احد عسكريي عرسال يتصل بذويه مطالباً بالتحرك للافراج عنهم
Read this story in Englishأجرى أحد العسكريين المختطفين لدى “جبهة النصرة” اتصالاً بزوجته طالباً منها ان تتحرك واهالي الاسرى من أجل الافراج عنهم، وفق ما أفادت قناة “الجديد”.
وفي التفاصيل، تبعاً لـ”الجديد” فإن زوجة العنصر في قوى الأمن الداخي زياد عمر المخطوف لدى جبهة النصرة، تلقت اتصالاً هاتفياً من زوجها طلب منها التحرك للإفراج عن جميع المخطوفين.
وأكد عمر لزوجته ان المخطوفين يعاملون بطريقة جيدة.
بث تنظيم "جبهة النصرة" الارهابي شريطاً مصوراً قبل ظهر الجمعة، يظهر فيه عسكريي عرسال المحتجزين لديه، وهم يتهمون حزب الله بارتكاب جرائم في عرسال وسوريا.
من جهة اخرى ، اكدت معلومات للـLBCI ان العسكريين بيار جعجع وجورج خزاقة هما اللذان اتصلا صباحاً بأهاليهما وطلبا منهم القيام بتظاهرات وتحركات للافراج عنهما.
ومطلع شهر آب الفائت وفي معارك عنيفة مع الجيش اللبناني في بلدة عرسال قام المسلحون بأسر أكثر من 35 عنصراً من الجيش وقوى الأمن. واعلن قائد الجيش العماد جان قهوجي ان عدد عناصر الجيش المفقودين "يبلغ 20، ومن الاحتمال أن يكون بعضهم قد استشهد".
وكانت جبهة النصرة قد افرجت عن عدد من المخطوفين، وسط معلومات صحافية عن مطالبة الخاطفين بمقايضة العسكريين بعدد من السجناء الاسلاميين في رومية.
they have been treated well have they, except sayyed who was mercilessly beheaded. i hope lebanon gets these people back, it seems the corrupt politicians would be working harder had they been assir or hezbollah members.
Eliminate interference with other countries business by disarming every Lebanese and have a strong iron fist army is the solution. No one should be allowed to carry a gun except the ISF and army.
ISF handles internal matters and the army guards the borders.
I would say reach an exchange deal to get our soldiers back with the political decision to strip all the released prisoners from their Lebanese citizenship (if they are Lebanese)and to export all of them outside the country (Lebanese or not).
We can always arrest more of them (or their families/supporters) at any time in the future if they threaten the State again.
Our soldiers are precious and victims of our Government's negligence of their proper arming, training and political bickering.
Is anyone surprised that this group, Nusra would use hostages as agents and provocateurs in their own cause, to play on the sensitivities of the families of the hostages to agitate for advancement of the hostage takers' agenda. It is a violation of the Geneva Convention, but then, so is cutting people's heads off with dull knives.
For the sake of the nation, these people cannot be dealt with, but must be removed from Lebanese territory by any means necessary.
Of course the families will do all they can to release their loved ones...the media has a responsibility to not become the tool of these terrorists.Reporting Al Nusra as if they are some righteous syrian rebel group...They are Al Qaida! They are allied with ISIS! Any messages released by the captive LAF or ISF are released by al nusra for a reason. The Lebanese Government cannot negotiate or release prisoners in exchange for the terrorists captives because it encourages them to kidnap more in the future!
May God give strength to the captives and their families.... We all pray for their safe release and if a payment by a foreign country ensures their release then so be it.The murder of the LAF and ISF prisoners will be the wrong move! Release them and retreat to Syria and don't make the mistake of involving Lebanon. Lebanese christians are not syrian or iraqi or egyptian. Read a book and learn from history that there is a reason Lebanon's mountains always echo with church bells!
the one that threaten to silence those church bells was the free sunnis of baalbak brigade a hezballlah syrian michel samaha like propaganda tool to sow sectarian strife and hyped by alakhbar and otv, that's irrefutable.