توقيف والد الطفل الذي عنّف الطفل السوري

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أوقفت قوة من الأمن الداخلي ذوي الطفل عباس، البالغ عامه الثاني ولذيانهال بالضرب على طفل سوري بتحريض من أهله.

وأشارت المديرية العامة لقوى الأمن الداخلي في بيان لها الأحد، الى أنه نتيجة الإستقصاءات والتعقبات الفنية وتقاطعها مع المعلومات التي توافرت من ناشطين إلى مواقع التواصل الإجتماعي العائدة لقوى الأمن الداخلي، تمكن مكتب مكافحة جرائم المعلوماتية وبمؤازرة قوة من مفرزة الضاحية الجنوبية في وحدة الشرطة القضائية، من تحديد المكان الذي حصل فيه الإعتداء على الطفل: ـ خالد ن. (مواليد 2005) سوري الجنسية وهوية ذوي الطفل عباس ع. (مواليد2012) لبناني، حيث دهمتهم في محلة الرمل العالي.

ولفت البيان الى أنه قرابة الساعة 23.30 من ليل السبت، أوقفت القوة المذكورة والد الطفل عباس، المدعو: ـ أ. ع. (مواليد العام 1967، لبناني)، داخل أوتوبيس أجرة (فان) يملكه، في محلة عين الدلبي - الرمل العالي.

وأضاف أنه "عند الساعة الواحدة من تاريخ 20/07/2014، أوقفت دورية من شعبة المعلومات المدعو: - ح. ط. (مواليد 1997) الذي يشتبه بقيامه بتصوير ابن عمه عباس أثناء إعتداء الأخير على الطفل خالد، وسلمته إلى مكتب مكافحة جرائم المعلوماتية".

والسبت، نشر فيديو على موقع "يوتيوب" يظهر طفلا يعذب صغيرا مثله، في مشهد مسيء لقي استنكارا واسعا على شبكات التواصل، ما دفع القضاء ووزارة الشؤون الإجتماعية إلى التحرك.

هذا المشهد الذي لقى استنكارا واسعا على شبكات التواصل الإجتماعي لم يخل من شتائم حادة لأهل عباس، دفع وزير العدل أشرف ريفي إلى إلاعلان عن اتخاذ "الاجراءات المناسبة فوراً في شأن فيديو تعنيف الطفل".


التعليقات 11
Missing ArabDemocrat.com 11:15 ,2014 تموز 20

lebjack - What you are saying is disgusting. Shame on you.

Missing maroun 12:05 ,2014 تموز 20

its not sectarianism Southern its fact, your kind think you are untouchable and free to do what you like.

Missing un520 13:09 ,2014 تموز 20

Lets keep the civilian plane downed in Ukaraine outside this lebanese discussion, shall we? Not just because it probably was a terrible mix-up between a military aircraft and civilian plane. This example in Dahiye is part of a bigger picture. The people there are held down by leaders that prefer them to be raised as cannon fodder than to become doctor, lawyers, succesful businessmen etc. The most respectable job in their eyes will be to become a so-called resistance fighter. Today in Gaza we see what misery a "glorious resistance" from an area Israel withdrew from long time ago brings to the ordinary people. This fighting kind of thinking hasnt worked out at all. Time to think differently, time to start with the children giving them peaceful ways to solve conflicts. To do that one has to show them that grown-ups use the same methods. Most groups today in Lebanon has realized this. We now need our shian brethren to follow up and those sunni-extremists too.

Thumb Mystic 16:49 ,2014 تموز 20

This incident is bad indeed. But how come we didn't hear any complaints, when salafis in tabbaneh shot random alawi kids on their feet, in the streets of Tripoli?

Thumb Tony.Farris 18:16 ,2014 تموز 20

You all should be ashamed of your self. We're all Lebanese first and foremost. Stop the sectarian posting and debate like civilized people, discuss the cause of the issue and stop pointing fingers. How can any Lebanese support a killer named ASSad and call him self a Lebanese?
The ASSad family is responsible for this sectarian hate, divide and conquer...

Thumb geha 18:41 ,2014 تموز 20

it is unfortunate that hizbushaitan and iran have silenced most of the moderate shia. although it is normal that extremist start by silencing all moderates among their secte first.

what this matter shows us is the hate that extremist shia are teaching their kids from their young age.

these extremists are really dangerous and represent a major burden for all Lebanese.

they should be eradicated by any means possible.

Thumb geha 18:47 ,2014 تموز 20

and to all m8 supporters:
wake up and see where hizbushaitan and iran are taking you and your children.
is this how you want to live? in hatred?

stop supporting these extremist terrorist Iranians baby killers. wake up and see what they are doing everywhere.

should you keep supporting them, then you have yourselves to blame for what is coming your way soon.

people who have been hurt by those you support now will definitely make you pay.

Thumb geha 10:16 ,2014 تموز 21


I dare you to explain what is sectarian in my comments if ever you are a man. but just trying to dismiss my comments as sectarian because you do not like it.

if the act is sectarian by nature, and most shia support hizbushaitan and iran, thus support such indoctrination to kids, it is not my fault and it does not make my comments as sectarian.
this is not a separate event as you try to say: it is normal behavior of baby killers.

Thumb Tony.Farris 20:19 ,2014 تموز 20

The Syrian boy and his abuser

Default-user-icon Borat (ضيف) 00:40 ,2014 تموز 21

He should be castrated

Default-user-icon Esmira (ضيف) 16:17 ,2015 كانون الأول 08

It is so bad
I just watch video in youtube and came here just say
I am from Azerbaijan Baku.
My grandfather from Iran.
Half my family living in Iran.
I respect and love all my sisters and brothers.
We need to make peace but not war.
We r all muslim.