"المستقبل" تحمل حزب الله "جزءا كبيرا مما تتعرض له عرسال": نقف بحزم خلف الجيش

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حملت كتلة المستقبل النيابية حزب الله وحلفائه جزءا كبيرا مما تتعرض له عرسال "عبر استجلابه للتطرف جراء قتاله في سوريا"، محذرة من تدخل الحزب في المعارك الدائرة منذ ثلاثة ايام في هذه البلدة الحدودية، داعية الى ضبط الحدود مع سوريا.

ودان النائب زياد القادري في بيان صادر عن الكتلة عصر الثلاثاء "الاعتداء على الجيش تحت اي ذريعة كانت"، مشددا على أنه "ليس مسموحا لاحد ان يرفع سلاحه في مواجهة الجيش لاي طرف انتمى"، قائلا "السلاح غير الشرعي في يد أي طرف غير مسموح".

وإذ شدد على ضرورة أن "يطلق المسلحون سراح كل المعتقلين من الجيش وقوى الامن"، أكد القادري باسم "المستقبل" وقوف الكتلة "بحزم خلف الجيش وقوى الامن وقفة رجل واحد"، مضيفا "فهو سلاحنا الشرعي الوحيد للدفاع عن وطننا".

كما حملت الكتلة في بيانها "حزب الله ومن يتحالف معه جزءا كبيرا من مسؤولية ما تتعرض له عرسال بسبب تورطه بالقتال في سوريا"، معتبرة أن الحزب "عطل السلطات لتحييد لبنان وحمايته".

واوضحت ان الحزب "شارك بدون موافقة الدولة أو اللبنانيين في القتال ، وانتهك الحدود الدولية مع سوريا عبر نقل السلاح والمسلحين وقتاله الى جانب النظام".

وأضافت الكتلة في بيانها ان حزب الله "ورط لبنان بالازمة السورية وتسبب بخلق الأحقاد والضغائن مع السوريين ولم يسمح للحكومة بالتعامل بجدية مع النازحين عبر منعها من اقامة مراكز ايواء على مقربة من الحدود اللبنانية بما لا يعرض الامن بالخطر".

عليه، طالبت "المستقبل" حزب الله "بالتوقف عن استجلاب التطرف وبالانسحاب من سوريا". مضيفة "كان الاجدى للبنان الالتزام بسياسة النأي بالنفس وتطبيق ما جاء باعلان بعبدا لكن حزب الله لم يسمح بذلك".

وأكدت الكتلة أيضا اهمية أن يستعيد الجيش "السيطرة الكاملة على عرسال ومحيطها"، محذرة حزب الله من "مغبة التدخل في المعارك الدائرة كما حصل سابقا في معارك عبرا".

هذا وطالبت الكتلة الحكومة بتقديم المساعدة والاغاثة الفورية لاهالي عرسال، وبنشر الجيش على الحدود الشمالية والشرقية، داعية الى "ضبط الحدود لحماية لبنان من النزاع في سوريا".

وتشهد عرسال التي تتشارك حدودا طويلة مع منطقة القلمون السورية، منذ السبت معارك دامية دارت حين قام مسلحون يعتقد انهم جهاديون من "الدولة الاسلامية" وجبهة النصرة المرتبطة بالقاعدة، بمحاصرة حواجز للجيش والهجوم عليها بعد اعتقال عماد أحمد جمعة.



التعليقات 17
Thumb EagleDawn 19:05 ,2014 آب 05

“We hold Hizbullah and those allied to it largely responsible for the developments in Arsal and what Lebanon and its army have to endure.”

Perfectly said, genuinely articulated, and truthfully painful.

Missing imagine_1979 19:48 ,2014 آب 05

Patriotic lebanese u mean; shiite sectarian millitia engaging in regional jihad (wejeb jihadi) to help democratic assad, patriotic maliki, and very secular and progressist khomaiini?...
U re no better than da3ech, only shiite style... (There is also da3ech christian style in central affrica, maybe hezbos will go there share knowledge...)
Relax and have a yellow chuoachups my very secular southern friend...

Missing helicopter 20:23 ,2014 آب 05

Before there was a crisis in Arsal and Tripoli, HA prevented the rise of the strong State, the Demarcation of the borders and hijacked the foreign Policy in favor of its Iranian and Syrian masters, enough hypocrisy Southerner.

