جعجع يقول "نحن في زنزانة بسجانين": الاول ليس لبناني الهوى والثاني يتغير حسب مصالحه

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لم يدخل رئيس حزب القوات اللبنانية سمير جعجع في كلمته عصر الجمعة عميقا في السياسة، الا أنه شدد أن على أن المصالح الخاصة للاطراف السياسيين وتطلعات البعض الخارجية ومشاريعه البعيدة عن لبنان "تضعنا في زنزانة" لا أمن فيها ولا رئيس، غامزا في كلامه من قناة كل من رئيس تكتل التغيير والاصلاح النائب ميشال عون والامين العام لحزب الله السيد حسن نصرالله.

وقال جعجع في كلمة مقتضبة له في الذكرى التاسعة لخروجه من المعتقل: "نحن اليوم في الشرق في زنزانة اكبر بكثير من التي كنت بها الا أن الانظمة التي حكمته فرضت عليه هكذا وضع".

واننقل جعجع في كلمته الى "الزنزانة" الاخرى و"هي لبنان" ، واصفا أياها انها "من دون حيطان، ذات باب مكسر، بلا حدود ولا رئيس".

وأضاف: "نحن في زنزانة فيها شح مياه وأكل وهواء دائم، وحتى الامن غير مأمن فيه،نحن في زنزانة فيها "إنتحاريين، وتفجيرات، وسلاح وصواريخ". معتبرا انها مجردة من الحكومة والسلطة.

عليه، عزا جعجع سبب غياب رئيس للجمهورية الى سببين و "سجانين"، موضحا ان السبب الأول هو "للحفاظ على حقوق المسيحيين"، غامزا من قناة عون الذي لطالما اعتبر أن "ليس الهم انتخاب رئيس بل تصحيح التمثيل المسيحي على المستويين النيابي والرئاسي".

وقال عون الثلاثاء: "هناك من يحاول تناسي المواثيق لانتخاب رئيس، وإذا كان البعض يتاجر بسدة الرئاسة فنحن لا يهمنا من يُنتخب بل معكرتنا إصلاح القوانين الرئاسية والنيابية فلا يصبح هناك رئيس خاضعا للخارج".

وأردف جعجع في كلمته "ما إلو هوا ،أو بالأحرى هواه بيتغيّر مع مصالحو. ومصالحو بتجي دائماً بالأوّل، نحنا منقول لبنان أولا و هوي بيقول أنا أولا وأخيرا".

أما السبب الثاني لغياب رئيس للبلاد بحسب رئيس حزب "القوات" فيعود الى نصرالله لكن من دون ان يسميه، إذ قال "هواه مش لبناني، تطلّعاتو مش لبنانيي، مشاريعو ما إلا علاقة بلبنان إلاّ كزنزانة بالسجن الكبير".

وكان جعجع استهل كلمته مشاركا الحاضرين بعض من ذكرياته داخل السجن الذي خرج منه في 26 تموز 2005 بعد ثورة الرابع عشر من آذار.

وخلص جعجع الى القول "غاب عن بال السجانين في لبنان ان جميعهم رحلوا عبر التاريخ ونحن بقينا".



  • 18:55 ,2014 تموز 25

    جعجع: غاب عن بال السجانين في لبنان ان جميعهم رحلوا عبر التاريخ ونحن بقينا

  • 18:54 ,2014 تموز 25

    جعجع: هذه الزنزانة لا رئيس لها فقط للحفاظ على حقوق المسيحيين

  • 18:53 ,2014 تموز 25

    جعجع: في لبنان نحن ايضا في زنزانة يحاولون ادخالما اليها وهي بلا جدران وهذا اسوء الامور زنزانة بلا دولة فيها تفجيرات وسلاح وانتحاريين نحن في زنزانة "ضائعة الطاسة بها"

  • 18:52 ,2014 تموز 25

    جعجع: الشرق كان مفروض عليه هكذا زنزانة بسبب الانظمة التي حكمته

  • 18:52 ,2014 تموز 25

    جعجع: نحن اليوم في الشرق في زنزانة اكبر بكثير من التي كنت بها

  • 18:52 ,2014 تموز 25

    جعجع: في الزنزانة تحت الارض كنت في أقرب نقطة من المواجهة معهم ولكن حين نقلت الى فوق ابتعدت عن المواجهة وزعجني الى ان اطلعتني ثورة الارز من هناك

  • 18:49 ,2014 تموز 25

    جعجع عن ذكرياته في السجن: كل فكري كان يبقى عند ستريدا ولكن هاجسي الاكبر كان أن يموت والدي وانا في الحبس وأسوأ ليلة مرت هو حين نقلت من تحت الارض الى فوقه

  • 18:40 ,2014 تموز 25

    جعجع: في هذه الايام أتجنب ان اتكلم في السياسة بما فيها من تكرار هذا لا يعني الاستقالة من السياسة بل البقاء على صمودنا في مواقفنا لان الصمود اهم من الحركة احيانا

التعليقات 17
Thumb ice-man 18:44 ,2014 تموز 25

Hakim W'basssss Habib Al Malayeen Bil Rou7 Bil Damm Nafdika Ya Hakim;)

Thumb ex-fpm 19:26 ,2014 تموز 25

it seems you noticed.

