follow the instruction provided and fulfill your "fantasy mission". The END, literately..

Missing peace 19:16 ,2014 حزيران 27

oh! a group nobody heard of before.... how convenient