الحريري يعلن عن هبة سعودية للجيش بمليار دولار: حزب الله لم يشارك بمعركة عرسال لكن يتحمل مسؤولية ما يجري

Read this story in English W460

أعلن رئيس تيار "المستقبل" النائب سعد الحريري الأربعاء تقديم السعودية هبة بقيمة مليار دولار إلى الجيش والقوى الأمنية لغرض "مواجهة الإرهاب"، متهما حزب الله بتحمل ما يحصل في عرسال "بطريقة ما" لكنه نفى في الوقت عينه مشاركته في المعارك الدائرة حاليا بين الجيش والمسلحين الجهاديين.

وقال الحريري في مؤتمر صحفي عقده من منزل والده في جده بعد ظهر الأربعاء عقب مؤتمر آخر كان قد أعلن فيه عن الهبة السعودية "الإرهاب سرطان يهدد وجود لبنان،(..) واستئصاله مسؤولية الدولة ومؤسساتها، التي لم تبخل في تقديم الأرواح والتضحيات، فداء لكرامة اللبنانيين وسلامتهم".

ومن هذا المنطلق تابع الحريري "وجه خادم الحرمين الشريفين (..) وجّه بتقديم دعم فوري للجيش اللبناني وقوى الأمن الداخلي وسائر القوى الأمنية الشرعية، قوامه مليار دولار يخصص لرفد الدولة اللبنانية بالإمكانات التي تتيح لها دحر الإرهاب ورده على أعقابه".

وكشف رئيس الحكومة الأسبق أنه سيقوم "فوراً بإجراء اتصالات برئيس الحكومة والوزارات والإدارات العسكرية والأمنية اللبنانية، والعودة معها إلى البرامج والخطط والمشاريع، التي تلبي بالدرجة الأولى الحاجات الملحة للجيش والأجهزة، وتسهم مباشرة في توفير المستلزمات الممكنة والمطلوبة، لمكافحة ظاهرة الإرهاب".

وشرح الحريري أن "الوظيفة المباشرة للمساعدة التي قررها خادم الحرمين الشريفين واضحة ومحددة وهي تعني تخصيصا الجيش اللبناني والمؤسسات الأمنية التي يقع على عاتقها مواجهة الحملة الإرهابية، وملاحقة المسلحين وبؤر التطرف في كل مكان".

إلى ذلك أكد الحريري أنه "لا يجوز لأي سبب كان، التضحية بها لمصلحة مشاريع خارجية هدفها إستدراج الفتن والحرائق إلى لبنان، أو توريطنا في الحروب القريبة والبعيدة، والتطوع في معارك إنقاذ الأنظمة الطاغية".

وردا على سؤال أقر الحريري أن "التفاوض (مع المسلحين) لا بد منه ونحن نريد أن ننقذ مدينة عرسال ونرجع العسكريين إلى أهاليهم".

ولم يخف أن لبنان "في عين العاصفة بين المشاكل التي تجري في سوريا وما نشهده في لبنان هو بسبب نظام (الرئيس السوري بشار) الأسد المجرم الذي تغاضر المجتمع الدولي عن جرائمه".

كذلك أكد أن "دخول حزب الله إلى الساحة السورية والمشاركة في القتال كان له ردة فعل سيئة جدا في لبنان وعند ثوار سوريا"، متابعا أن "الجريمة أن يذهب حزب الله إلى سوريا والجريمة أيضا أن يأتي الإرهابيون إلى عرسال ويحتلونها فعرسال حمت النازحين لثلاثة أعوام".

وردا على سؤال شرح أن "حزب الله لم يشارك مع الجيش اللبناني في معركة عرسال لكنه مسؤول عما حصل في عرسال بطريقة ما".

وكان قد قال الحريري في تصريح للصحافيين في قصر العاهل السعودي في جدة ليل الثلاثاء "لقد ابلغني خادم الحرمين الملك عبدالله بانه اصدر امره الكريم بتقديم مساعدة للجيش اللبناني والامن الوطني بمبلغ مليار دولار لدعمها وتعزيز امكانياتها للمحافظة على امن لبنان، وقد استلمنا هذا الدعم".

واضاف الحريري، ان "هذا الدعم مهم جدا خاصة في هذه المرحلة التي يمر فيها لبنان (الذي) يحارب الارهاب".

