النصرة "تطالب باعتذار من الراعي" على حرق علم داعش
Read this story in Englishطالب تنظيم "جبهة النصرة" الارهابي، البطريرك الماروني الكاردينال مار بشارة بطرس الراعي بالاعتذار على احراق علماً لـ"داعش" في الاشرفية".
فقد أفادت صحيفة "الحياة"، الثلاثاء، نقلاً عن مصادر "هيئة العلماء المسلمين" ان النصرة لن تفرج عن العسكريين المحتجزين لديها "دون مقابل".
ولفتت الى ان مطالبهم توسعت لتشمل "اعتذاراً من الراعي" على حرق راية "داعش" في الاشرفية.
يُذكر ان وزير العدل اشرف ريفي، طلب من القضاء التحرك لملاحقة أشخاص حرقوا علم تنظيم "الدولة الإسلامية" في الأشرفية صباح السبت. وعلل سبب الملاحقة إلى أن "هذه الراية التي كتب عليها شعار لا الله الا الله محمد رسول الله، الذي هو الركن الاول من أركان الدين الاسلامي".
وكانت معلومات صحافية قد أفادت السبت، عن اقدام عدد من مؤيدي جبهة النصرة في طرابلس على إحراق صلبان على اوتستراد التبانة رداً على إحراق علم "داعش". فضلاً عن كتابات معادية للمسيحين ومهددة لهم على جدران الكنائس في طرابلس.
الامر الذي استدعى ريفي الى الطلب من النائب العام لدى محكمة التمييز القاضي سمير حمود، تكليف الجهات القضائية المختصة، إجراء الإستقصاءات والتحريات اللازمة، للتثبت من هذه الوقائع ومكان حدوثها وملاحقة الفاعلين.
ووفق الانباء الصحافية فإن النصرة تطالب بالافراج عن موقوفين اسلاميين في سجن رومية، فضلاً عن انسحاب "حزب الله" من سوريا.
وتنظيم "الدولة الإسلامية" الذي كان يسمى سابقا "الدولة الإسلامية في العراق والشام (داعش)" هو تنظيم متطرف يقاتل في سوريا ضد القوات النظامية والمعارضة وحتى جبهة "النصرة" فرع تنظيم القاعدة في البلد المجاور.
Its not about the isil flag as a symbol its what is writen on it the words are sacred. Everyone remembers 1991 how saddam hussein added the takbeir on the iraqi flag to protect it from being defiled following his invasion of Kuwait. Its just the aounist media cynically rode it for all its worth
Are you kidding or are you confused by the recent rhetoric? Takfiris were not an issue in 1991 Iraq. Unless you believe W Bush and his Saddam + Al Qaeda theory lol.
rifi is guily of inciting sectarian hatred against the christians.
he is a very guilty man
Nothing is sacred. All religious symbols are manmade including religions, prophets and gods.ISIS flag is no exception. To me it is a symbol of Evil, barbarianism and thuggery and worthy of being burned and spit at. If Allah is affraid about using his name in murders and butchery, then he must intervene and save humanity from his fanatic followers.
and what was it exactly that made you think for a second that i gave a rat's .. about what you think?
yeah FT, unity will be brought by you or the likes of you who insult their political opponents 24/7 on this forum!
Can't stop thinking of our captive soldiers and servicemen. Look at the Armenian church in Raqqa and they're asking for an apology:
I totally don't understand those extremists' logic! Killing thousands of people, desecrating churches and other places of worship, burning and pillaging all are fine and are God-mandated. Yet if some people emotionally respond to the atrocities by burning a piece of ugly cloth with some Islamic scripture on it, the terrorists get offended?! Man, AlNusra and their supporters in Tripoli deserve to be impaled for crimes against humanity! and they have the nerve to be offended!?
At the moment the most important is to get the kidnapped back to their families safe.we should not be provoking these animals till at least the detainees are released.after that the army should hunt them down one by one.i believe the detainees should be a priority,maybe we should all calm down and leave it for the army to get them detainees back.I HOPE SO...
ibrahim Kanaan shoulb act like a smart and keep quit is not his neck under the knife he is acting same way as his boss did when he ran to France leaving the soldiers fighting on the battlefield..
i bet if flamethrower were to run in the parliamentary elections, he would win hands down based just on the votes he gets on naharnet.
I do not understand why my comment wad deleted when all i said is that we should all calm down and should not provoking these terrorist and prioritise the release of the abducted soldiers!!!!
Any idea naharnet???
ok. I'll try again to rephrase so I don't get deleted for a 3rd time... Gabby, do not eat anything unsavoury or bananas and you are not a terrorist monkey or K9, but a respected commentator on this site. Yes, Aoun should apologise and beg for forgiveness to Al Nusra and ISIS for the offence caused by someone burning a black flag in Ashrafieh.
Christians in Iran and arab Countries (7atta ma yez3al el ghasheem)
Asif they understand what appology means .They are the ones who should appologise for the families of the beheaded soldier; the american and the thousand other innocent civilians...
Bigjohn do not distort the truth.i am not going to argue with you on whether or not Newmax is zionist website ,the report is a "UN Report".
I hope i did not hurt your feeling or Rouhani s feelings.
it is not about Muslims or Islam ,it is about the Government in Iran or Saudi arabia or qatar etc etc
Eagle dawn?Is you off your head?Aoun?i would not exchange him bi ishrit basle man ...
The Roar though i agree with you but i believe that for now priority should be the safety of our kidnapped soldiers.once back home the army should do anything to take them terrorists down.
if we can't burn the flag unless we apologise...may be its a non ecological... can we use it as a mop?
hehe know what also? i suggest we ring the church bells 5 times each 24h ... I am tired of being confined in air conditioning, boules quies and sleeping pills...lets share the noises in unisson... and i can predict you that they will complain....
hehe know what also? i suggest we ring the church bells 5 times each 24h ... I am tired of being confined in air conditioning, boules quies and sleeping pills...lets share the noises in unisson... and i can predict you that they will complain....
Our country does not practice a true freedom of religions any more neither does it teach the values every religion holds. In this regard I feel sorry for the Christians who think that Tayar Party represents them, while this party considers itself and its leaders seculars above all. Secularism is a religion by itself. Can you imagine the communist party representing the Shiaa or the Druze sects. Good luck getting out of this mud in forty years except by new world order.