Thumb nickjames 19:56 ,2014 تموز 25

Geagea is just reflecting on the reality of the situation. Nasrallah's policies indeed have nothing to do with Lebanon, and his speech in Dayhe showed that. The only group who doesn't recognise Israel's right to exist is Hezbollah. All the others have moved on because the truth is that Israel isn't going anywhere.

Missing helicopter 19:59 ,2014 تموز 25

It is not the person that I focus on, but on the ideas that person presents.
He is right on all accounts. The Lebanese people are in a virtual prison. The Govrnment cares less about the needs of its citizens but serve their interests. Aoun puts himself ahead of the nation. Nasrallah (and few others) have an ideology that is foreign to the Lebanese culture or interests. The demographics of Lebanon has changed so much in the last 3 decades that we have too many non-Lebanese dictating Lebanon's politics and influencing its Governments.

Default-user-icon CrunchThis (ضيف) 20:19 ,2014 تموز 25

He has some points, whether you like the guy or not.

But one thing I'd like to point out is that he talks of previous governments who were most of the time led by his fellow allies!

History is pointless with politicians in Lebanon. Human rights is also pointless. They don't even bother with logic... logic?! what's logic! If my people swallow the stupidities why bother with trying to be smart?

Thumb LEBhasNOhope 20:24 ,2014 تموز 25

how strange! someone is talking about Lebanon and building a state called Lebanon. This is a foreign phenomenon to a lot of Lebanese.

Thumb Kalzyturks 22:50 ,2014 تموز 25

And in an apparent jab at Nasrallah, the LF leader said “his policies are not Lebanese, his aspirations are not Lebanese and his plans have nothing to do with Lebanon.


Ayub drones will be flying over marab soon

Thumb mffsc 22:59 ,2014 تموز 25

geagea is the only dude that know what the hell he's saying.

Thumb Kalzyturks 23:08 ,2014 تموز 25

I'm sorry did you understand what his saying?


This person in the YouTube video is not Lebanese

Missing forces 01:22 ,2014 تموز 26

Wolf your hatred for Geagea is your right and you are entitled to this. But don't let your hatred cloud your judgement in taking sides on the political fence because you know better than most we need new blood. Having said that, there is a saying in football about playing the ball not the man. And on this point I challenge you to accept that what Geagea has said and done in the last nine years for the most part is worthy of acknowledgement versus actions and words of others that reek of undermining the state for self interest. We Lebanese would gladly cut off our nose to spite our face and this I see every day in real life.

Default-user-icon kazan (ضيف) 07:25 ,2014 تموز 26

Just the opposite, Lebanese are in a prison with thick walls created by the constitution; some 70 years ago a constitution has been architected to ensure division(based on religion)and discrimination between its people. This to ensure continuity of wealth and power of few feudals families. Ironically these families are puppets to foreign powers who regularly interfere in and determine the politics and the life and death of the Lebanese. May be one day in the coming 200 years the Lebanese will find out that it is not my Muslem,Christian, Druz modest neighbor who is creating my misery , but my traditional religious/political leader.

Thumb beiruti 08:39 ,2014 تموز 26

The truth can't be spoken any more plainly.

Thumb beiruti 08:42 ,2014 تموز 26

I am now in the Bekaa, and can tell you from first hand, that the people here are now under the direct protection of Hezbollah. They have cut a new road that runs all up and down the Lebanese - Syrian border and they patrol it. Where is the government and the army? This is their job, but Hezbollah has undertaken these tasks in the absence and vacuum of the legitimate government.

Thumb nickjames 12:24 ,2014 تموز 26

Wolf, you don't have to like Geagea. He did bad things during the civil war, and accepted Taef i.e. submitted to Syria after years of fighting them. Sure he was behind multiple assassinations, but no one was a saint during the war. Since he's come out of prison, he's been naive. He joined Hariri and hardly got any seats, and most of the time has been saying the right things. I don't support this guy, but at least he's trying to make up for his mistakes and trying to rebuild Lebanon. That's the least we can ask of him given his past.

Thumb nickjames 12:29 ,2014 تموز 26

Aoun, on the other hand, stood up to Syria during the war before fleeing. He waited for Syria to leave before coming to Lebanon, then allied with Hezbollah. He's a sell-out more than Geagea. If he was afraid of saying no to both Hezbollah and Hariri, then he should have stayed in France. Rather than showing honour, staying independent, and continuing his anti-Syria stance he sold himself out. Aoun turned on everything he stood for, in which young kids died defending his stance

Thumb nickjames 12:47 ,2014 تموز 26

Aoun was ethical in the beginning, he was a general of the Lebanese Army, who legally assumed the premiership and legally acted as president. The Muslims, controlled by Syria, illegally made another government. Of course all the Muslims would agree to Taef, but when Geagea agreed to it, he left Aoun isolated. Taef was a raw deal, and Geagea no longer recognised Aoun as acting president. This is why I didn't like Geagea. But that's over with, Geagea wants Lebanon to become a country once again, whereas Aoun has put this country in a standstill trying to become president.

Default-user-icon mariama abdalla (ضيف) 16:33 ,2014 تموز 26

Geagea killed more christians than anybody else. For those who don't know that because they were too young when it happened, check his history and you will know. He is the biggest criminal in Lebanon. Stop following him blindly because he says what you would like to hear, but he never did anything for the Christians. So please, wake up.