عون يطالب باتخاذ الإجراءات القانونية اللازمة بحق الضاهر
Read this story in Englishطالب رئيس تكتل التغيير والإصلاح النائب ميشال عون باتخاذ الإجراءات القانونية بحق أحد النواب الذي تجاوز حدوده في تصريح له مع الجيش، غامزا من قناة خالد الضاهر من دون أن يسميه، معتبرا تصريح الضاهر "من أفظع الجرائم التي ترتكب بحق الوطن"، متوقفا بالوقت عينه عند ملف الكهرباء، متهما "تيار المستقبل" وقوى أخر بحرمان لبنان منها.
وقال عون بعد اجتماع التكتل الأسبوعي: "أحد النواب تجاوز حدوده في تصريح تناول الجيش اللبناني وهذا الامر غير مقبول، ونطالب باخذ الاجراءات القانونية، لان هذا الامر هدد حدة الجيش وهذا من افظع الجرائم التي ترتكب بحق الوطن".
وكان عضو كتلة المستقبل النائب خالد الضاهر قال في مؤتمر صحفي له، أن "التشبيح عند بعض الاجهزة واساءتها للمواطنين ولكرامات الناس أمر لم يعد يطاق"، مهددا "بكشف ممارسات بعض المسؤولين في أجهزة المخابرات اللبنانية بالاساءة والضرب والتعذيب لاشخاص تم اعطابهم في أيديهم وأرجلهم".
ودعا الضاهر "كل مؤسسات حقوق الانسان والمجتمع المدني الى توثيق كل هذه الأمور".
وحول ملف الكهرباء، رأى عون أن "من يطالب بالكهرباء عليه الموافقة على الخطة التي قدمت"، متهما "تيار المستقبل"، وقوى اخرى بحرمان لبنان من الكهرباء".
وأضاف: "علميا الخطة (الكهرباء) ليس فيها شائبة وهي خطة شفافة، وهناك ناس لا تريد أن تفهم، رئيس لجنة الطاقة يقول أنه لم يقرأ الخطة "شو بعملو اذا هو كسلان".
وذكر عون أن "المعركة القائمة علينا( التغيير والإصلاح) هي للتغطية على الاموال المسروقة"، لافتا الى أن "لدينا ملفات مالية موجودة في النيابة العامة المالة تتعلق بشخصيات كبيرة ممن ينتقدون اليوم".
كما أكد أن "الاصلاح لا يشمل قطاع الطاقة والكهرباء، بل يشمل أيضا القطاع الصحي والنظام الضريبي"، موضحا أن "هناك العديد من الملفات التي من الممكن أن تأتي بالمال من دون ان نزيد الضرائب على الناس".
وأردف:"هناك استمرارية لنهج الحريري ونفس الادوات لا تزال تعمل".
وفي سياق آخر، ذكر عون أن "هناك وثيقة تقدمت الى وزير العدل في 1 نيسان متعلقة بتكشيل الهيئة الوطنية لكشف مصير المخفيين قسرا"، قائلا: "على ما يبدو أصبحت هي ايضا مخفية قسرا، ولكن وزير العدل وعدنا بمتابعة الموضوع".
وتوقف عون في حديثه عند قضية الامام موسى الصدر، مشددا على أن "القضية هي قضية عربية انسانية كبيرة لان حجمه وحجم الصدر يقتضي أن تأخذ الدول العربية القضية على عاتقها ".
دعا "الحكومة اللبنانية الى القيام بنشاط سريع في هذا الاطار"، آملا أن لا يقوم أحد بوساطات جانبية الا الحكومة وأهالي المغيبين".
الى ذلك، أكد عون أن "الانظمة الغربية تتحدث عن حقوق الانسان في سوريا في حين تترك الانظمة التي تعيش حالة معدومة في حقوق الانسان".
وجزم أن "الدول الغربية لا يحق لها الحديث عن حقوق الانسان في ظل تشريد الشعب الفلسطيني منذ سنوات وتسليحهم ودعمهم لاسرائيل".
What is it with 3rd world countries where one cannot criticize the army? And you can actually get prosecuted for that? And if this makes sense to people then we are not ready to become a civilized nation.
Look who's talking...Z little general...have you forgotten who shot down an Army helicopter and bans it from Dahyi and other parts of LEBANON..YOU ARE SUCH A DISGUSTING HYPOCRITE...you are but little corrupt man.
NO ONE (be him Military, Religious, or any other official that misuses Government resources or incites violence and sanctions criminality the way the Turbanator master of Aoun does daily) is above criticizm, as a matter of fact it is a vital necessity for every sustainable democracy, but then again the power hungry dictator wanna be Aoun would never acknowledge that now would he? What more can be expected of a follower of a puppet of a foreign dictatorship...
