عائلة مشغّل موقع "لواء أحرار السنة" عبر تويتر مقرّبة من "حزب الله"

Read this story in English W460

نفى والد حسين الحسين الإتهامات التي تساق الى ابنه لتشغيل موقع "لواء أحرار السنة" على تويتر، مؤكداً أن عائلته مقرّبة من "حزب الله".

وأشار شامان الحسين، والد الشاب الموقوف في حديث لصحيفة "الشرق الأوسط"، السبت، إلى أنه أبلغ حزب الله فورا بتوقيف ابنه، "كوننا مقربين من الحزب أنا وابني وعائلتي ولا علاقة لنا بكل الاتهامات التي تساق إليه".

وأضاف:"طلب مني المعنيون بالحزب الذهاب إلى بيتي وقالوا إنهم سيتابعون الموضوع، إلا أنني فوجئت بوسائل الإعلام تتناقل الخبر على أن ولدي مشغل حساب لواء أحرار السنة، وهو كلام غير منطقي باعتبار أن هاتفه الجوال معطل منذ أكثر من أسبوع".

بدورها لم تستبعد والدة الحسين، اتحاد، وهي شيعية، للصحيفة عينها، أن يعترف ابنها بكل الاتهامات التي تساق إليه "جراء تعرضه للضرب والتعذيب".

وأضافت:"نحن فقراء، وابني لا يمتلك جهاز كومبيتر محمول حتى إنه غير حائز على الشهادة المتوسطة".

ومساء الخميس، أوقفت شعبة المعلومات في قوى الأمن الداخلي حسين الحسين مشغّل حساب "لواء أحرار السنة" على موقع "تويتر" للتواصل الاجتماعي والذي تبنى في الفترة الماضية عددا من العمليات الانتحارية التي ضربت لبنان و"المحرض على الفتنة والاقتتال الطائفي".

وتبين أن صاحب الحساب حسين شامان الحسين، لبناني من منطقة بعلبك، يبلغ من العمر 19 عاما، وهو نفى خلال التحقيق معه علاقته بأي جهة سياسية، لافتا إلى أن هدفه كان التسلية.


التعليقات 24
Thumb ex-fpm 08:47 ,2014 آب 16

Excuses and lies will not help you or your family, maybe HA will.

Default-user-icon Georges (ضيف) 09:34 ,2014 آب 16

So what happened in Arsal is only an illusion?

Missing people-power 09:03 ,2014 آب 16

Hezbollah planning assassinations against Mashnouq, Qahwaji and al-Hajj, and wanted to blame it on Sunnis. Remember Abou adass?

Also similar to the Samaha plot.

Pure evil from the Iranian terrorist militia, nothing new.

Thumb Kalzyturks 10:19 ,2014 آب 16

Yes that's right, HA is fitnah

Default-user-icon Lakshmana Kapila Indra (ضيف) 09:05 ,2014 آب 16

he is sunni, but his family is shiiite from baalbeck and members of hezbollah

Thumb galaxy 09:11 ,2014 آب 16

the key here is he informed them "swiftly" of the incident;)

Thumb galaxy 09:12 ,2014 آب 16

he is a sectarian and will continue to post his anti sunni rhetoric because it is his job to do so.

Missing greatpierro 10:20 ,2014 آب 16

Yes indeed and you know why? The raison d'être of Aounist is taking a bash at Sunnis. IAoun has clearly taken sides with the Shiite to confront Sunnis. Not that Sunnis are threaten the existence of Christians (Sunnis hardly fought in the civil war and have never aggressed Christians in their neighborhood or villages; the massacres and attacks of christians were conducted in Haret Hreik and Damour by FPLP and Saika taking their direct orders from the Syrian regime).
Aounist hate Sunnis is they see them as a powerful competing social and economical group in Lebanon and Aounist are not prepared to live in good intelligence (Pierre Gemayel and Chamoun did the same mistake).
That explains the hate against Hariris, even though they have acted in a remarkable secular manner in this country: Rafik gave scholarships to all lebanese regardless of their sect, funded the Balamand university, financed schools in different lebanese areas (the school of Tannourine was financed by Saad).

