المعارضة السورية: مقتل 15 عنصرا من حزب الله في فليطا بجرود القلمون

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أعلنت المعارضة السورية مقتل 15 عنصرا من حزب الله في فليطا بجرود القلمون بعد سيطرة مقاتليها على نقاط جديدة في المنطقة.

وقال الإئتلاف الوطني السوري الممثل لغالبية أطياف المعارضة في بيان الخميس أنه "قُتل 15 عنصرا من ميليشيا حزب الله الإرهابي باشتباكات مع الثوار في جرود فليطة".

وكشف الإئتلاف أن "الثوار تمكنوا من السيطرة على نقاط جديدة في المنطقة".

كما لفت إلى أن "طيران النظام نفذ غارتين جويتين على جرود بلدة رأس المعرة في المنطقة، كما ألقى براميل متفجرة على جرود بلدة عرسال".

وكانت قد بثت مواقع مقربة من حزب الله في الآونة الأخيرة أخبار تشييع مقاتلين من الحزب سقطوا خلال قيامهم بـ"الواجب الجهادي" في سوريا. وبين هؤلاء حسين احمد حمود من بلدة بيت ليف الجنوبية، علي حسين رضا من حاروف الجنوبية.

من جهة أخرى أفاد المرصد السوري لحقوق الإنسان ليل الخميس ان اشتباكات تدور "بين مقاتلي جبهة النصرة والكتائب الإسلامية من طرف، وقوات النظام مدعمة بحزب الله اللبناني وقوات الدفاع الوطني من طرف آخر بالقرب من بلدة المليحة بالغوطة الشرقية".

وكانت قد سيطرت القوات السورية مع قوات حزب الله في 14 آب الجاري على بلدة المليحة بالكامل، عقب اشتباكات عنيفة استمرت لأشهر مع مقاتلي المعارضة.

يذكر أن الحزب يشارك منذ أكثر من عام ونصف في المعركة السورية إلى جانب النظام. ويعلن الأمين العام للحزب الإستمرار في المعركة "حيث يجب أن نكون"، مؤكدا أن سوريا "سند المقاومة لن تترك وحيدة".



التعليقات 46
Default-user-icon skyboy (ضيف) 08:28 ,2014 آب 22

Nice shot, 15 in a day!!!

Default-user-icon Khorshid Golshan Arastoo (ضيف) 09:57 ,2014 آب 22

and more than 50 injured;))

Thumb _mowaten_ 10:23 ,2014 آب 22

yea, "the Syrian National Coalition said" lol

Thumb _mowaten_ 10:26 ,2014 آب 22

i bet they also said:
"On August 14, Hizbullah overran the town of Mleiha, 10 kilometers (six miles) southeast of Damascus, after months of fighting."

lol. yea right.
someone has no idea what's going on in syria :) i guess it takes time for the news to reach istambul

Default-user-icon Alfonse Debbaneh de Montparnasse (ضيف) 10:37 ,2014 آب 22

hihihihi @ the Syrian National Coalition
+1 mowaten !

Default-user-icon citymowaten (ضيف) 11:28 ,2014 آب 22

yeah lol, but the syrian national coalition are credible when they report that your militia killed an ISIL commander the other day. Enjoy it even if you think it is a rumor.

Default-user-icon Ali Rostam Heydar (ضيف) 11:40 ,2014 آب 22

hahahaha @ Alfonse Debbaneh

Default-user-icon Ohannes Bagrat Voski (ضيف) 11:47 ,2014 آب 22

the votes indicate that your comments are true.

Thumb geha 10:28 ,2014 آب 22

may they rot in hell, and same to all other terrorists extremists.

Thumb tom1 12:45 ,2014 آب 22

You being the first in line ISIS supporter

Thumb charlesmartel 14:08 ,2014 آب 22

The Crusader are praying everyday for a 10 degree magnitude earthquake that will wipe The Islamic Republic of Iran from the face of the earth....

Missing ulpianus 01:50 ,2014 آب 23

The Crusaders were wiped out long time ago...

Default-user-icon Jalkoban Zashti (ضيف) 08:34 ,2014 آب 22

Now that you know it all, who is da3esh obeying? The prophet Muhammad or cheikh Saad? Or are they a lie as Dr. Arreet 7akeh predicted for sure this time, when the whole world seems to be fighting the lie?

Default-user-icon cityboy (ضيف) 08:41 ,2014 آب 22

i am breaking out in tears over his loss

Default-user-icon Bahadur Zhubin Roshan (ضيف) 08:43 ,2014 آب 22

Mabruk mowaten, flamethrower, and friends.

Thumb skeletor 09:10 ,2014 آب 22

I am expanding the west wing, we're overbooked for the summer.

Missing imperatrice 09:44 ,2014 آب 22

For free spirits freedom is worth the sacrifice even if its ur own head
I wonder about their families, was it worth losing a son defending a brutal regime which is the other side of another extremist regime
Ya haram

Default-user-icon dddd (ضيف) 10:24 ,2014 آب 22

good riddance! ou 3akbel el be2e ma3 sayyidon.

Default-user-icon illiterate-Southern (ضيف) 11:15 ,2014 آب 22

well said southern

Default-user-icon Behrooz Khodadad Ardeshir (ضيف) 11:16 ,2014 آب 22

you always have an answer for them. You make them think and rethink until they retreat. You are really something another!

Default-user-icon harzavi (ضيف) 14:33 ,2014 آب 22

If you think they think or rethink, loud mouth.

