حزب الله "يدرس" مبادرة عون و8 آذار تعتبر انه "من المستحيل تعديل الدستور"
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يجري "حزب الله" دراسة للمبادرة التي أعلن عنها رئيس "التيار الوطني الحر" النائب ميشال عون قبل اعلان موقفه النهائي منها، في حين ان مصادر قوى 8 آذار رأت انه "من المستحيل اجراء اي تعديل للدستور في ظل الشغور الرئاسي".
فقد أكدت مصادر "حزب الله" لصحيفة "اللواء" الاربعاء ان مبادرة عون "تخضع لدراسة قبل إبداء أي موقف نهائي حولها".
يُذكر ان عون كان قد أعلن الاثنين عن مبادرة "انقاذية" تتمثل بإجراء تعديل دستوري "محدود" على حد قوله بما يتيح للشعب اختيار الرئيس ولك طائفة ان تختار نوابها.
كما نقلت "اللواء" عن مصادر في قوى 8 آذار، قولها ان "أي مشروع يطرح حالياً لا صفة دستورية له، لا سيما وانه من المستحيل، وفقاً لنصوص الدستور، اجراء اي تعديل في ظل الشغور الرئاسي".
ولفتت المصادر الى ان "مجلس النواب يعتبر حالياً هيئة انتخابية لا هيئة اشتراعية".
وإذ دعت إلى عدم استهجان موقف عون وعدم إطلاق توصيفات، أشارت الى ان عون "حليفنا إنما لا بدّ لنا من أن نقول أن هناك من يؤيده ضمن فريقه السياسي وآخر يعارضه".
واعتبرت انه "ما من نتائج فعلية لهذه المبادرة، وبالتالي فان أي تقديم او تأخير في مجال الطرح لن يؤدي إلى شيء في نهاية المطاف".
وفي وقت لاحق، اعلن نائب تكتل "التغيير والاصلاح" آلان عون ان "الحل الذي طرحناه هو من أكثر الحلول العادلة لحقوقنا".
وأضاف ان "النظام السياسي لم ينتج إلا أزمات وهناك طبقة سياسية تريد أن تصادر قرار الشعب اللبناني".

old man aoun is not a politican, indeed at 80 years of age he is from the era of the ottomans and the beiks and cheikhs, Lebanon has not been granted to you by the emir mr aoun, you cannot rule by force! da'3ass 3a'la r'abitak you must respect the constitution and the laws of the land. you are nothing but a traitor.
Democracy mr aoun is you nominating yourself by the due date and attending and ensuring we have a president within the democractically scheduled timeframe, otherwise if you fail to garner the support you need by the due date you shut up concede defeat and elect someone else, you do not have the right to cause vacuum and flip flop to suite your own personal agenda... did you get that old man?

lol @ Aoun.. When is he gonna realize that we are using him as a mere cover in order to fulfil our own agendas? Poor guy, he doesn't know that we need some sort of christian backing to pave the way for our wilayet el fakih. lol
Long live Iran !
Long live Kahmeneï !

Flame I will tell you something you already know. You are the Bajam.
How does this initiative solve the current vacuum that aoun himself has caused?
How does this initiative compare with tangible initiatives Geagea has offered aoun ie: either nominate yourself and we both contest OR come sit with me and agree on a consensual name we both can support?
This initiative clearly cannot be implemented right now until we have a president then hold parliamentary elections. Does he think the public are stupid or is it he who caused vacuum and now claim to have a vision to fix it albeit does not solve the current crisis that has lost his mind?

The following has been said at several occasions, one should admit there is some logic in it: "A precondition to have a president accepted by the majority of a society, is that the majority of the society experience and feel that they have equal rights and belong to one nation. Unfortunately this is not the case in Lebanon. No doubt sooner than later a compromise president will be agreed upon ; throughout the history of Lebanon political solutions tackled the symptoms but never the root cause of the problem which is Lebanon has 2 different societies; to solve it ensure to unify them through sound civic education or make 2 Lebanon."

If Aoun cannot get Hezbollah to agree with his great divine initiatives, how can he lead the country as a president ?
He simply cannot ! He has no power over Hezbollah and is incapable of convincing them. He is not the "Strong candidate" he claims to be.

The vast majority of sunnis in lebanon are moderate and sunni radical movements are mainly non lebanese. Sunnis in Lebanon are claiming out loudly that they want a strong Lebanese government, strong institutions, and arms only with the lebanese army and police.
It is not the case of a majority of the shia in lebanon, that support hizbollah and amal and their armed militias.

He didn't even talk to his "Ally" Hezbollah before floating his "solution" to the crisis of his own making.