وسبق للسعودية ان اعلنت في كانون الاول 2013 عن هبة بقيمة ثلاثة مليارات دولار مخصصة لشراء اسلحة من فرنسا لصالح الجيش اللبناني.

والثلاثاء ابدت فرنسا استعدادها "لكي تلبي سريعا احتياجات لبنان" بعدما طالب قائد الجيش اللبناني العماد جان قهوجي باريس بتسريع تسليم الاسلحة التي من المقرر ان يحصل عليها الجيش بموجب هبة الثلاثة مليارات دولار السعودية.

وكان العاهل السعودي اجرى الثلاثاء اتصالا هاتفيا بالرئيس السابق ميشال سليمان اكد خلاله "دعم المملكة ووقوفها في جانب المؤسسة العسكرية في مواجهة الارهاب"، بحسب ما اعلن مكتب سليمان في بيان.

واضاف البيان ان الملك عبد الله اكد عزمه على "الاسراع في تنفيذ الدعم الاستثنائي للجيش".

ومنذ السبت، قتل 16 عسكريا بينهم ضابطان وفقد الاتصال مع 22 آخرين، في المعارك التي بدأت بهجوم للمسلحين على مراكز الجيش اثر توقيف الاخير قياديا جهاديا سوريا. كما دخل المسلحون البلدة واقتحموا مركزا لقوى الامن الداخلي.

وعاودت مدفعية الجيش بعد الظهر القصف، بعيد افراج المسلحين ثلاثة عناصر من اصل 20 عنصرا في قوى الامن الداخلي كانوا يحتجزونهم، بحسب مصدر امني. ونقل العناصر المفرج عنهم، وهم سني ومسيحي ودرزي، برفقة شيخين من "هيئة العلماء المسلمين" كانا دخلا عرسال بعيد منتصف الليل.

واكد الحريري الاربعاء ان المفاوضات لا تزال مستمرة لحل الازمة في عرسال.

وقال "الان يتم التفاوض على اخراج العسكريين الذي يمسكهم الارهابيون وخروج المسلحين من مدينة عرسال ومن لبنان، وهذا التفاوض صعب خاصة انك تتعامل مع اناس هم اصلا ارهابيون".

واضاف "ان شاء الله هناك مجموعة من المشايخ في عرسال الان يتفاوضون مع هؤلاء، وان شاء الله هذا الدعم (السعودي) الذي جاء للجيش اللبناني مهم جدا".


التعليقات 43
Missing actionmen 08:12 ,2014 آب 06

Defacto Ie mouwateh ,Ft ect ,read !!! Saudis are not giving any monies to Lebanese,they are paying France for weapons and equipment to be delivered to the Lebanese army ,Saudis like all other nations do not trust our crooked politicians .Read ya ghashim read,or perhaps you are only doing a job which you are paid for???

Default-user-icon tom (ضيف) 08:15 ,2014 آب 06

it's the truth brainwashed jerry

Default-user-icon Truth (ضيف) 08:18 ,2014 آب 06

Hariri: Saudi Arabia gives lebanese army $1billion.
Mohammad Radd: Iran gives Hizbollah $1billion!

Missing coolmec 09:21 ,2014 آب 06

Hey Ghandafar
your turbaned dude republic was silent during the bombing of Gaza
why didn't help then??

Thumb charlesmartel 23:29 ,2014 آب 06

they were busy stoning women... censoring freedom and .. refining heroin and trying to hide nuclear bombs making tools....

Missing imagine_1979 09:40 ,2014 آب 06

U r right getting 6 month jail for killing an army officer on duty on hos hellicopter is a fair trial not like those islamist..
Ur friend Captagon buisness is better...
Ur friend berry is so clean, also applicable for the other, frangieh even said it some years ago on tv(if the other does it.. So he has some merrit admitting it not like aounist getting allied with all those and giving lesson about transparancy..
By the way bassilo look a lot less wealthy at the time tayyar flag was the omega (u remember the omega or u r a new age aouni/koumeh/labayaka ya nosrollah style..) bassilo should have worked really hard since toget that money.. Do u hv any infos? He has been making night shifts?...
Go have some chupachups de facto, if u want transparency u hv to be transparant and the "islah" usually don't come with berri/hezbollah....

