جرحى جراء قنبلة على مقهى "فتح نهارا خلال رمضان" في طرابلس
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جرح اربعة اشخاص اليوم الاربعاء اثر إلقاء مجهولين قنبلة على مقهى في مدينة طرابلس ، في حادث رجح مصدر امني ان يكون مرتبطا بفتح المقهى الشعبي ابوابه خلال شهر رمضان.
وتضم طرابلس خليطا من الطوائف والطبقات الاجتماعية، ويقارب عدد سكانها نصف مليون شخص.
الا ان هذه المدينة المحافظة شهدت في الاعوام الماضية تناميا للمجموعات المتطرفة، لا سيما منذ اندلاع النزاع السوري.
وقال المصدر الامني لوكالة "فرانس برس": "سقط اربعة جرحى بينهم شخصان من التابعية السورية جراء إلقاء مجهولين قنبلة على مقهي شعبي في محلة باب التبانة".
وبحسب المصدر، اقترب الشخصان على متن دراجة نارية من المقهى الواقع في سوق الخضار في باب التبانة، قبل ان يلقي احدهما القنبلة ويلوذا بالفرار الى جهة مجهولة.
ورجح المصدر ان تكون خلفية الموضوع ان "المقهى يبيع القهوة خلال النهار في شهر رمضان، حين يكون غالبية السكان صائمين"، من دون ان يكون في امكانه الجزم اذا ما كان هذا هو السبب الفعلي.
وافاد مراسل "فرانس برس" في طرابلس انه تم خلال الايام الماضية توزيع بيانات مجهولة المصدر عبر الهواتف الخليوية ومواقع التواصل الاجتماعي، تحذر المطاعم والمقاهي من فتح ابوابها خلال شهر رمضان.
وعدد احد البيانات اسماء بعض المقاهي والشوارع التي تضم مطاعم، قائلا ان "هؤلاء الخنازير يبيعون الطعام والشراب في النهار وعلى مرأى الناس جميعا"، محذرا من "التعامل معهم بالطريقة المناسبة" في حال لم يمتنعوا عن ذلك. وذيل البيان بعبارة "وقد اعذر من انذر".
وجاء في بيان آخر ان "على الجميع احترام مشاعر الغالبية في طرابلس، ومن كان يريد ان يفطر من المسلمين او غيرهم، فلا يجب ان يجاهر بذلك وعليه ان يعتمد القاعدة الشرعيةاذا ابتليتم بالمعاصي فاستتروا".
وكان رئيس بلدية طرابلس نادر الغزال دعا في تعميم اصدره في حزيران المطاعم والمقاهي الى "احترام حرمة شهر رمضان الكريم وخصوصية المسلمين الصائمين في عدم المجاهرة بالافطار".
واثار التعميم جدلا واسعا في اوساط المجتمع المدني الطرابلسي الذي رفض الخطوة واعتبر انها تمس الحريات العامة، ما دفع الغزال الى التأكيد ان الدعوة هي في اطار "التمنيات"، ولن يعاقب من يخالفها.
وشهد الوضع الامني في المدينة تحسنا في الشهرين الماضيين مع تطبيق الجيش والقوى الامنية خطة هدفت لوضع حد للمعارك الدورية التي اندلعت بين التبانة وجبل محسن وانتشر الجيش على محاور القتال ونفذ مداهمات واوقف مطلوبين.

I fast religiously during lent. Does the rest of the country stop eating and drinking in front of me for 40 days? A dear friend of mine when we lived in the UK used to keep his fast for up to 15hrs a day and he would do it with conviction and never heard him ever complain and would tell ppl not to change their behavior bcs he was fasting. Your religion and beliefs are your own, imposing others not to eat bcs you are fasting goes against the principle of the fast. If your not up to it and cant handle the temptations then don't do it. Who are you impressing? To each his own.

Of course businesses should be allowed to open during fasting. It's freedom of belief and religion at play. I don't care if a city is 100% muslim; what if someone is born muslim but doesn't really practice or believe. What, this person can't get a bite to eat?

any society that would give up a little liberty to gain a little security will deserve neither and lose both (Benjamin Franklin)
we live in a state of rule of law we do not live in a religious state so far so faith is personal everything else is public ie under the law
god bless democracy and secularism

Every country needs law,
For my part, secular state, laic civil code, all under the same law and having the same rights
And chupachups for all....

U know gabby christians are not always better, go see central affrica, south soudan.. They can even teach da3ech... Europe and the occident chose a secular system, so in france u r not judged by ur religion, color but by ur acts so not really christian as in kanoun el orthodoxi style....

7ello 3ana ba2a... rou7o, bejjo rasskon add ma badkon WA FEKO 3ANA !!! mlaz2in 3ana hel jame3a...

for once i approve of your comment. it's nice to see you not being sectarian and condemning an entire sect for the actions of a few.
i just hope this is not due to double standards :)

oh jerry my dear jerry, you sound so bitter with that aggressive tone and petty insult, i love it :)
anonyme: bedda sou2al!? of course not! i don't tell religious people how and when they should fast, they have no business telling me when or where i shouldnt

Isn't the same group had targeted the Christian Library in Tripoli few months ago?
Is anyone surprise of this terror act? except Kerry and Geagea

partition is not a solution, jihadis have been coming from all over the world to syria and lebanon, you think another border, which they would certainly not recognize, would stop them?
This is just Lebanon taking one step closer to becoming an Islamic state, it's going to happen weather you like it or not.

It should be illegal to close shop during Ramadan and not to sell alcohol in restaurants and super/mini markets.
Put an end to extremism, islamism, christianism in public !

I am so sick of Islamic lunatics running roughshod over everyone.

Why can't these guys get create their own terrorists act instead of copying us in the Resistance's. I remember my youth in the 1980 when we used to blow up establishments that served liquor, liquor stores and throw acid on scantily dressed sluts. By the way don't let me catch any of you with a beer or any other alcoholic beverage in Nabatieh I swear I'll stick it in your person where the sun don't shine!!

Flame you make a good point. Recently my 85 year old father came to lebanon and was renovating the old house in the village. One of the tradesman he used was a Moslem guy who replaced the steel doors and windows, this young guy came to the house and was accompanied by an old man, immediately when he saw my father they both hugged and I could see a tear in their eyes. After several moments of them leaving I asked my father who that man was and how he knew him. My father proceeded to tell me that he had grown up with this man and lived in the neighbouring Moslem village. He told me as a boy the old mans mother had raised him and it wasn't until the age of 12 that my grandparents had explained to him who she was. Point is coexistence is possible with mutual respect.

Religion never got in the way in fact both families were devoted to their religions but religion had its place and both religions taught respect so this made it easier to implement. Nowadays religion is not so simple and people have destroyed the true meaning.

Same fanatics bombed the liquor stores in syr. There are fanatics at both sides of the isle. Let us put it this way, Isis and tawheed are among those extremists that bomb and kill in the name of god, but consume more alcohol thank anyone on earth during the night.

Just like how alcohol selling stores and restaurants were forcefully being shut down or bombed in SOUR and NABATIEH....the radicalism virus is surrounding us from the south and the north.
Canada here I come.