فيديو لطفل يضرب طفلا بتحريض من الأهل يثير موجة غضب ويحرك القضاء
Read this story in Englishنشر فيديو على موقع "يوتيوب" يبين طفلا يعذب صغيرا مثله قيلت معلومات أنه سوري، في مشهد مسيء لقي استنكارا واسعا على شبكات التواصل، ما دفع القضاء ووزارة الشؤون الإجتماعية إلى التحرك.
وفي جديد المعلومات أفادت قناة "الجديد" أنه "تم التعرف على والد الطفل الذي حرض ابنه على ضرب طفل آخر وهو ح. ط". وكشف "صوت لبنان 100.5" أن الإسم هو حسين عباس الطفيلي.
لكن القناة نقلت عن ذوي الطفل ع. ط. قوبهم أن "من حرضه على ضرب طفل آخر هو مراهق في الحي حيث يقطنون وليس والده".
يدعى الطفل الذي يحمل عصا موجعة إلى حد كبير "عباس" فيما بقي إسم الضحية مجهولا ما عدا حرف "الهاء" الذي جسد فعلا الضمير المستتر لدى المحيطين بعباس.
"يلا يا عباس إضربه لا تخف" فيبدأ عباس بالضرب بتحريض قوي من أشخاص لم يعرفوا الرحمة. ثم ينتقل إلى المرحلة التالية من "الهجوم بالكفوف (صفعات)" لينتهي بالعصا مجددا علها تكون الضربة القاضية.
أما الطفل الآخر فلم يجرؤ على الكلام واكتفى بالبكاء من الوجع.
هذا المشهد الذي لقى استنكارا واسعا على شبكات التواصل الإجتماعي لم يخل من شتائم حادة لأهل عباس، دفع وزير العدل أشرف ريفي إلى إلاعلان عن اتخاذ "الاجراءات المناسبة فوراً في شأن فيديو تعنيف الطفل".
وأوضح وزير الشؤون الاجتماعية رشيد درباس لقناة الـ"MTV" ان "القانون لا يمكن أن يحاسب الطفل الصغير على أفعاله لانه لا يعلم ماذا يفعل"، مؤكدا أن "الأهل هم الذين سيحاسبون" وداعياً إلى "سحب الوصاية عن ابنهم عباس".
كذلك كلف النائب العام التمييزي القاضي سمير حمود مدعي عام البقاع التحقيق لمعرفة مصدر بث فيديو ضرب الطفل وكشف ملابسات القضية.
ومساء قال ريفي انه اتصل بحمود وطلب منه اتخاذ الإجراء القانوني والتحقيق بشأن الشريط "وذلك لكشف ملابسات القضية وهوية الفاعل وإحالته على القضاء المختص وإنزال أشد العقوبات به".
وكان لافتا تغريدة الصحافية ديانا مقلد على موقع "تويتر" التي قالت فيها "يجري تداول فيديو لطفل لبناني يجبر على ضرب طفل اخر الارجح سوري بتشجيع من اهل الاول.جريمة مزدوجة بحق الطفلين. ونسأل من اين كل هذا العنف".
فردت عليها قوى الأمن الداخلي بأنه "اعتداء صارخ على الطفولة" مشددة عبر تغريدتها على أنها "تتحرك" وتتابع التحقيقات.
and they say they are not extremists!
is there worse than bringing up a kid on hating Syrian sunnis and hitting them this way?
these animals are the scum of the earth and what is coming to them is more than well deserved.
Obviously, the little abbas does not know what he is doing. The tragedy lies in the father's actions and the social norms these so called "human beings" live by. This is a culture of discrimination and hatred and is being fed into their children at such a young age. I can imagine what horrors the older Abbas' and Jaafars and Husseins are doing to the Syrian people inside Syria. 2al resistance 2al.....
Disgusting, repulsive, and evil. Anyone who will come here and say this is an isolated incident and could happen anywhere is as sick as these people in the video. I agree with the above, this is a culture that breeds hatred, prejudice, and evil. I wish I could say more, a lot more but this is a public forum!!!!