Missing imagine_1979 09:40 ,2014 آب 06

And last tayyar used to distribut a magazin called samizdat back in the days they were with syrian accountability act and aoun preaching against hezbos arms in US, it used to say that syrians are responssable for 1,5billion lost a year? Was aoun lying then or it is all forgotten since they r now friends..
Chupachups man chupachups..

Default-user-icon hassan (ضيف) 10:16 ,2014 آب 06

and gives ISIS 10 billion ,, whats the point tell your Saudi buddies to stop chopping peoples heads off ..

Thumb geha 17:58 ,2014 آب 06

Idiot comment!
it is more than well known that it is Qatar backed by the US that is financing ISIL terrorists.
it is well known that KSA is behind removing the extremists muslim brotherhood from Egypt in direct contradiction to the US and Qatar.
it is well known that KSA and the other Gulf states (less Qatar) are driving for the moderate sunnis against extremsits backed by your friends the Qataris.
and let us not forget: choukran Qatar :)

Default-user-icon tony (ضيف) 10:17 ,2014 آب 06

wait.. how does this work? they give militants money to buy weapons, then they give the army money as well?

Oh well, at least we are all united with the Lebanese Army, may they destroy these militants and every foreign force that interferes with lebanese politics. what a bribe drivin country..

Missing greatpierro 12:48 ,2014 آب 06

You know very well that Ksa is supporting the moderate Syrian opposition neither nusra nor is. It seems that the US, UK, Quatar are behind the terrorist.

Missing greatpierro 14:19 ,2014 آب 06

the dwindelling FSA that was forbidden from any arm support and that was attacked on all front by the syrian regime, nusra and IS

Missing imagine_1979 15:08 ,2014 آب 06

Flame moderate syrian oosition like georges sabra, michel killo... U know guys without black turban on their heads, maybe believers maybe not but certainely not following ayatollahs, not hoing in jihadist duties in other countries, fighting against a regime that repressed lebnese and syrian people for decades, a regime that hv pit political opondnts in jail for more than 15 years (ama ryad el turk general secretary of the syrian comunist party then..) a regime that still hold grap on the faith of hundreeds of lebanese missing.. U know those kind of moderate oposition...

Thumb mouallek 10:34 ,2014 آب 06

De facto on constate une fois de plus que defacto est un con!

Thumb amatoury114 17:20 ,2014 آب 06

je dirais meme plus un con

Thumb charlesmartel 23:47 ,2014 آب 06

never argue with an imbecile... he takes you down to his level an win based on his large experience

Missing ..karim.. 16:09 ,2014 آب 06

So the main sponsor of terrorism is now sending aid to help stop it? LOL.

Thumb geha 17:59 ,2014 آب 06

the main sponsors of terrorism in our region:
- iran
- Qatar
- the syrian regime
- the US

Thumb geha 20:10 ,2014 آب 06

and no wonder you are always upset trying to defend your buddies the extremists iranian terrorists, as they are undefendable and show you as a traitor to Lebanon.

Default-user-icon dexter (ضيف) 16:43 ,2014 آب 06

Well, hopefully this time this aid will be with the Lebanese Army while the battle is still on and while they need it.

We as Lebanese have been witnessing a lot of promises from KSA, USA, France, Iran,.... and still they are nothing but promises.

GOD be with our Army

Thumb liberty 16:47 ,2014 آب 06

what did your hizbullah and aoun and their government do to arm the LAF over the last 4 years? NOTHING.. arrogant mouthpiece!

Thumb amatoury114 17:10 ,2014 آب 06

u only know this ...ungrateful ignorant u do not deserve to stand on Lebanese soil...u will do anything to not safeguard it ....piece of filth

Thumb ice-man 17:39 ,2014 آب 06

are you at work, @Southerner?

Thumb popeye 06:46 ,2014 آب 07

hehehe! yes he is here at work on this forum.

Missing imagine_1979 17:41 ,2014 آب 06

Just like iran is providing aid to its by proxy millicia, sending weapons, money (now a litle less but still) and a lot of advisors (u know like its advisors in syria, irak..)
Southern u r cheering for a religious millicia, u know da3ech shiite style...
Really southern, zahet...

Missing imperatrice 17:43 ,2014 آب 06

on the contrary southern, when your state is victorious you go public and live out of pride and joy
bc this my friend is a "real" victory for moderation and for the country you are defending

now propaganda on the other hand is what you do best. btw propaganda is defined by "information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view."
should i elaborate some more on how to use the term?