Lieutenant Hanna was targeted physically by the Hizb when he was on duty, and he DIED..... Was that an attack on the army, or what? Mustaqbal is targeting malpractices by the army and not the army itself, ya General Ghasheem.. We will see if we hear from you and your Orange hypocrites next parliamentary elections..
Aoun please you are the first guy who destroyed our army, so justr disappear into your friends house ion Syria and leave us alone crook!
just a reminder to this small man: two days ago there was the third rememberance year for cpt samer hanna.
what can we say about a coward: nothing is enough for ur type.
And deserting the army and stealing the pay of it's soldiers is an attack on the nation, the people, and the institution itself you coward! ONE WAY TICKET!
When the battle of Naher el Bared was still on, Aoun expressly criticized the LAF chief of staff Michel Sleiman being incompetent
Oh...I see... But it s fine to attack the ISF I guess..."Aoun said that the Internal Security Forces (ISF) Information Branch is an “illegitimate branch “, “kidnaps people for months,” and “spreads rumors about people.”
Source: http://www.yalibnan.com/2010/09/05/aoun-attacks-lebanon-government-and-president/
This is the same loser who ran to the French embassy in his PJs and left his army to be slaughtered by the invading Syrian army.
This guy is criminally MAD..... now he is championing the cause of Moussa Al Sadr....? Who is this thug? Does he also forget who humiliated the army in Chiyah, who shot the lebanese pilot, who challenges the army's authority on a daily basis, who prevented the army from entering the South, Who warned the army that entering Nahr Al Bared camp is a "Red" Line...... It is absolutely disgusting.....
But its only Monday? Who let the monkey out of his cage early? The electricity file is quite simple. Assad met with the Imbasil son in law. Assad wants the Imbasil to get the money with no strings attached, no supervision so that it can be a slush fund for the Assad Regime to dip into and fund itself in light of the sanctions that have been imposed by the International Community on the Assad Regime. $2.1 billion ought to be enough for Assad to fund the weapons and ammunition enough to kill his way out of his current problems. The blood will be on Assad's hands an on Aoun's head.
Aouni's concerns that if Assad falls there will be retribution on the Syrian Christians is only heightened by this type of collaboration whereby the Imbasil seeks to increase his personal stock with Assad at the potential expense of countless Christian lives who will have to pay if Aoun and Basil have gambled poorly.
Someone needs to remind this deranged fruity loop there are hundreds of Lebanese citizens who have been missing in Syria for years - some for decades.
Is it not an issue for the whole of Lebanon when hundreds of your own citizens are abducted in another country and thown in prison for no reason for tens of years?
Maybe if they wore a turban, his attitude would be different!
Like as I said before, he's just another power hungry politician with Lebanese blood on his hand looking to make a fortune for him and his family.
What puzzles me are the morons whom follow him ! He doesn’t represent a religion, a resistance or other crap ideology like fat rat in the hole. His followers must be brainwashed or brain dead.
And flying to damascus in a plane with the Syrian flag and eating in the presidential palace with ASSAD while army generals who you have abandonned are still in Mazzeh prisons is an attack against the nation, the army and the lebanese people..." you can fool some people sometime but you cannot fool all the people all the time"
The losers, aka Mafia Hariri, his Al Qaeada - Akkar and Tripoli Brigades and his Christian Sunnis would target anybody that is 100% Lebanese. After all, they are the terrorists, the thieves and the collaborators with all of Lebanon's enemies, namely Israel and the Syria occupation. By the way, did they retrieve the key to Beirut that the khanzeer gave to Ghazi Loubnan? Just asking. malla orat kharjon el 7ar2 wel kab bel mazbaleh
Go ahead and reread the comments above. Not one constructive comment. Innovative insults I have to admit though. Truly reflects on your crowd.
Keep it up!
@Someone or smalldig: If your house is in glass, you can't be throwing rocks at others. You and your boyfriend dig easily forget how Hassouna said: Nahr EL Bared is a red line and the Leb Army can't go inside.
You and your bf forgot that there are still until this day missing Leb Army soldiers in Syrian prisons.
You and your bf forgot that the ISF was not allowed to enter and investigate a gas canister explosion in the Dahyeh.
You and your bf have hearing impairment when the ISF is hit by sticks and rocks upon performing their duties to disallow unlicensed building at the Airport road.
iNcorruptible Sacrobello unfortunately if all those comments about the Magnificent GMA weren't true they would be sad , but they are true and that's sad .
In fact under the Hizbollah instructions, they are both praising those parts of the army intelligence which is doing the despicable job of chasing and seizing the 'Shourafaa' from the syrian people, and the syrian army, and handing them over to their death with the shabibah! Shameful, despicable, criminal behaviour! Who is doing that in Jordan or Turkey??