تبادل لإطلاق النار بين الجيش ومسلحين في جرود عرسال
Read this story in Englishتعرّض حاجز للجيش اللبناني في جرود بلدة عرسال البقاعية الحدودية، فجر الجمعة، لإطلاق نار من قبل مسلحين مجهولين.
وأفادت "الوكالة الوطنية للاعلام"، الجمعة، ان مجموعة مسلحة هاجمت فجراً، نقطة ثابتة للجيش في تلة الهوائيات في جرود عرسال.
ولفتت الى ان الهجوم تخلل اطلاق نار متبادل، الا ان الجيش تمكن من صد الهجوم.
وأشارت الى ان المسلحين فروا الى داخل الاراضي السورية.
يشار الى ان عرسال تملك حدودا تمتد على مسافة 55 كلم معظمها مع ريف دمشق، لكن لا يوجد معبر رسمي بين البلدين يؤدي الى عرسال، انما معابر غير قانونية تشهد تسلل أشخاص وتهريب سلع واسلحة من والى سوريا.
the army should remove all checkpoints in arsal, they are clearly only innocent patriotic unarmed civilians and babies
"assailants fleeing (freely) to Syria"
Yes the army should remove all checkpoints making it easier for HA to move freely.
HA is not doing hit and run against the army, they're protecting the border alongside the army, and doing a great job. haters gonna hate
Sure that's why they fled freely into Syria.
I thought HA were already on the borders.
It's common sense the only way to justify for the army to send in reinforcements.
Fearing the showdown with Isis or other groups FSA or nusra.
Dragging the LAF into a fight which this fight is not theirs to fight.
you're so childish kalzy, really. this is not the simpsons, you can't just invent stories and go with your imagination
death to traitors who dear to attack our LEB Army..pls close our border wz Syria once for all! all Syrian groups go home now..it is about time...
Would you call Hezballah Syrian or Lebanese?
They are fighting a proxy war on behalf of Syria.
Would that mean they are unpatriotic?
Would you call Hezballah Syrian or Lebanese?
They are fighting a proxy war on behalf of Syria.
Would that mean they are unpatriotic?
What a surprise, this only happens every other day. Where did these fellas come from? Of course that's a rhetorical question. The border needs to be closed and security forces need to have complete jurisdiction. However, this cannot happen until Hezbollah returns to Lebanon. The best scenario, although it'd never happen, is if the army closed the border and blocked Hezbollah fighters from returning. Because hey, if they insist on fighting in Syria then let them stay there and die.
Solely attacked by the same who cross freely into Syria & back unhindered. (HA) plausible!
An act to provoke the army to get reinforcements to strengthen HA along the border. Plausible!
Hassan was sent to Syria by ayatollah so the other islamic jihadi terrorists so they don't come to lebanon, obviously hassan is doing a band up job.. and on tv he looked so sure of himself that he will keep them there, lawou kountou a3lam wa ba3da da3da kawou kountou a3lam. In 2009 we said demark the border and sent the lebanese army with UN help to control it, that's unacceptable hassan said Syria is a sister and a trusted ally, hell they even sent michel samaha over with jamil sayyed riding shotgun with a trunk full of festive fireworks.
The LAFs are and have been a target for such attacks. Not until we seal our borders in both directions will we achieve some sort of stability. HA's actions and refusal to withdraw from Syria make this impossible to achieve.
officially? only in your empty head, texas. the LAF is openly supporting hezbollah in their pre-emptive battle in the eastern mountain range.
eagledawn 16 July 2014, 18:14
so when these rebels attack the LAF for "openly supporting hezbollah", don't cry foul. I will remind you of your words.
That's the best copy-paste argument I've seen. Flamethrower will always been an Aouneh hypocrite. He doesn't even know what he wants, he just loves Aoun until the end of time.
At least you guys hold him accountable as well. I thought I was the only one, as you guys gave up before. But I guess copy-pasting isn't all that hard, as the words speak for themselves.
I'm gonna make something clear to everyone right now: I don't have fake accounts, because I'm not a fake. I don't need to make fake accounts to agree with myself, as I can convince with reasoning and the least amount of bias as possible. Me hating Aoun does not mean I like Geagea. They both ruined this country simply for being against each other, which is why I like neither of them. However, Aoun has been making all the wrong moves ever since he came out of exile.
Would you say Hezballah is more Syrian than Lebanese?
Since they are fighting a proxy war on behalf of Syrians killing Syrians & fighting in Syria.
This could by default remove them from being a resistance to an occupier.
so if anybody talks about HA then he must be sectarian. Only a sectarian like you thinks like that.
Or could it be they are more Iranian than Syrian & more Syrian than Lebanese?
@ Kalzyturks
we are trying to stay out of this m8 or m14 game.@ z end of the day it is about Leb existence. we are trying to point the finger at the foreigners, guest should be, coming to LEB and making troubles.(even though very true that no lebanese should be fighting outside our borders)
It must be true if your hurting? It seems your hurting or you also seem uncomfortable.
Truth is something painful.
Truth hurts
Question is,
Who gains from shooting at the army?
The one that commits the crime is always the one that benefits from the crime
mr. ultrahabib or ultrakarim or whatever your name is... everything you have say on this forum is ultra sectarian and full of distortions.
اللهم نريد الامن لاهلنا بغزة يا رب يا كريم انك ولي ذلك والقادر عليه :)
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