عون "رئيساً لسنتين" وحكومة "تراعي مصالح المستقبل"
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تعمل دوائر لبنانية-باريسية على بلورة اقتراح تسوية من اجل حل ملف الرئاسة الاولى، ويقضي بانتخاب رئيس "التيار الوطني الحر" النائب ميشال عون رئيساً للجمهورية لعامين على ان يتم تأليف حكومة "تراعي مصالح المستقبل"، وفق ما أفادت المعلومات الصحافية.
فقد نقلت صحيفة "الاخبار" الاربعاء عن مصادر قولها ان دوائر لبنانية باريسية مقربة من رئيس "تيار المستقبل" سعد الحريري بدأت تتحدث عن افكار جديدة للخروج من المأزق الرئاسي، وإعادة تحريك خط الاتصالات بين عون والحريري.
وكشفت عن ان الافكار المقترحة "تتحدث عن اقتراح بالاتفاق على انتخاب عون رئيساً للجمهورية لمدة سنتين، بعد اجراء تعديل دستوري، مقابل تسمية عون من يريده قائداً للجيش، وتأليف حكومة تراعى فيها مصالح تيار المستقبل بالحفاظ على الوزارات، ومنها السيادية، والتعيينات والتوزيعات الادارية".
وأضافت ان الاقتراح يضم "درس قانون للانتخاب يكون متوازناً بحيث لا يستهدف اياً من الاطراف المعنيين بالاتفاق، وبحيث تحفظ كتلة وازنة للمستقبل عددياً".
الى ذلك، أفادت مصادر "الاخبار" انه "سيجري تكليف شخصيات لها مونة على رئيس حزب القوات اللبنانية سمير جعجع للاتصال به واقناعه بالسير في هذا الاقتراح".
واعتبرت المصادر ان الاقتراح "قد يلاقي صدى عند جعجع، على قاعدة ان ولاية عون رئيساً لن تتعدى السنتين، وسيكون الامر متاحاً لجعجع بعد هذه الفترة، وتكون الانتخابات مخرجاً للشغور الرئاسي".
الى ذلك، أشارت المعلومات الى ان هذا الطرح سيلاقي على دعم البطريرك الماروني الكاردينال مار بشارة بطرس الراعي، "بسبب اصراره على اجراء الانتخابات الرئاسية في اسرع وقت، ولا سيما ان الراعي لم يعترض على ترشيح عون".
يُشار الى ان قوى 14 آذار تخوض الانتخابات الرئاسية بمرشحها جعجع، في حين يدعم رئيس "الحزب التقدمي الاشتراكي" النائب وليد جنبلاط مرشح "اللقاء الديمقراطي" النائب هنري حلو في المعركة الرئاسية. ولا مرشح معلن لقوى 8 آذار، وسط اصرار عون على خوض الانتخابات "توافقياً".
ويقاطع فريق 8 آذار الجلسات الانتخابية، في ما عدا كتلة "التنمية والتحرير"، اذ لا اسم متوافق عليه لرئيس جديد للجمهورية، ما أدخل لبنان في الفراغ الرئاسي فضلاً عن رفض رئيس الجمهورية السابق ميشال سليمان تمديد ولايته، ملقياً خطاب الوداع في 24 ايار الفائت.

I wouldn't support Geagea for a two yr presidency let alone aoun. If correct these fantasies would not be in the best interest of the country period!
What can any president hope to achieve economically, socially and politically in two years? Short sightedness at its best and above all to amend the constitution to accommodate this is laughable. If these reports are correct it certainly spits in the face of aoun's popular vote rhetoric.

nowhere even close to any possible reality :)
Aoun is trying to misinform to spread doubt :)
I am Lebanese and nothing would be more catastrophic than having majnoun aoun as president.... At least cancer is becoming curable in many case but there is no remedy for that level of insanity.....
Useless to argue with brainwashed people like u... and FYI, unlike u I don't get paid to post comments...

but we thought hariri is biking in rio del camel (riyadh) not in paris.

Yaaayyy!! Brilliant.
Let's change the constitution every two weeks (and then not follow it). Because, you know, that is what stable successful countries do, plus it has worked so well for us before.

Aoun president ??? To do what ?
What's his program ? What does he want to achieve ? No one can claim presidency without announcing his agenda to the people. Otherwise, the people will not recognize him as president.

Tchadors like in Dahyé / Iran ? You're pathetic, Hezbollah has the same extermist Islamic drive as the next terrorist organisation !
I don't care about Geagea's program other than the fact he had to courtesy to provide one. I also don't care about Geagea's past because Aoun's past is nothing to be proud of either. In fact, his "present" is at least as shameful as Geagea's past. Geagea's present is infinitely more honorable !
Suleiman's program is just like your president Hrawi and Emile Lahouds' programs. Non existent.
Unlike you, I look to the future of our country and turned the page of our past.
If Aoun is incapable of telling us WHY he wants to be president and what he plans to achieve, then he simply doesn't deserve the position.
Presidents should be held accountable for their promises and actions. Aoun wants to become president and escape accountability like he always runs from his responsibilities ! He even runs from his own words !

Yes, FT.
Just like you're incapable of telling me why you want Aoun to be president. You're only (valid) reason is you don't want an M14 president.
I understand you don't want Geagea to be president. Me neither.
But I don't want Aoun to be my alternative either!
If I have to choose, I would go for the lesser evil. I would go for a man who sticks to his words. A man who has integrity. A man who doesn't make a deal with the very people he fought for so many years and doesn't throw away his pride for a glimpse of a chance to become president.
Aoun has proved he is not the "strong" candidate he himself wants because he's incapable of convincing his partners of anything.
His partners which by the way are stepping all over him and creating Sunni terrorist organisations in Lebanon to scare people off. Hezbollah is based on a world of lies and illusions which you believe in!

FT: If you don't want Aoun to be president, then stop defending him like failed robotic bug. How about you suggest a president instead ?
And if Aoun isn't a candidate, then let him go down to parliament and vote for someone else ! Or shut up !

It is so regretable how the political class can change the constituion so easily and mold it whichever way to fit thier need.How could the public agree to this. Every few days they change this mend that and no one cares. The sleeping majority the centrist must awake and take thier country back from these dinos.

do you have any evidence they "advise their mods to comment & distort.."?

They remove your posts because cause only sane people are allowed to post here.

2 years for Aoun. After that 2 years for Gaegae. Then 2 years for Helou. Khalsouna ba2a

you are 100% right anonymetexasusa people get what they deserve.

No doubt these circles Nahar is talking about start at one of Aoun's ears, go around inside of his empty head to the other ear and then back. Another nonsensical the purpose of which is to get this guy into Baabda, not to find someone to serve the people of Lebanon as her President.
If this guy goes to Baabda, he will never ever leave unless forced out and running away in Jammies