الحريري: لا تساهل مع مشروع الجماعات التكفيرية "التدميري"
Read this story in Englishأكد رئيس "تيار المستقبل" سعد الحريري على ان "لا هوادة مع الجماعات التكفيرية أو التساهل مع مشروعها التدميري"، مشددا على الدعم "المطلق" للجيش والقوى الامنية.
وفي حديث الى صحيفة "الحياة" الاثنين، أكد الحريري الوقوف الى جانب الجيش والقوى الامنية "لاستعادة بلدة عرسال الصابرة والصامدة الى عرين الدولة لأن لا خيار آخر لأهلها غير مشروع الدولة".
وتابع ان "لا هوادة مع الجماعات التكفيرية والإرهابية أو التساهل مع مشروعها التدميري الغريب عن أهل الاعتدال والتسامح".
كما شدد على أن "لا مفر أمامها إلا بإخلاء البلدة ولن تقف الدولة، ونحن إلى جانبها، مكتوفة الأيدي حيال مخططات هذه المجموعات".
واذ اعتبر ان ما يحصل في عرسال هو "اعتداء على سيادة لبنان وسيادة الدولة على أراضيها"، لفت الى ان "الجيش وسائر القوى الأمنية بالنسبة إلينا في تيار المستقبل خط أحمر ممنوع الاعتداء عليهم ونحن على موقفنا الثابت والاستراتيجي من المجموعات التكفيرية".
وتعرضت عرسال السبت لهجوم من قبل مسلحين سوريين عقب توقيف قائد في تنظيم "الدولة الإسلامية" عماد احمد جمعة، فعمدوا إلى قتل عسكريين وخطف آخرين كما إلى قتل مدنيين، في حين يرد الجيش بقوة وهو استعاد مراكز امنية كان قد دخلها المسلحون.
Really? He says one thing and the other, and you dont even notice.
1- Saad Hariri has expressed full support for the Lebanese army and security forces
2- The former prime minister said the terrorists “have no choice but to withdraw from the town”
Really? They just killed over 10 soldiers and he wants to let them just get away? That is unacceptable. Every single nus-rat in Arsal has to be put down, to send a strong signal that the Lebanese Army's blood is not cheap.
Already last year they let them get away with the slaughter of soldiers in Arsal, did that buy us peace and tranquility? No, it just meant that they can kill some more and daddy saad will make sure they can leave unharmed.
and if anyone thinks this is HA's job, then say it. i'm sure HA will be very glad to do it.
but we all know where that would lead, dont we? you'd start crying and cussing and say that HA is killing poor innocent babies who only wanted to behead in peace.
censorship trikes again, reposting:
stop fantasizing about HA, this matter does not concern it.
1- nusra planted bombs in lebanon, killing scores of civilians
2- the army arrested a leader of nusra
3- nusra started making threats and attacked the army killing at least 10 soldiers
now you little groupies are trying to save your favorite cockroaches, but that wont happen.
it's not a saudi spoiled brat sitting in riadh, or his internet groupies, who will prevent General Shamel Roukoz from settling the score between those rats and our Army.
FT you are 100% right here. Hariri, Mashnouk and Rifi were very clear that they are with the army all along fighting the terrorists. It is indeed scandalous what Kabbara and co have declared and should be treated as traitors.
by the way Rifi had blamed Kabbara and rejected his declaration. Surely it is not enough and should be kicked out of M14 all together.
they will disown him for his lack a courage, justice and nuance...
By not protecting them from syria and iran, he's sending them towards extremists ready to defend them...
Hariri Says Army is a 'Red Line,' Rejects 'Destructive Takfiri' Plans
26- 05- 2007- Hassan Nasrallah called for a negotiated settlement rather than a military assault on the Nahr el-Bared camp. "The Nahr el-Bared a red line. We will not accept or provide cover or be partners in this. Does it concern us that we start a conflict with al Qaeda in Lebanon and consequently attract members and fighters of al Qaeda from all over the world to Lebanon to conduct their battle with the Lebanese Army and the rest of the Lebanese?"
Cheikh Saad al-Haribi Telteyn al-Marajil MUST KNOW AND UNDERSTAND ONCE AND FOR ALL that his father is not more precious than the father of any son or daughter of any Lebanese army soldier that his lunatic followers murder. These brave soldiers get killed in cold blood and leave behind families that are barely capable of making ends meet and struggling to make a living in this dump of a country unlike Rafic Syria, Syria's best rafik, who left his family a fortune that affords them the luxury of living and vacationing in any country that they like and whenever they like.