"تحرك عسكري وعلني" لحزب الله في البقاع الشمالي

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شهدت منطقة البقاع الشمالي الاثنين، تحركات عسكرية لـ"حزب الله" تمثلت بتسيير الآليات وذلك في مواجهة تجمع لمسلحين من المعارضة السورية في الجانب السوري.

فقد نقلت صحيفة "النهار"، الثلاثاء، عن أوساط مطلعة ان البقاع الشمالي (معقل الحزب) شهد ظهوراً عسكرياً لـ"حزب الله" هو الاول من نوعه بعدما كان الحزب يعتمد التحرك ليلا في هذه المنطقة.

وأشارت الاوساط الى ان الحزب قام بتحريك أعداد كبيرة من الآليات والمدافع وراجمات الصواريخ في وضح النهار في مناطق اللبوة والعين وغيرهما من المناطق المتاخمة للحدود مع سوريا في السلسلة الشرقية.

ولفتت الى ان هذا التحرك "ينطوي على دلالة اذ جاء في مواجهة تجمع مسلحي المعارضة السورية في الجانب السوري من الحدود".

يُذكر انه في شهر نيسان الفائت، أفادت المعلومات الصحافية ان الجيش اللبناني تسلّم حواجز "حزب الله" الممتدة من بعلبك الى عرسال، كبداية لتنفيذ خطة امنية في البقاع وتعزيز القوى العسكرية والحواجز والاجراءات على المعابر والمناطق المتاخمة للحدود اللبنانية - السورية لمزيد من التشدد في الرقابة ومكافحة محاولات التنظيمات الارهابية في تصدير سيارات مفخخة الى لبنان.

وكان قد أكد آنذاك وزير الداخلية نهاد المشنوق انه "لم يعد هناك أية حواجز غير رسمية على طريق عرسال"، لافتا الى أن "كل القوى المسلحة غير الرسمية لم تعد موجودة على الطرقات في منطقة بعلبك- الهرمل".


التعليقات 34
Missing imagine_1979 08:19 ,2014 تموز 08

Our own revolutionary gards...
Real banana republic

Thumb ex-fpm 08:35 ,2014 تموز 08


Thumb zeinab.ali.jaafar 10:00 ,2014 تموز 08

يقبرني ابني علوشي كان معهم مبارح. الله يحميكي يا مقاومتنا الشريفة. الله يحفظلنا آيتلله قاهمنئي. إيران هي وطننا الأم.

Thumb zeinab.ali.jaafar 10:02 ,2014 تموز 08

وفداء صرمايتو للسيد

Missing ArabDemocrat.com 10:14 ,2014 تموز 08

Thugs who are destroying the nation.

Thumb _mowaten_ 12:01 ,2014 تموز 08

with all these terrorists of nusra and da3esh roaming around looking for arabs to slaughter, i feel reassured when i see the lebanese army and resistance deploying and being prepared to take them down.

Thumb Maxx 18:17 ,2014 تموز 08

@zeinab: "Iran watanik al oumm?" Farja3i ilayhi, wa khuthi al sayyed w el sarami te3ulo ma3ik, Allah la yriddkon.

Thumb ex-fpm 08:37 ,2014 تموز 08

what a joke! Where is the military intelligence heroes to arrest them and show the authority of the state. No wonder extremists groups spring out here and there.

Default-user-icon Edy (ضيف) 08:54 ,2014 تموز 08

May God get rid of his beleivers who instill suffering on their fellow Human beings in the name of of his Holy name.

Thumb EagleDawn 08:57 ,2014 تموز 08

They are resisting in Labweh since Israel moved its borders to eastern lebanon and Shebaa farms are now Labweh farms.

Thumb popeye 09:02 ,2014 تموز 08

The terror party once again demonstrates its total control of Lebanon right under the nose of the LAF and in violation of the constitution. The security agencies are controlled by this terror group, paid by the terror group, and take their orders from the terror group. How can the ordinary citizen on the street, the peaceful law abiding citizen, the tax paying citizen have respect for the armed forces when he/she sees the borders violated daily by the assad regime, border villages bombarded by his air force, and the lebanese armed forces stand to watch this play unfold.

Missing imagine_1979 09:05 ,2014 تموز 08

Even for presidential election khmayini puts vetos/so does hezbollah, khomayini put house arrest over oposants (so does hezbollah, not dirrectly but it is a defacto....
Welcome to lebanese bannan hezbolah republic...

