جنبلاط ينبّه من "الفكر الداعشي" ويرى ان المسيحيين والدروز "سينقرضون"
Read this story in Englishرأى رئيس "الحزب التقدمي الاشتراكي" النائب وليد جنبلاط ان لبنان سيتأثر في "المخاض الاقليمي الحاصل"، معتبراً من جهة أخرى ان المسيحيين والدروز باتوا "على مشارف الانقراض".
وفي حديث الى صحيفة "السفير"، الجمعة، قال جنبلاط ان "اختراع داعش (الدولة الاسلامية في العراق والشام) خلق التوتر الدائم والحرب السنية الشيعية الى ما لا نهاية.
واعتبر ان هذا الامر هو "أكبر هديّة لإسرائيل، وهذا هو المشروع اليهودي القديم من أجل تفتيت المنطقة". وقال: "داعش موجودة في كل الحالات وقد تخطت الحدود، وليس مهماً أن تأتي داعش بل الخطر هو الفكر الداعشي الذي سيتسرّب الى لبنان".
ولفت الى ان "المخاض الإقليمي الحاصل ستكون له تداعيات أكيدة على لبنان"، مضيفاً "من هنا ينبثق دور الاعتدال الإسلامي لأنّ الأرض تموج".
وتابع بالقول ان "الخطابات التي يعلن أصحابها بأنهم يمثلون الإسلام المعتدل مهمة ولكن الأرض تتغيّر ونحن نلمس ذلك ونراه جيدا في سجن روميه وفي طرابلس وفي البقاع الغربي وفي عرسال".
اما عن دور الاقليات في لبنان كالمسيحيين والدروز، قال جنبلاط عبر "السفير": "نحن على مشارف الانقراض، كل جهة لعبــت دورها".
وذكّر ان الطرفين لعبا دوراً مهماً في تاريخ لبنان الا ان العبر لم تُستخلص، وأردف: "حلّهم (اي المسيحيين) ان يتصالحوا تحت مظلّة البطريرك (بشارة الراعي) للإتيان برئيس توافقي".
وتابع "لدى الدروز دور يلعبونه، لكن أي واحد من الدروز قد يفكر بأنه بالإمكان قيام مشروع منفصل عن لبنان يكون مجنوناً وانتحارياً. نحن لبنانيون وعرب".
يُشار الى ان "داعش" توسع وبات تنظيم "الدولة الاسلامية" وهو يسيطر على مناطق واسعة في شمال وشرق سوريا، وتمكن من توسيع انتشارها خلال الاسابيع القليلة الماضية الى مناطق كبيرة في شمال وغرب وشرق العراق.
Jumblatt's assessment of the proper response to the ISIS phenomena is quite correct. If the response of Christian, Druze, Shia and moderate Sunni is to look for the exit door and to flee, thus giving in to the fear purposefully created by ISIS, then we have no future here.
The response must be intelligent.
first, do not give in to the ISIS by fleeing;
Second, address the problem by engaging the poverty stricken areas where the only solution seems to be a rerun to 7th century Arabia and to bring these people up economically by the agency of the modern system of democracy.
Third, they must see and have buy in to moderation, that economic advancement is possible, preserving their culture and religion.
It is a huge undertaking, but the only other alternative is to surrender the country
The sham "khalife" was released from assad jails in 2011 with nearly 700 other islamists while the poor guy who won horse competition against bassel el assad in the 90s was kept till recently.., shaker el absi was realeased from assad jails to..
So maybe there is a problem in a dictatorship country willing to do anything to stay in power...as for money assad was just buying his petrol from isis untill recently to while bombing homs, hama, idleb...
I wont go into our local khomainist wou are downing their jihadist duty all over the region, they hv nothing to do with the shit we are in noun?...
In fact calling u noun is giving up to the stupid propaganda that christians are targeted, christian are part of this midle east population and putting them appart from this fight to maintain the region as a all would be doing as france did with arab jews in the maghreb in mid 19s making them alians to the land they were born in..
But that would be too complicated for u to understand blabla..
Go watch otv/al manar/sana and have a chupachups...
Bagdadi is the "calif" of the islamic state, the one leading the sham da3ech brigades was released (with nearly 700 other fanatics) by assad in 2011.. But u can also not see it, live in ur cocoon while all our region is burning...
Bravo, now go have some chupachups..
ISIL? What ISIL? Ask Dr. Arreet 7akeh and he will tell you there is no such thing as ISIL, and that, instead, they are cuddly life-loving revolutionaries minnohou! wlak akh mennak ya arreet 7akeh akh. ma bikaffi art kel chi tarako bachir huh!
In the end, Romans couldn't be bothered to defend the borders of the Empire (they were too far away and who cared about what was happening in the world). Needless to say, Rome got screwed.
فلتكن عبرة لمن إعتبر
Germans turned to Hitler because of treaty of Versailles and its consequences on their lives.
Some maronites turned to Syria or Israel coz of bad circumstances.
Some sunnis may turn to ISIS coz of HizbIran,7 ayar, complicity of LAF and passivity of politicians, among them Future and Jumblatt.
SO please Jumby, if u want to denounce ISIS propagation in Lebanon, admit ur mistakes and responsabilities...