Thumb geha 17:51 ,2014 آب 06

OK, talking about the truth? let us do that:
- Hizbushaitan is by far worse of an extremist terrorist iranian occupying entity than the worst other extremists.
- iran gave help and assistance to its entity and not the Lebanese state.
- hizbushaitan has been undermining the army for over 15 years
- Hizbushaitan has been threatening on daily basis the whole population of Lebanon
- ....

m8 guys: stop your BS. all weapons should be under the control of the Lebanese state forces and nothing else.

these are the only legitimate forces in our Lebanon, and anything else are terrorists.

Thumb galaxy 17:52 ,2014 آب 06

Whether you like Hariri or not, whether you like KSA or not, the only proper and lebanese thing to say is THANK YOU!

Thumb geha 18:11 ,2014 آب 06

no, nothing Lebanese about m8 guys.
it has been proven by their actions.

Thumb geha 17:55 ,2014 آب 06

that would be your wish :)
but the fact of the matter is that hizbushaitan is drawing so much hatred to the shia community that its members might end up going to iran sometime soon.

Thumb geha 18:03 ,2014 آب 06

another one of the most stupid comments ever posted by southerner.

each and every day he comes up with more stupid comments than the previous ones.

he must be related to ft undeniably :)

Missing imperatrice 18:45 ,2014 آب 06

rayan which free knowledge sources do u trust for us to play a little who does what?
Meanwhile here's some food for the mind
while both equally fail in human rights, respect for minorities, etc.. there are still major differences that u cannot ignore
* one is a kingdom another is an Islamic state with a geopolitical name and axis
* on human development index, SA ranks 35 while I ranks 75
* on share of seats in the parliament - SA 19.8 while I 3.1- talking percentages here
* on education and Adult literacy rate SA 88 Iran 85

these are the human development indicators available for all

now enough with the "repressive backward discography" try using logic and facts
its more interesting for the audience

Missing imperatrice 18:49 ,2014 آب 06

we can play the same game for freedom of expression, press, etc...
but what we know from history is that post-revolution, the iranian new state guards assassinated communists and liberals- the same people who led the manifestations and helped topple the shah- bc they thought differently
nowadays, them and their allies still execute even singers who go against bashar, HA, etc...

Missing karim- 19:51 ,2014 آب 06

The usual suspects complain about the Lebanese army receiving aid, just like they complained about the US airlift of weapons to the Lebanese army during Nahr el Bared.

Missing karim- 19:59 ,2014 آب 06

Nope Flamestarter that job was already filled a long to

The Syrians first destabilized the country by opening the Syrian borders to the Palestinians and they came from Syria with the refugees who were stationed in Lebanon. Together they destabilized Lebanon and called it a civil war, but it was not a civil war. They created it (the civil war). That's what we call in military terminology "indirect strategy." You make a problem and then you come to solve it. - Michel Aoun CBN September 12, 2002

Missing imagine_1979 20:47 ,2014 آب 06

Bravo man
In irak also hezbollah waited for oukab sa2er to go finance da3ech before sending the guys?....

Missing imagine_1979 21:32 ,2014 آب 06

Hezballah is not in irak???
They did an official funeral for a hezbos comander dead during jihadist duty in irak last week!!!! Is was all over the news, even the moumani3in news...
3an jad debile, bi charfak zahet

Thumb popeye 06:47 ,2014 آب 07

"The source also noted that the remarks published for Nasrallah by As-Safir newspaper earlier on Tuesday were “just a small part of what he said during the meeting.”

“We are ready to sacrifice martyrs in Iraq five times more than what we sacrificed in Syria, in order to protect shrines, because they are much more important than [the holy sites in Syria],” Nasrallah said."

Missing MyNigga 21:45 ,2014 آب 06

It's being used by Hezbollah to arm themselves

Missing MyNigga 21:46 ,2014 آب 06

Did you forget who it was who rebuilt Beirut after the civil war?

Default-user-icon Dan (ضيف) 04:02 ,2014 آب 07

Why don't you deposit the full amount of this donation in the Lebanese Army's bank account?

Thumb ex-fpm 10:37 ,2014 آب 07

because they will buy yachts and ferraris with it.

Thumb thepatriot 13:28 ,2014 آب 07

The ultra idiot should google " Ibrahim Mohammed al-Haj "...