سلام: وضع حد لعدوانية إسرائيل يضع حدا للعنف وحزب الله لن يجر لبنان للصراع
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أكد رئيس الحكومة تمام سلام أن حزب الله لن يجر لبنان إلى صراع أثناء العدوان الإسرائيلي على غزة، مشيرا إلى العنف في المنطقة لن يهدأ من دون وضع حدّ لـ"همينة" إسرائيل.
وقال سلام في مقابلة مع قناة الـ"CNN" الأميركية نشرت على موقعها الإلكتروني الأحد "إذا كان بإمكاننا وضع حد للهيمنة والعدوانية الإسرائيلية في المنطقة فإننا سنضع حد للكثير من العنف وإن لم نتمكن من ذلك فإن العنف سيستمر".
وإذ شدد على أنه "لا نستطيع بناء دولة أو مستقبل لأي شعب تحت لافتة العنف والقوة العسكرية" تابع سلام "لا يمكن لهذا أن يستمر ورأينا مثالا حيا لذلك في لبنان عام 2006 مع القوة العسكرية الإسرائيلية لكنهم لم يتمكنوا من احتلال لبنان فلماذا يستمرون في فعل ذلك الآن مع الفلسطينيين".
وردا على سؤال أجاب "في هذه اللحظة لا أرى لحزب الله دور في جر لبنان إلى هذا الصراع إلا إن قررت إسرائيل توجيه آلياتها العسكرية نحو لبنان".
إلى ذلك كشف رئيس الحكومة أن الوضع الأمني يبقيه مستيقظا "فهذه قنبلة موقوتة وسط التشدد والعنف الذي يظهر في المنطقة".
ورأى أنه بإمكان هذا الوضع "زعزعة استقرار البلاد في أي وقت" ولذلك "ندعم بل ما نستطيع قواتنا الأمنية الجيش والأمن العام والأمن الداخلي" تابع سلام.
ولم يخف "أننا نحتاج للكثير من الدعم الخارجي فكلما كانت هذه القوات فعالة كلما تمكنا من منع التشدد والعنف من دخول لبنان".
أما عن مدى تأثير دمشق بالوضع الأمني في لبنان قال "لدى سوريا مخاوفها وشؤونها الخاصة الآن لذا فليس لديها وقت الآن".
كما ذكّر أنه "حصلنا قبل عدة أشهر على دعم جوهري وغير مسبوق من السعودية للجيش اللبناني بمبلغ 3 مليارات دولار وكان لهذا أثره الكبير في فرض وجود قوات الأمن على جميع من لا يريد الإستقرار لهذه البلد".
وحول الفراغ في رئاسة الجمهورية أجاب سلام "هذه مشكلة بكل تأكيد وهي أساسية (..) أي دولة دون رئيس لا تعتبر دولة كاملة ورغم ذلك لدينا شبكة أمان بتشكيل حكومة ائتلافية تحاول تسيير الأمور".
وأضاف "لسوء الحظ هناك تأثير سلبي لهذا الفراغ والذي شل تقريبا السلطة التشريعية إذ أن مجلس النواب لا يمكنه التشريع أو انتخاب رئيس جديد".
وعليه شدد رئيس الحكومة قائلا "طالما لم تجتمع كل الأطراف السياسية لانتخاب رئيس جديد فإننا سنعاني كثيرا".

"Luckily we enjoy now in Lebanon some freedom of action." Keyword is luckily. Lebanon does not want to be attached to Syria. It is Hezbollah who wants that. Southern will now say Salam is a traitor for speaking out against the Syrian wall of resistance and a bunch of other BS. Bottomline is that our prime minister does not want Hezbollah dragging Lebanon into a second conflict (in addition to the ongoing one in which jihadists are attacking Lebanon, thanks to Hezbollah's involvement in Syria).

the first ones to get involved in syria were m14 and the future movement. remember the fighters in tal khalakh? the "milk and blankets" program organized by that future movement MP?
they were counting on the rebels winning and giving them power. unluckily though, hariri is still waiting to "come back through damascus" lol

oh and remember how they covered for al qaeda, by smashing ghosn who was warning that they are in arsal?

As mowaten said because the tal khalakh fighters were Sunnis they obviously were members of the future movement. And the Fneish and Moussawis manufacturing fake medicine and Captagon, the Bekaa Jaafar drug and arms dealers, Mekdad and Zou3aiter lawless criminal mafias are Shiites so obviously members of hezballah. And the Al Akhbar and OTV case against 3oukab Sakr was so airtight they felt the need to alter the tapes to make him say what they accuse him of rather than what he really said, the tapes Sakr provided are the originals and their authenticity was confirmed by tests by pro M9 aljadeed. And who can forget Walim Mualem's embarrassingly ridiculous video demonstration and Wiam Wahabs fake documents. Ghosn was supposed to say Al Qaeda is going from Lebanon to Syrian because the Syrians needed blame the 12 23 2011 damascus bomb on them, not the other way around, Sleiman frangieh made fun of him on LBC saying he could not even say that one thing right. lol

"remember" you're mixing in so many different things, half true half lies, which makes me think you're only trying to divert the topic in 10 different directions to evade a simple point: the first ones to get involved in syria are on m14's side, and it took years of provocation, threats, and massacres for HA to finally get involved in quseyr (summer 2013)

as for oqab, as discussed below, it's the opposite: he doctored the tapes, adding the segment about "milk and blankets" in the middle of a conversation where he was taking an order of weapons from the rebels

Mouwaten your source is the one full of lies, but that's expected thanks for playing.

Are you serious? You're comparing "milk and blankets" to a militia deploying its forces in another country? Arsal is compromised. This is something between the Sunnis and Shia, that has nothing to do with my beliefs. All I said was Hezbollah went to fight in Syria, and you're comparing it to Future "harbouring fugitives and arming terrorists." Spare me.

lol on what planet have you been all this time? "milk and blankets" was sarcastic!
okaq saqr was caught on tape taking an order of different types of weapons to send to the rebels, and a few days later he tried to cover-it up with a doctored tape, saying that they were in fact talking about "milk and blankets".
unfortunately (again), the doctored part was easily detected in an audi tape, and oqab fled lebanon before being indicted.

i meant: "the doctored part was easily detected in an analysis of the audio tape"

Mowaten, I know milk and blankets was sarcastic. What you meant was "harbouring fugitives and arming terrorists", which is exactly what I said. That doesn't compare to a militia deploying its forces on foreign soil and assisting a mass murder. But let's compare some milk and blankets while we're at it: what about Michel Samaha? He transported some milk and blankets into Lebanon and was arrested. The US designated him as a global terrorist, but that's right you don't recognise US designations.

lol crushie, shamlessly lying. the tapes were indeed taken to a specialized voice and data lab and analyzed, but it was proven that the milk and blanket part had been doctored in
i gave a source (http://english.al-akhbar.com/node/14291), where is yours?

nickjames: i condemn samaha, and am glad he has been arrested. unlike you who defend sakr.