Missing cedaris 11:24 ,2014 آب 22

Flamie do you shed tears for "Al Qaeda sympathising M14ers" as you constantly call them? I doubt it.
The passport these guys hold has no meaning when they are part of a grander Iranian geopolitical scheme. Same goes for any Tripoli Sunni radicals who place Shariah over the lebanese state. No tears for any of these...

Default-user-icon Naveed Navid Sardar (ضيف) 11:26 ,2014 آب 22

My family and I keep laughing at your witty jokes. We wait for your posts. You are definitely my favorite poster.

Thumb galaxy 11:31 ,2014 آب 22

15 iranians performed their jihadist duty and got their wishes.

Missing imperatrice 11:41 ,2014 آب 22

"preserve the dignity & freedom of its Land"

Thumb ex-fpm 11:44 ,2014 آب 22

some news sites are reporting 26 dead and over 40 injured. Must have been a heavy battle

Default-user-icon Panos Stavros Thanasis (ضيف) 12:12 ,2014 آب 22

I think I speak for everyone when I say the way you dissect the truth and decipher its threads is absolutely impressive. I had to read your comments 3 times to connect the loose ends and finally figured it out. You truly are a master at debate. Good job Flamethrower!

Missing forces 13:14 ,2014 آب 22

Wow Damascus is right on our border? I must have taken the long road last time I visited.

Default-user-icon roukuz (ضيف) 11:46 ,2014 آب 22

flamethrower.... are you not ashamed of voting yourself up so many times? shameful

Thumb tom1 11:52 ,2014 آب 22

Says the ISIS terrorist

Thumb tom1 11:56 ,2014 آب 22

Heroes martyred defending lebanon. May their souls rest in peace. I hope they killed many ISIS terrorists on this battle . God bless Hizbollah and Lebanon.

Thumb EagleDawn 12:04 ,2014 آب 22


Default-user-icon dddd (ضيف) 12:23 ,2014 آب 22

when they die on Lebanese soil carrying legal arms "THEN" I will call them my countrymen and will help them...now they r invaders and they deserve being fried

Default-user-icon Petros Iason Vangelis (ضيف) 16:15 ,2014 آب 22

hahaha!!! I am always amused at how you manage to debate them with comments that leave them speechless mixed with unparalleled sense of humor. Respect

Missing forces 13:12 ,2014 آب 22

I would have preferred 15 HA militants being killed defending lebanon against IS from within than them being killed fighting someone else's war.

Thumb jabal10452 15:32 ,2014 آب 22

Lebanon has Christians, Shia, Druze, moderate Sunnis and other sects. Lebanon is in the Levant. So Lebanon is in the sights of IS. Sooner or later they are coming for us unless they are destroyed. Hezbollah is fighting them is Syria, but I still believe that Hezbollah is a big part of the problem, and here's why: by building a state-within-the-state, Hezbollah has weakened Lebanese institutions to the point where the country cannot defend itself without Hezbollah's help. Because of this the Lebanese people is divided, and a people divided is doomed to fail.

Thumb jabal10452 15:32 ,2014 آب 22

A better way for Lebanon is for Hezbollah's military to submit to the authority of the state and for the state to effectively seal and defend our borders against IS intrusions. Some of you say it can't be done, but I say just look at Israel: Its borders are effectively sealed and defended, and I don't see any Nusra or IS succeeding in breaching those borders.
IS is a mortal threat to us. Hezbollah is not the solution. A strong, united country is.

Default-user-icon roukuz (ضيف) 15:59 ,2014 آب 22

jabal, you and the aounis should join HA and defend us from ISIL.

Missing forces 13:15 ,2014 آب 22

Roar where is their land exactly? Syria Iraq Tehran or lebanon??

Missing imperatrice 15:52 ,2014 آب 22

so we're "infidels"
wow now ur using the same logic and rhetoric of Al Ka3ida!
even, ahmed the dead terrorist must be twisting in his grave

Default-user-icon wolf (ضيف) 15:57 ,2014 آب 22

he is a shia from ras baalback

Thumb leSayyed 16:10 ,2014 آب 22

I am proud to inform you that your son was martyred in Syria while:
Option #1: Logistically helping Lebanese Shiites who've been living in Syrian towns on the Lebanese border for centuries but for some mysterious reason I cannot explain are not called Syrians.
Option #2: Protecting Shiite shrines.
Option #3: Defending Lebanon by preemptively going to Syrian to fight the Takferis so they don't come to Lebanon.
Option #4: Defeating the Zionist, US, Saudi, Qatari, Turkish and Western conspiracy on Syria.
Option #5: Preventing Bashar's regime from falling.
Option #6: Fighting Da3esh before they get to the Lebanese coast and freak out at the sight of the bikini clad women.
Option #7: A fresh new reason, one of many to be given later by myself. As long as you keep believing this crap we'll keep coming out with new ones.
Option#8: None of the above.
Your son have joined the thousand other martyrs in that great sauna room in the sky, free refreshments will be served on the terrace..

Thumb shab 17:11 ,2014 آب 22


Default-user-icon wolf (ضيف) 16:38 ,2014 آب 22

I would say more like 1,500

Thumb shab 17:11 ,2014 آب 22

Good news

Missing ulpianus 01:51 ,2014 آب 23

They didnt fight Nusra and ISIS in Lebanon or terrorist in Nahr el Bared. Questions is why they are "fighting them" in Syria?