Young abbas is a future mowaten, southern, and a flamethrower. This is how they were raised and this video has a good side to it. It helps people understand why and how these monsters became they way we know them.
Tragic and devastatingly representative of the hate and violence they instill in their young at such an early age. Really disturbing!
What a bunch of Al Qaeda sympathizing hypocrites. After Hariri's death back in 2005, they were beating up poor defenseless Syrian workers left and right. It wasn't children beating up these workers; it was grown men.
That being said, this is absolutely disgusting. Arrest the sick parents and force them to compensate the kid.
It really is sickening to watch the poor helpless child being beaten in such a horrid manner. What a tragedy and what a culture!
Let us stop the sectarian nonsense. That despicable behavior reflects those who are involved and cannot be used as a way to defame a whole sect or a population or a town. I may despise what the Hizb have done to Lebanon, but we need to be rational, civil and most importantly moral.
2hrs ago LBCI: The Internal Security Forces' cyber crimes bureau raided the al-Raml al-Ali area in Dahieh to arrest the father of the minor Abbas. T.
Regardless of the younger kid wrongdoing, it is very shameful-sickening to see this video. This has nothing to do with one religion or another as we read today stoning a women to death and this video.
Tfeh and god curse be on you you low standards.
The mindset that lead's someone to instruct a child to commit this act in the video is the same mindset as someone who says the following:
"it would be a great day if someone finally goes into naharnet's 7th and 8th floors and drag the responsible mods into the streets and stomp them until they cry for mercy like girls"
Quote from Flamethrower, 7/19/2014
The mindset that leads someone to instruct a child to commit this act in the video is the same mindset as someone who says the following:
"it would be a great day if someone finally goes into naharnet's 7th and 8th floors and drag the responsible mods into the streets and stomp them until they cry for mercy like girls"
Quote from Flamethrower, 7/19/2014
shia kids brought up in love of their fellow muslim 'brothers'.
Baba and 3amo kill syrian kids in qalamoun, why shouldnt the kid do the same ?
We cant live with such scumbags...
The following came from observers of the Russian revolution...
Revolutions eat their young... Hence... the Wolf children of the Russian Revolution.
...In its account on Twitter, the Internal Security Forces slammed the incident as “as an attack on childhood,” assuring that the ISF is following up on the case...
A sociologist might observe that childhood was developed by the English middle class during the reign of Queen Victoria. Prior to that time virtually all cultures considered children over the age of seven to be small but fully functional adults. I might observe that in most internet cultures childhood is already disappearing since everything on the internet is available to every internet user. We can now hear of first grade children raping a classmate.
this video is pretty disgusting and shameful. Here i was thinking of going to lebanon for a vacation on the recommendation of my lebanese friend who is a christian and one the kindest guys i know. But now i am having second thoughts.
what gets me is that if the parents of abbas are doing that to kids what do u think they do to adults?
shit what happened to lebanese society? such racism. i remember during the war of 2006 when israel was bombing lebanon alot of lebanese people went to syria and the syrians accepted them.
hezbollah is sadly turning lebanon into a racist society
lol are we reading the same comments? Where did you see any reference to race or violence? take it easy
This is sick. This has nothing to do with being Sunni, Shiite, Christian, Jew or a non-believer. This is just sick.
Those of you, taking this video as an occasion to insult other religious groups are surely the supporters of any counteraction against Shia.
Europe had its sectarian wars and they found out, that its better to live united in peace. Why don't we do the same? Why is that Shia, Sunni, Kurdish people, Turkish people, Christians and so on can mostly live in peace in Europe but not in the Middle East?
Think about that. The guy who did that Video and the father of the boy are arrested and inshallah will be punished for that. Let's prevent all people doing something like that! All together.
I used to be proud to be Lebanese, but day after day I read the comments that are left on this site. A disease has spread among us. Hatred is evolving to which no one is immune to. I fail to believe that almost every commenter on this site
Can be this immoral. I would say can we all just get along, but obviously this would be wishful thinking. Keep up the hate war and destruction will remind you once again what hatred breeds.
P.S I'm still proud to be Lebanese just proud to have such brothers.