Missing greatpierro 10:05 ,2014 آب 16

Achievements of M8: Marching on march 8 2005 with more Syrians than Lebanese; killing of M14 leaders; taking orders from despotic regime in Syria and Iran; the 2006 war; blocking DT and paralyzing economical activity; setting red lines to the army in its fight against Fatah el Islam;smuggling imported goods taking away valuable custom duties from the government; attacking and killing citizens in Beirut and the Shouf, attaking media; controlling the airport road, kidnapping, killing and threatening arabs from coming to Lebanon; imposing a Veto mechanism in the government; Not abiding by the Baabda declaration; not accepting disarmament of FPLP in Lebanon ; sabotaging the National reconciliation dialogue; Looting valable ressources from the Electricity and Telecom operations; blocking the political life unless senile clAoun is elected; creating sectarian strife by constant attacks from the Tayyar against the sunni society

Thumb mouallek 11:19 ,2014 آب 16

Right greatpierro . Well said!

Missing people-power 15:38 ,2014 آب 16

Good summary. You forgot to mention....

Conducting terrorist operations all over the world (Bulgaria, India, Thailand, Cyprus, Argentina, Saudi Arabia and many other places).

Dealing drugs and laundering drug money.

Smuggling diamonds out of Africa.

Stealing cars and rigging car bombs.

Killing women and children in Syria.

Thumb Kalzyturks 10:18 ,2014 آب 16

HA all this time, yes now listen to the Hasbara HA agents try to defend this with their taqqiya

Default-user-icon Cobra (ضيف) 10:28 ,2014 آب 16

Anyway these kind of events have opened the eyes of the Christian who are now organizing themselves for the worst. Thanks God we are not waiting the last minute to react, unlike in 1976 when Christian were completely exposed and were saved by Assad.
Thank you Hariri and co for letting the devil enter our house, you really want partition and this is sad

Missing greatpierro 10:33 ,2014 آب 16

are you crying foul at sectarian incitement. Aounist and senile clAoun at their head have been only doing this since ever.

Missing greatpierro 10:34 ,2014 آب 16

he is hiding as he would have no arguments knowing that the guy is a hizbollahi

Missing greatpierro 10:41 ,2014 آب 16

I wonder how supposedly intelligent people still support M8 leaders even when they see hard facts of their collaboration in conspiring against Lebanon: Fatah el Islam, Samaha, not acceptance by M8 leaders in the disarmament of FPLP militias in Lebanon, The attempted killing of B Harb, the systematic blockading of political and economical life, the canibalization of state institutions, the attacks on our democratic system…..

Missing greatpierro 18:58 ,2014 آب 16

racist? Lets start with your so called resistance which is exclusively chiite.

Default-user-icon Mijana (ضيف) 11:01 ,2014 آب 16

...“The reports are unreasonable taken into consideration that his cellular phone has been broken for more than a week.” ...

Dear HA followers,
With time, it came evident that you don't mind your Hezb to fool you. This is your right. If you like to be treated as stupids, you are free. BUT PLEASE, do know that this doesn't work with us. One day will come, and we will take our rights ...

Thumb Kalzyturks 11:55 ,2014 آب 16

Yes Your propaganda is a bit old taqqiya.

doctrine of taqiyya was introduced at the time of Ja'far al-Sadiq 
(d. 148 AH/765 AD).

Now that is old.

Thumb Kalzyturks 16:03 ,2014 آب 16

Let's imagine,

A criminal family dealing with drugs.
Son gets caught the father contacts the Mafia head, they tell him to disown him or the whole thing is exposed.

Don't go to the police well deal with it.

HA is the Mafia. The family is thee runners, the son got caught.

Thumb shab 17:09 ,2014 آب 16

Obviously his parents also never continued middle school education.

Missing greatpierro 19:01 ,2014 آب 16

FT please tell us your proofs that Hussein el Hussein is a sunni fanatics.

Thumb Kalzyturks 23:20 ,2014 آب 16

Lies & concealment.

One word covers that.

I think it's clear

Thumb Kalzyturks 23:27 ,2014 آب 16

I have been around for a long time on these forum.

I see you have missed me or alas! Your an imposter flamethrower. With dots to your right & left.

If I was paid stooge as other imposter southern alleged I will be posting & commenting on every news paper article as you have & southern too.

Both of you must have no life or must be paid spreading your Hasbara views & lies & attacks.

Must be uncomfortable for you imposter & I'm sorry to have upset your tea party sir