Missing imagine_1979 09:06 ,2014 تموز 08

Maybe we should now axcept the fact that they r our revolutionary gards, u know we alreaddy accepted that they have their private phone network (silah al ichara) that they can tople governement (7may, black shirts), that they are above the law (5 accused by stl, boutross harb assassination attempt, hachem salman killed in daylight in front of our armed forces) that they can lauch war (they have their jihadist duty to fullfill..) and th they are dirrectly linked to islamic republic of iran and our dear suprem leader ayatolah al khomayini...
Our army was there in 7may, in blackshirts, at hachem salaman assassination (even isf were there) the army arrested sunis going to fight in syria (u know some few fanatics which should defently be arrested but for thousand of hebollah jihadist ca va....)
So maybe now they are a special unit of our army (like revolutionary gards)

Thumb cash.puppet 13:04 ,2014 تموز 08

Broken record

Thumb galaxy 09:16 ,2014 تموز 08

Why have a military parade in downtown beirut on independence day. Let's have it in the Bekaa and wave yellow flags of HA and say goodbye to what was once known as the Republic of Lebanon.

Thumb geha 09:47 ,2014 تموز 08

may they all come back in body bags.

Missing georgeskyp 17:09 ,2014 تموز 08

Man-ooshi, love the name. how about if its a Sunni militia? would that be considered as Al Qaeda by all March 8th supporters?

Thumb ex-fpm 09:57 ,2014 تموز 08

speakfreely; The state should protect its citizens not a sectarian militia. Second, ISIL attacks on Lebanese soil are a direct response to HA war in syria and iraq. I doubt HA is lebanese. What is your definition of Lebanese: someone who carries a Lebanese ID on the outside but follows a foreign agenda, is armed by a foreign power, and takes orders from a foreign power. Until we all agree on what Lebanese means we will continue to have severe problems.

Missing ArabDemocrat.com 10:16 ,2014 تموز 08

Yes Jerry it is and only a simpleton does not get this. What do you call a militia that invade the capital, overthrows a government, kill people with impunity, violates the constitution, ... Shall I continue

Thumb _mowaten_ 10:30 ,2014 تموز 08

lol rafehh what movie what that in?

Default-user-icon majd (ضيف) 10:31 ,2014 تموز 08

Too bad their divine leader cannot do the same and appear in public anywhere, his consecutive victories were so complete he's doomed to live for the rest of his life where the sun don't shine.

Thumb jabal10452 11:24 ,2014 تموز 08

@resistance_m8, I think that the following describes your post:

"They pour out their arrogant words; all the evildoers boast." (Psalm 94:4)

Thumb ex-fpm 11:45 ,2014 تموز 08

lol jerry

Thumb jabal10452 11:52 ,2014 تموز 08

My post was meant to Imagine_1979.

Thumb jabal10452 11:55 ,2014 تموز 08

What the hell is wrong with me today? My apologies to Imagine_1979. My post was as originally intended: to resistance_m8. I'm reading those posts too quickly. I think I better log out and concentrate on my work. I screwed up enough for one day.

Thumb jabal10452 11:57 ,2014 تموز 08

FT. The should stand under the umbrella of the state, under the command of the Army. That's when they will gain the unconditional support and respect of most Lebanese.

Missing georgeskyp 12:56 ,2014 تموز 08

Can I ask what is the point of our army exactly????

Thumb jabal10452 13:22 ,2014 تموز 08

FT, Parliament is crippled partly because of HA:s machinations (I repeat partly). HA state-within-the-state contributes to further weakening the state and all of its institution. We are caught is a vicious circle because of this. HA needs to reassess it strategies and policies and at least declare its willingness to discuss a roadmap that will lead to one, all inclusive defense institution. The roadmap needs to include a set of millstones that both camps agree to deliver. We can't continue this way.

Thumb jabal10452 13:35 ,2014 تموز 08

And I want to point out that I am against HA disarming, but rather turning HA's military from a national liability into a national asset.

Thumb shab 18:35 ,2014 تموز 08

Filthy murdering militia

Missing ArabDemocrat.com 20:28 ,2014 تموز 08

Just in "النظام يفتح ممراً آمناً لمرور رتل مبايع للدولة الإسلامية

Missing VINCENT 22:22 ,2014 تموز 08

Iran, Israel, Syria? Who are we resisting? Islam or Israel?

Missing cedars 05:56 ,2014 تموز 09

Why the Ba'ath party was not efficient in Syria ? Or every army in every country require a militia alongside to the protect its citizens ?

Default-user-icon Johnc364 (ضيف) 09:54 ,2014 تشرين الثاني 14

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