Thumb EagleDawn 21:12 ,2014 آب 05

فيديو مسرب يظهر قصف ميليشيات حزب الله لـ"عرسال"

Thumb chrisrushlau 21:14 ,2014 آب 05

Lebanon's Minister of Justice, the Hezbullah deputy chairman, has promised that the Mustaqbal terrorist organization will be banned under legislation to be introduced in the new term of the Lebanese Parliament, in which Hezbullah has a clear majority, due to the preponderance of Shiites in Lebanon and Hezbullah's success in administration while bearing the additional burden of opposition from the Israeli-led bloc of racist states.

Thumb charlesmartel 19:13 ,2014 آب 05

I concur...

Default-user-icon Batata (ضيف) 20:39 ,2014 آب 05

What a bunch of kids...
When 8th was saying that terrorists were infiltrating Arsal and that the army should be deployed, 14th didn't stop crying like litttle babies saying that this was an insult to Arsal, that "Arsal sharifeh" and that there were no terrorists there and that this was an attack on sunna and blablbla, the usual song. Mustaqbal are the ones who protected these terrorists and they are the ones who stopped the army from dealing with the problem sooner. They did the same with the AL Asir clown, they protect these terrorists and once they attack the army, they blame it on hezballah. Very lame, zhe2na from the same song, get a bit more creative.

Missing imagine_1979 21:15 ,2014 آب 05

We can play this game:
Yes it was HA who was respossable for fighting that caused more than 3000 deads in the mid 80s with amal and other faction in the south aka aklim el toufah but southern might hv forgotten that
Yes it was hezballah who assassinated communists, leftists, seculare shiites figures to gain control over the south, southern aldo forgot that
Hezbollah was responssible of all the south thx to a syrian american sponcered taef accord at a point at the lieration he refused army to be sent south and everyone asking the army to deploy south was concidered a traitor, southern forgot that...

Missing helicopter 06:29 ,2014 آب 06

When Mustaqbal became such a large party you credited KSA $$ for that and not their ideology. Yet when HA became so large you credited its moderate ideology and not Iranian $$ (100s of Millions each year).
Objectivity is so scarce on this forum.

Thumb chrisrushlau 21:16 ,2014 آب 05

Hey, it's not easy being a warlord in this day and age. Little kids tend to laugh at you in the street. It ain't easy.

Missing imagine_1979 21:16 ,2014 آب 05

Hezbos are accused of the assassination of hariri, kassir, hawi....
Hezbos are accused behind assassination attempt of el murr, hmadeh, harb...
Hezbos entering beirut and mont lebanon armed killing and taking control of moustakbal/psp center for purifying them...
The killing if officer samer hana while on an army hellicopter in south lebanon (the guy got 6months!!!!6monthes for willingly shootting a lebanese army officer on duty...
Hezbos killing hachem salman in daylight..
Hezbos covering eid familly knowing they r wanted for the bombing of tripolis mosks..

Missing imagine_1979 21:18 ,2014 آب 05

Man, really chupachups....

Default-user-icon JCWilliams (ضيف) 23:35 ,2014 آب 05

Mustardonall should do something about it besides arming terrorists, they should take up arms themselves and attack Hezbollah. They would last about 55 minutes and it would all be over.

Thumb cedre 00:11 ,2014 آب 06

c'est toi qui a ecrit ce chiffon ? ca pue comme tous tes posts...

Missing helicopter 06:32 ,2014 آب 06

HA did not create Takfiris, he only kicked them out of Syria and did not stop them from entering Lebanon.
I personally think it was intentional on HA part to force the population to choose between bad (HA) or worse (Takfiris). Moreover, he implicated the LAF are causing them to seem on the same side as HA. HA strategists are very astute.

Missing coolmec 07:38 ,2014 آب 06

You guys will never cease to amaze me. I mean even in these difficult times you manage to pursue your stupid mutual blame M6 or M14. what would it take for you guys to finally realize the country is facing the most difficult time ever and it is great time that all Lebanese show unity to salvage the country
you guys are lame

Default-user-icon Mariama Abdalla (ضيف) 07:43 ,2014 آب 06

Well said sab3a-ayar. Mustaqbal has financed the islamists in Tripoli and the Bekaa and now they throw all the blame on HA. The 14 March can't do 25% of what HA has done, especially facing Israel, that's why they blame HA with everything, because they are jealous.
I concur with your analysis.