قهوجي "الى موسكو قريباً لتنويع مصادر الاسلحة للجيش"
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يتوجه قائد الجيش العماد جان قهوجي روسيا في وقت قريب من أجل بحث سبل تقديم موسكو مساعدات عسكرية للجيش اللبناني، وفق ما أفادت المعلومات الصحافية.
فقد لفتت صحيفة "السفير"، الاربعاء، ان قهوجي يريد تنويع مصادر الأسلحة من ضمن الـ500 مليون دولار، الحصة المخصصة للجيش من الهبة العينية المقدمة من السعودية بقيمة مليار دولار.
يُذكر ان رئيس "تيار المستقبل" سعد الحريري اعلن في 6 آب تقديم السعودية هبة جديدة بقيمة مليار دولار إلى الجيش والقوى الأمنية لغرض "مواجهة الإرهاب".
وفي وقت لاحق أوضحت المعلومات الصحافية ان 500 مليون دولار من هذه الهبة ستقدم نقداً للجيش اللبناني من أجل الاسلحة والاعتدة التي تلزمه.
ووفق "السفير"، الاربعاء، فإن قهوجي أكد أمام زواره أن الحريري قال له: "ابحث عن أي عقد مناسب للمؤسسة العسكريّة.. ونحن نسير خلفك".
وكشفت ان قائد الجيش سيزور روسيا قريباً بعد أن تواصل مع السفير الروسي في بيروت الكسندر زاسيبكين لهذه الغاية، بغية التوقيع على صفقة أسلحة مع قيادة أركان الجيش الروسي.
وتابعت الصحيفة انه من المتوقع أن يزور قهوجي عواصم غربية وشرقية لشراء الاسلحة، لافتة الى أن الأميركيين فتحوا مستودعاتهم في قبرص للجيش اللبناني منذ بدء معركة عرسال، وهم يستمرون في شحن بعض الاسلحة والذخائر والعتاد.
يُشار الى ان الحريري وبعد عودته المفاجئة الى لبنان مطلع آب الجاري، عاد وغادر الى جدة بعد ايام قليلة من أجل "إجراء مشاورات مع المسؤولين حول الهبة السعودية للقوى الامنية اللبنانية".
وكان قد سبق للمملكة ان اعلنت في كانون الاول 2013 عن هبة بقيمة ثلاثة مليارات دولار مخصصة لشراء اسلحة من فرنسا لصالح الجيش اللبناني.

Siet Hidde Rein> i said what!?
oh an dont be a coward, post with one of your 10 fake accounts instead of hiding behind "guest" names.

with nothing! the russians and french and usa will send nothing of importance to the LAF. Any advanced weapons will be vetoed by the Israelis! The LAF are not beggars! stop the political lies... KSA donation will never meet the LAF... You cant deny history!

It's not a real veto, Israel have told western countries not to sell advances weapons and armed vehicles to LAF and the west have agreed not to do so, but Russia is not the west and will not care if Israel tells the russians not to sell.

If you had read the news back then you would know that the visit by the Israeli Prime minister was because Iran wanted to buy several S300 surface-to-air missile systems, he wanted to stop the deal, but couldn't because Russian don't care what Israel wants.
2nd, If Israel like you say stopped Russia from giving the Lebanese army this gift, why have then half of the gift already been given to our army?

promises = words
words = wind
>>> promises = wind
actions? what is this word? persian? or what?

Bro, Iran has always said that they support our army and that they want to help us build a strong army bud the government of our country has declined their offer due to different reasons

I don't know where you got Hezbollah from, but please tell me how the Lebanese army will be stronger than it is now by disarming Hezbollah

Haha so you are telling me every single hezbollah soldier will join the army, you are welcome to prove that to me. Second of all the army already have enough firearms to supply every soldier in the army, they don't really need 5-6000 iranian made riffles. The support I meant earlier is in the form of Air defense rockets and ballistic missiles and not cheap M16 copies.

anonymetexasusa... Harriri and elias el murr both visited russia and promised mig 27 fighters, then attack helicopters with president Suliman.... nothing came or will come. Israel vetoes all deliveries! only chance we had was after the georgian war with russia in 2008 when Putin threatened israel after they found Israeli training of georgian army...still nothing happened! the LAF will never receive any advanced weapons and this is why Hezbollah and the LAF are forced to work closely to defend Lebanon. If the USA and others wants Hezbollah to be pressured they need to arm the LAF who are the only true patriotic establishment left in Lebanon.

+ Russia has allot of modern weapons and armed vehicles that we need and can buy, for example the T-72 or T-90 Tank, cheaper than western tanks and they are modern and good, OSV-96 sniper, AN-94 and Ak-74M, 2S19 Msta, S-300 air defense and a lot more, and unlike the west Russia will sell us the equipment that we want and need, also to a good price, and not care of what Israel says.

It is 31 T-72 tanks, not 50 T-90's so please get your facts straight, second of all do you really think Lebanon is the only country in the world that Russia is supplying army equipment to, Russia is the world's largest arms exporters it will take some time to complete 6 Mil Mi 24/35 helis and 31 T-72 tanks, one Mi 24/35 takes 3 years to complete, look it up if you don't believe me, so you can expect all the helis and tanks to arrive together late 2015 or early 2016

In this gift by the Russians, Several amount of 130-millimeter artillery and 500,000 rounds of ammunition for artillery where also included in this gift and these parts of this gift have already arrived to the army long time ago.

Lebanon will probably buy from the Russian reserves, because of the existing threats from ISIS, so they will probably arrive within 1-2 months and for a cheaper price. When Lebanon was offered those free 6 mil mi 24/35's and 31 M-72 tanks there where no existing threat to Lebanon, witch also was the reason for the order of completely new built equipment.

Russia is not the only party to be blâmer for the failure of delivery of weapons there has been no effort by the lebanese political class to follow up on the deal and establish contact with the the russians for unknown reasons. It seems to me that there is a flagrant consensus by the political groups both 14 and 8 march to keep the status quo. How : by only accepting weapons from western sources and these weapons obviously cannot increase the lebanese army's strength and second by not accepting weapons from countries such as russia and iran for fear of aligning the state with the political current that they represent and for fear of angering the US. And obviously Hezbollah is not bothered by this situation for it remains the most powerful force in lebanon

anonymetexasusa if russia is not a reliable source then who is ? usa ? and she was the first one to make a vito on the lebanese army and were getting from her is light weapons for rabbits and birds but the russian they gave us free of charge heavy machine jets helicopters with no back interest of whatsoever ...
usa politics and interests are the main problem on our soil